山东省 2019 年专升本考试英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章山东省 2019 年专升本考试英语试题更新完毕开始阅读306044abd7bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2534dd15e

66. 那个人的脾气并非像你描述的那么坏。 D. The news that he has won the game is exciting.

Part 2


Part IV Translation (2 points each, 20 points) Section A English-Chinese Translation

Directions:TranslatethefollowingsentencesfromthereadingpassagesinPartIintoChinese. 71. Don't use a friend's tragedy as an excuse to drag out similar experiences you'vehad. 72. The grief and sorrow can range in intensity and duration and often lasts a fewyears. 73. Wild as these notions may sound every one has its advocates (and opposers) in the scientific community as well as its striking commercialapplication.

74. But when men began to build cities, they wanted to have a special day on which to trade, a marketday.

75. When the Egyptians adopted the seven-day week, they named the days after five planets, the sun and themoon. Section B Chinese-English Translation

Directions: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

76. 他再也不是十五年前的那个他了。 77. 我从未去过北京,但那是我最想去的城市。

78. 你一旦决定了想从事的研究领城,就应该同你的老师讨论下。

79. 为了与他人保持良好的关系,你应该具备优秀的处理人际关系的能力。 80. 我对于他所说的一切很感兴趣。 Part V Writing (15 points)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minces to write a short essay entitled Can Paper Reading Be Replaced by Online Reading? You should write at least 120 words

following the outline givenbelow.


(2) 读纸板书籍给我们带來的乐趣是网络阅读达不到的。 (3) 你的观点。