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考点:shrug off 耸肩表示对?不屑理睬:He shrugged off their criticism. 他对他们的批评不屑一顾。

7. urge

用法:vt. (1)激励,力劝,催促:He urged me to join their company.他力劝我加入他们公司。

(2)强调,力陈:He urged that we (should) take such steps. 他极力主张我们采取这些步骤。

They urged that they go to Europe. 他们强调应该去欧洲。

考点:urge 后接从句时,从句用虚拟语气,即从句中的谓语动词用(should)+动词原形,类似的动词还有: suggest, demand, order, request, require 等。如:She urged that her son write and accept the post. 她敦促儿子写信接受那个职位。urge sb. to do/into doing 敦促某人干?:Mother urged me not to tell you anything about it. 母亲劝我不要告诉你任何关于这事的事。

典型考题:The problems requiring immediate solution will be given ______ at the meeting. A. priority B. urgency C. superiority D. emergency

答案为A。译文:需要立即解决的问题在大会上要给予优先考虑。priority 优先,优先权;urgency 紧迫,急迫;superiority 优越性,优等,优势;emergency 紧急情况。 罪行。

8. postpone 用法:vt. 推迟,延期(到一个具体日期):The meeting has been postponed to next Tuesdays. 会议延期到下星期二举行。

Would it be possible to postpone the party? 有可能推迟晚会吗?

典型考题:As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order , we have to ______ it. A. postpone B. refuse C. delay D. cancel 答案为D。我们没时间等我们要的东西了,只有取消它。 Cancel取消;postpone推迟;refuse拒绝;delay推迟,耽搁。 (同)put off delay

辨析:postpone delay put off都有“推迟,延期”之意。

postpone是正式用语,语义较强,指“有意识地延至将来某一特定时间”。在多数情况下,后面说明改在何时进行。常与until/till引出的短语或从句连用。The sports meeting has to be postponed till May holiday. 运动会不得不延期到五一期间。 delay指“暂时阻挠或阻挡,稍后可继续进行”。常与for加一段时间连用。还可指因疏忽或松懈而耽误,拖延做某事。The carelessness delayed the project. 粗心耽搁了计划。

put off与postpone大致相同,但较通俗口语化。The teacher put off the examination. 老师推迟了考试。

9. reference

用法:n. (1)参考,查阅,参照:The route is best seen by reference to the map. 查一查地图,路线就能看的非常清楚了。

This is for your reference. 这仅供你参考。


You should list all the references at the end of your paper. 你应该在你的论文后列出所有的参考文献。

(3)言及,提及:She made frequent references to her promotion. 她极力主张我们


There is a reference to Tom in my book. 在我的书里提到了汤姆。

He made no reference to his illness till after the lesson. 直到课后他才提到了他的病情。

典型考题:We are writing to the manager _______ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.

A. with the exception of B. with the purpose of

C. with reference to D. with a view to

答案为C。译文:我们正在给经理写一封有关上述地方进行的修理活动的信。with reference to有关于,根据;with the exception of将?除外;with the purpose of为了;with a view to为了,为的是。 10. absolutely

用法:ad. 绝对地:It’s absolutely impossible.这绝对是不可能的。 He refused absolutely. 他一口拒绝了。

典型考题:Since he _______ refused to discuss the matter any further, we had to look for other ways of solutions.

A. absolutely B. nearly C. seldom D. namely

答案为A。 译文:既然他完全拒绝再讨论这个问题,我们只好寻找其他的解决方法。 Absolutely完全地; nearly几乎;seldom 几乎不;namely就是,换句话说。 11. reunion

用法:n. (1)重聚,(家庭)团聚:a class reunion同学聚会。

a family reunion at Christmas圣诞节的合家团聚。

(2)再结合,再联合,和好:a reunion of the different schools不同学派的再联合 12. mostly

用法:ad. (1)主要地,大部分,多半:The people present were mostly fairly young. 在场的人大部分都相当的年轻。

The medicine was mostly sugar and water. 这药主要成份是水和糖。 典型考题:She uses her car _____ for going to the shops.

A. uniquely B. enormously C. startlingly D. mostly

答案为D。 译文:她主要在去商店时才使用她的汽车。mostly主要地; uniquely独一无二地; enormously巨大地; startlingly令人吃惊地。

13. awful

用法:a. (1)(口语)非常的,极度的,糟透了的:I have got an awful lot of work to do. 我有非常多的工作要做。I feel awful.我感觉糟透了。

(2)可怕的:This is an awful film.这是一部可怕的电影。 an awful storm 可怕的暴风雨

ad. (口语)非常:I’m awfully sorry. 真对不起。

典型考题:There was an ______ flood in my hometown last autumn.

A. bitter B. awful C. lucky D. evil 答案为B。 译文:去年秋天我的家乡经历了一场可怕的水灾。awful可怕的; bitter痛苦的; lucky幸运的; evil邪恶的。

14. destination

用法:n. (1)目的地;终点:The parcel was sent to the wrong destination. 包裹寄错地址了。 典型考题:Don’t worry. We’ll soon be at our ______ and you can join your families. A. underground B. destination C. goal D. destiny 答案为B。 译文:别担心,我们很快就会到达目的地,你就可以见到你的家人了。destination

目的地; underground地铁,地道; goal目标; destiny命运。

15. skip

用法:v. (1)轻快地跳,蹦:The lambs were skipping about in the fields.小羊在田野上跳来跳去。

skip over an obstacle 跳跃障碍物。

(2)略过,跳过(指看书,写字等):She skips the hard words when she reads.当她阅读是她跳过那些难的词。

The teacher skipped the chapter five and said it wouldn’t be on the test.老师跳过第五章节并说那将不会在考试中出现。

(3)匆匆地或随便地由一处到另处:She skipped from one subject to another. 她讲得没有条理,东拉西扯。

n. (1)轻跳:He gives a skip to avoid the puddle. 他纵身跳过水坑。

(2)看漏,跳过,略过:He read the novel without a skip. 他从头至尾读完了全本小说。



skipping-rope 跳绳用的绳子

典型考题:They _______ their weekly visit this Sunday and went to the church instead. A. skipped B. hopped C. jumped D. looped

答案为A。 译文:这星期天他们没有进行每周例行的访问,而是去了教堂。skipped略过,跳过; hopped单足跳; jumped跳动,跳跃; looped打成环,使成圈。

辨析:skip hop jump都有“跳”的意思。 skip用单脚轻跳(两只脚轮流跳)。The girls are skipping. 女孩们正在玩跳绳。

hop用同一只脚单跳。The little girl is hopping towards her mother. 小女孩跳着扑向她的妈妈 jump用双脚跳。 He jumped into the river to rescue the boy. 他跳进河去救那个小孩。 16. practically

用法:ad. (1)几乎,简直, 实际上:I know people who find it practically impossible to give up smoking.我知道一些人几乎是不可能戒烟的。

His work is practically unknown here. 他的作品在这里实际上不为人知。

(2)实际地, 实事求是地: She solved the problem very practically. 她很实事求是地解决了这个问题。

There was practically one room in it, and the room was practically full. 里面实际上只有一个房间,而且这个房间几乎满了。

典型考题:Without telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of ______ every business operation in the whole country.

A. practically B. preferably C. precisely D. presumably

答案为A。 译文:如果没有电话,全国几乎所有商业运作都将无法正常运行。practically几乎; preferably较适合地; precisely精确地; presumably可能地。 记忆法:practical a. 实际的,实用的,有实用价值的 practical joke 恶作剧 IV 重要短语

1. a couple of 用法:(1)几个:She usually jogs a couple of miles every morning. 她通常每天早上要慢跑两三英里。

(2)一对, 一双, 两个: I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don’t make a pair. 我在卧室里找到两只袜子,但不配对。

(3)两人,两件事物:I saw a couple of men get out. 我看见有两个人出去了。 I’ll stay for a couple more hours. 我再多待两个小时。 2. be lost in

用法:专心致志于:She was lost in the work. 她埋头工作。 扩展:lose oneself in 与be lost in语意一致。 (近义短语)concentrate on/upon

be occupied with

be absorbed in

3. choke up 用法:(1) (因激动等)哽咽得说不出话:He choked up and couldn’t finish his speech. 他过分激动而未能把话说完。

(2)堵塞:During the rush hour roads are usually choked up with traffic. 在交通高峰期,道路常被堵塞。

4. come up

用法: (1)发生,出现:“Sorry, I am late—something came up at home.”对不起,我来迟了。家里发生点儿事。

I’ll let you know if anything comes up.如果发生什么我会让你知道的。 (2)升到地平线上:The sun came up. 太阳升起来了。 (3)接近,靠近:come up and say hello 靠近并打招呼。

典型考题:This piece of work doesn’t _______ your usual high standard.

A. come up B. come up to C. come up with D. come out

答案为B。 译文:这份工作不符合你通常的高水准。come up发生,提出; come up to符合,达到; come up with提出; come out出现;出版。 扩展: come up with提出,想出

come through经历??还活着

come to苏醒

5. every now and then

用法:有时,时常,不时:John comes to visit me every now and then. 约翰时常来看我。 I go to the opera every now and then. 我有时去看歌剧。 引申:at times 时常

6. go ahead 用法:(1)行进在前面,先走:You go ahead and tell him that we are coming. 你先走一步,告诉他我们就来。

(2)着手:Go ahead with your plan. I fully support you. 开始实施这项计划,我完全支持你。

(3)继续前进:Henry will be late but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway.亨利迟到了但不管怎样我们将继续开会。

The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go ahead.警察检查了车后让他们继续前进。

典型考题:David likes country life and has decided to ________ farming.

A. go in for B. go through with C. go back on D. go along with