基于因子分析的钢铁行业上市公司财务综合分析与评价 联系客服

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Based On The Factor Analysis Of Iron And Steel Industry Listed Companies Comprehensive Financial Analysis And


学 院: 商学院 专业班级: 会计学 D会计08 学生姓名: 潘小乐 学 号: 510930131 指导教师: 戴华江(副教授)

2012 年 6 月







年 月 日


基于因子分析的钢铁行业上市公司财务综合分析与评价 摘 要:随着经济的飞速发展,企业的利益相关者越来越注重企业的财务分析结果。本文选用38家上市的钢铁公司2011年度财务报表数据,对钢铁行业上市公司盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力、发展能力和现金流量五个方面的12个财务指标进行了因子分析。分析结论是:金岭矿业、鲁银投资和大冶特钢的综合排名较前,排在前三位,说明三家企业的综合能力较强;而鞍钢股份、韶钢松山和重庆钢铁的综合排名较后,排在了倒数三位,说明与其他企业相比其综合能力较差。最后根据分析的实际情况提出了改进意见。 关键词:钢铁行业;上市公司;因子分析;财务分析 毕业论文外文摘要

Based On The Factor Analysis Of Iron And Steel Industry Listed Companies Comprehensive Financial Analysis And Evaluation

Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, the stakeholders of enterprises pay more and more attention to the enterprise financial analysis results. This paper selects38 listed Steel Corp in the 2011annual financial report data, on the iron and steel industry listing Corporation profitability, operation ability, debt paying ability, development ability and cash flow in five aspects of12 financial index factor analysis. The analysis conclusion is: Jinling mining, good investment and Daye special steel integrated top, top three, three of enterprises comprehensive ability; and Angang Steel Company, Chongqing iron and steel SGIS and comprehensive ranking of later, ranked in the bottom three, and other enterprises compared to its comprehensive ability of the poor.Finally according to the analysis of the actual situation puts forward suggestions for improvement.

Keywords: Eteel industry;Listed companies;Factor analysis;Financial analysis