南岸区2014九年级一模试卷(手打) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章南岸区2014九年级一模试卷(手打)更新完毕开始阅读328e247d90c69ec3d5bb75a9

62. ______ doesn’t mind wherever they go for a vacation.

A. The writer B. Her father C. Her mother D. Her brother 63. The writer had a really good rest because ______. A. fishing made her forget everything

B. she enjoyed the beautiful scenery

C. the trip made her forget all about her studies D. she enjoyed an old western movie with cowboys

64. The underlined word managed in the last paragraph might mean _____ in Chinese. A. 管理 B. 运用 C. 设法 D. 安排 65. The best title of the passage might be “_______”.

A. My Family and I B. Spending Time with the Family Is Enjoyable C. An Exciting Family Trip D. My Cabin Holiday Prepares me for Exams




What are the most popular kinds of exercise in the United States? For many Americans, they like easy and cheap ways of exercise.

Among different ways of exercise, walking is the most popular. Walking is easy. It is also a safer way of exercise because it causes less harm on knees and feet. A lot of Americans take a walk to keep fit. It’s quite popular in America. The second most popular way of exercise is jogging. Jogging can help people protect their hearts and lungs. What’s more, it is a good way to lose weight.

Dancing lists the third in the most popular ways of exercise in America. Girls like it more than boys.

Swimming is the fourth most popular sport. Most parts of your body are working while you are swimming. It is also an effective way to keep fit.

No matter which kind of exercise you like, you should keep on doing it. The more exercise you take, the healthier you will be.

66. Do many Americans like easy and cheap ways of exercise?

_____________________________________________________ 67. Which is the most popular way of exercise in the United States? _____________________________________________________ 68. How many kinds of exercise are talked about in this passage? _____________________________________________________ 六.完成句子。(没空1分,共8分)

根据所给提示,完成句子。 每空一词,含略缩词。

69. There are some nice after-class clubs every day.(改为否定句) There _______ ______ nice after-class clubs every day.

70. The students of our school have P.E classes four times a week.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ do the students of our school have P.E classes?

71. We hold the door open for the one after us to go through easily.(改为同义句) We hold the door open ______ _______ the one after us can go through easily. 72. 自今年二月以来,我们一直都在忙于准备中考。(完成译句)

We’ve been _________ _______ ready for the exams for high schools since this February. 七.口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分)



A. Certainly. I can help you. B. What do you want me to do? C. You have to wait for about an hour.

D. you play computer games all the time and never help with the housework.

E. I’m too tired. F. But the room is already pretty clean! G. So much?

A: Jerry, could you please help with a few things?

B: Could I play another computer game for a while, mom? A: No. ________73_________

B: Well, I work all day at school and do homework all evening. ________74__________. A: I work all day, too. I’m just as tired as you are! And I think one game is enough for you. B: OK._____75______

A: Could you please make your bed, wash the dishes and then take the dog for a walk? B: ______76_______

A: Yes, dad will be back from work very soon. He won’t be happy when he sees the dirty room. B: _______77________

A: Yes, it’s clean, but it’s not “mother clean”! 八.短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


A person will be a good one when he has good friends, so we can know a man by the books he reads as well as by the friends he _______, because there is a friendship of books as well as men, and the people always live with the best friends, ________ it is a book or a person.

A good book is like a best friend. It stays with us today, and it always does, and it will _______ change. It is the most patient and pleasant friend. It does not go away from us when we are poor or in _______. It always faces us with the same kindness. It can give us knowledge when we are ________, and hope when we are old.

We know two _______ sometimes become friends by liking the same person, so people usually make friends because they read the same book. There is an old _________. “Love me, love my dog.” And now we can say, “Love me, love my ________.” People can think, feel and talk with each other through their favorite writer. They have the same topic to talk about 九.书面表达(共15分)

假如你是陈寒,你的外籍教师Tom即将离开重庆回到加拿大,请你根据如下提示,代表全班同学给Tom写一封电子邮件,表达感激之情。 要点提示:

1. 感谢Tom曾经为你们所做的…… 2. 祝愿他回加拿大之旅顺利愉快,未来…… 3. 欢迎再次来渝。 要求:

1. 词数:80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 Dear Tom,

It’s my great honor to write this email to you to show something special to you from all of the students you taught, _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Love, Chen Han