2015年湖北省技能高考文化综合试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2015年湖北省技能高考文化综合试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读33b8738e31b765ce040814a5

28. 若公差不为零的等差数列的第2、3、6项构成等比数列,则该等比数列的公比为——— 。 六、解答题 (本大题共3小题,每小题12分,共36分)

应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤。 29. 解答下列问题

(I)设向量a=(2,m), b=(2,1), c=(n,-8),且3a?2b?c?(20,15),求实数m,

n的值 ; (5分)

(II)已知向量a=(4,5),b=(-3,1),c=(5,3),求向量a?c与b的夹角? 。(7分)

30. 解答下列问题

(I)求2sin240?cos330?tan405的值;(6分) (II)已知sin(2???)?3???3sin(???3?)?3???cos(2???)的值。,且角???求,2??,25tan(???)2??(6分)

31. 解答下列问题

(I)求与直线l1:4x?2y?5?0平行,且纵截距为-2的直线l2的一般式方程;(5分) (II)已知点A(2,5)与B(a,b)(a,b为实数),且线段AB的中点为C(1,1),求点B





32.——What kind of food do you like best? —— I like ______ best

A. chicken and potato B. chickens and potato C. chicken and potatoes D. chickens and potatoes

33. I’d like to know ______ you offer some course on career education for adults. A. that B. whether C. what D. which

34. If you can come to join us tomorrow , we _______ for you A. wait B. are waiting C. waited D. will wait

35. I don’t like iced tea , and she doesn’t,_____。 A. too B. either C. neither D. so

36. She has never heard such a terrible story _______ he told. A. like B. as C. which D. that

37. Zhang. Min couldn’t draw money _____ the ATM because he forgot the pin. A. from B. to C. with D. for 38. ——Thomas Hill is 2.03 meters tall.

——Oh, _____ tall man he is!

A. how B. how a C. what a D. what

39. It _____ that the car accident was caused by the driver’s carelessness. A. is reported B. report C. reported D. is reporting

40. My friends and I enjoyed ourselves, Nobody regretted ___ that evening party together. A. spend B. to spend C. spending D. spent

41. ——Good morning! What can I do for you, sir? ——I’ll have to _____ because there is something wrong with the screen.

A. replace my computer B. my computer replace

C. have replaced my computer D. have my computer replaced 八、阅读理解(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

阅读下列短文,短文后面有五个小题,请从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案,未选、错选或多选均不得分。 “You can have the same neighbors for years.” the old man said. “You love them , or you think you love them . And you hope they love you. But do you ever really understand them?”

Charlie Kemp and his family lived next door to me for fifteen years. We were good friends for all that time. I enjoy friendship—I’m sure it’s the best thing in the world. And friendship with the Kemps was easy , because they seemed to welcome it. They were interesting and clever people, but they were always in some sort of trouble. It was usually illness or accident, but there were other things too .For example their house caught fire twice, and twice the whole family slept in mine. They were always losing things—money, keys, a watch, a camera. Pictures fell off the walls; the children fell out of bed … I used to wake in the morning and think: “what will happed?”

I was their neighbor and their friend. Life was always interesting, never dull. Best of all, I liked the whole family.

One day I made a fire in my garden and was burning some rubbish. After a time Charlie Kemp came out of his house and walked up the road. “Morning Charlie,” I said, “Lovely day, isn’t it?” He smiled and nodded. I went on with my work.

Twenty minutes later a policeman arrived. He walked into my garden and said: “You’ll have to put out that fire. Your neighbor has complained to us. He doesn’t like the smell”.

“My neighbor….?” I said.

“Yes.” The policeman took out his notebook and asked. Charlie Kemp, He lives next door, doesn’t he?”

42. In the passage, the old man talked a lot about______。 A. his new friend B. his old neighbor

C. his warning from the police D. his trouble with gardening

43. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 suggests that the Kemps______。 A. hated the smell of burning leaves B. were interesting and clever people

C. enjoyed greeting the old man every morning

D. needed and never refused the old man’s help

44. It can be seen from Paragraph 3 that the Kemps were______。 A. timid B. friendly C. careless D. helpful

45. By “What will happen?”(Para. 3), the old man makes us believe that______。 A. the kemps kept getting into trouble B. he liked to stay with the Kemps

C. Charlie would complain to the police D. he would offer help to the Kemps

46. What did the old man realize in the end? ______。 A. Life was interesting

B. The burning smell was terrible C. The Kemps were honest

D. He failed to understand his neighbor

2015年湖北省技能高考 文化综合试题参考答案



1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D















①暗示邓丽君、张爱玲的亡故,表达了对她们的哀思。 ②象征二人的逝世如


