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发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 课时分层作业19(含解析)新人教版必修1更新完毕开始阅读34f762d6b5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd18525189c




These smart actresses attended Ivy League schools,even if they were already busy with the red carpet.

◆Claire Danes

Claire Danes got her start on the teen drama My SoCalled Life which won her a Golden Globe Award.By the time she started attending Yale in 1998,she was already a famous movie star.It wasn't surprising that Danes didn't last very long in college because she was busy as an in demand actress.Danes has won two Primetime Emmys

for her character in Homeland.

◆Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman starred in Star Wars and had a good performance in Black Swan,but she's also a total bookworm.The actress is extremely serious about her studies and graduated from Harvard in 2003.After filming Where the Heart Is,Portman moved right into the

Harvard University to complete a degree in psychology(心理学).Portman took a four-year leave from acting to focus on her studies.

◆Maggie Gyllenhaal

Maggie Gyllenhaal isn't just an actress;she's an Ivy League graduate and full-time mommy!The daughter of filmmakers Stephen Gyllenhaal and Naomi Achs had Hollywood in her blood but moved away to attend Columbia University in New York and graduated in

1999.Presently,Gyllenhaal focuses on acting.She's done work for many charities including Witness,an organization that supports people in using video to fight for human rights.

◆Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling is the third Ivy League graduate to go on to star

in The Office.Kaling graduated from Dartmouth in 2001 with a theater degree.In her book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?she joked that she attended such a famous college to“pursue(追求)her love of white people”.After graduating,the funny woman pursued acting and eventually landed a role in The Office.

【语篇解读】 语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是文化娱乐。文章介绍了四位女演员,她们都有美国常春藤名校深造的经历。

1.Why did Claire Danes drop out of Yale? A.She was forced to leave by the university. B.She needed to star in Homeland. C.She was busy with her acting career. D.She did poorly in school.

C [细节理解题。根据有关Claire Danes介绍中的It wasn't surprising that Danes didn't last very long in college because she was busy as an in-demand actress可知,Claire Danes忙于演艺事业,无暇顾及大学学业,故而辍学。]

2.What is special about Maggie Gyllenhaal? A.She is a funny woman.

B.She has made a contribution to charity. C.She asked a long leave from the university. D.She had been famous before going to university.

B [细节理解题。根据有关Maggie Gyllenhaal介绍中的She's done work for many charities including Witness可知,她为慈善机构做了很多工作,这是她的特别之处。]

3.Who has written a book? A.Claire Danes. B.Natalie Portman. C.Maggie Gyllenhaal. D.Mindy Kaling.

D [细节理解题。根据有关Mindy Kaling 介绍中的In her book Is Everyone Hanging

Out Without Me?she joked that...可知Kaling出过书。]


Was there a luckier guy on campus than Sanford Greenberg?Here he was,a poor kid from Buffalo,New York,on full scholarships,taking classes from superstar professors at Columbia University.

But in the summer just before his junior year,Greenberg's fortune(命运) changed.He was playing baseball,when his vision“steamed up”.He had to lie down

on the grass until the clouds went away.

Back at school that fall,Greenberg had more similar experiences,but he didn't tell anyone.He didn't believe it was anything serious.However,his roommates-Garfunkel and Speyer-saw that he was having trouble.On the first morning of final exams,Greenberg started writing at 9 am.By 10:30,he couldn't see a thing.Doctors operated on Greenberg's eyes,but the operation didn't work.Greenberg was going blind.He was so depressed that he refused to see anyone from college.Garfunkel came around and persuaded Greenberg to go back to Columbia and offered to be his reader.The next term,Greenberg returned to school.Garfunkel and Speyer read textbooks to him,and Greenberg ended up scoring straight A's.Still,he was afraid to get around alone and relied on his friends to help him.

Then,one afternoon,Greenberg and Garfunkel went to Manhattan.When it was time for Greenberg to go back to campus,Garfunkel said he had an appointment and couldn't accompany(陪伴)him.Greenberg was shocked.They argued,and Garfunkel walked off,leaving Greenberg alone.Greenberg walked through the crowd.He took a train west to Times Square,and then changed to another train.Four miles later,he got off at the Columbia University stop.At the university's gate,someone ran into him.

“Excuse me,sir.”

Greenberg knew the voice.It was Garfunkel's.Greenberg's first reaction was anger,but in the next second,he realized what he had just accomplished.

【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。Greenberg上大学时双目失明,但幸运的是他得到了室友的鼎力帮助。

4.What happened to Greenberg just before his junior year? A.He couldn't afford school fees. B.He couldn't see things clearly. C.His scholarship was canceled. D.His leg was broken.

B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的...his vision“steamed up”和第三段中的By 10:30,he couldn't see a thing可知,他眼前出现了一层雾蒙蒙的东西,也就是说,他的眼睛出了问题。]

5.How did Greenberg's roommates help him? A.They helped him finish his studies. B.They accompanied him everywhere. C.They raised money for his operation.

D.They encouraged him to fight the disease.

A [细节理解题。根据第三段中的Garfunkel and Speyer read textbooks to him,and Greenberg ended up scoring straight A's 可知,Greenberg双目失明,他的室友就读课本给他听,帮他完成学业。]

6.Why did Garfunkel insist on leaving Greenberg to keep his appointment? A.They had a quarrel not long before. B.He wanted to give him a great fright. C.He wanted to make him independent. D.The appointment was quite important.

C [推理判断题。根据文末可推知,Garfunkel之所以执意离开Greenberg是想锻炼他在失明的情况下独立出行。]

7.What is the text mainly about?

A.Greenberg is the luckiest man in the world. B.Fortune is easily found,but hard to be kept. C.Misunderstanding between friends is normal. D.As a man goes blind,his friends watch his back.

D [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章讲述了Greenberg双目失明,室友帮助他的故事。]


The first time I traveled by myself was when I volunteered in Nicaragua. I was sitting in my chemistry class when a man came in to __1__ the advertisement about a(n) __2__ I had never heard of,GIVE Volunteers.With little research I __3__ myself that this was a step I should take and __4__ myself up.

Sitting on an old school bus full of 30 other volunteers,I was traveling to a small fishing village.__5__ the first 12 hours could be a little awkward and __6__,I grew to love that group of __7__ and some of them are still my __8__ now,four years later.We started in a small town,__9__ kids in a small school.

Poverty(贫困)in some of these places was __10__,and you can't imagine how the local people __11__ their lives.I saw things that I had __12__ seen on the news before and never thought I would __13__ these first hand.But those two weeks were the most __14__ weeks of my 18 years of life.In moments of great fear,I often questioned __15__ I went.I got sick and __16__ home and my mom,but the more I __17__,the more I realized that the best things in life were held at the __18__ side of fear.And I also gained a new respect for the world,for my family and friends and all that I have.Little