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1. 语态:

1) 英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态

主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 Cats eat fish. (主动语态)猫吃鱼。 Fish is eaten by cats. (被动语态)鱼被猫吃。 2)被动语态的构成

由“助动词be +及物动词的过去分词”构成。(如果要强调动作的执行者,可加上by+执行者。

助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be 作为连系动词时完全一样。 时态 被动语态结构 例句 一般现在am/is/are done English is spoken by many people. 时 许多人说英语。 一般过去was/were done Rome wasn’t built in a day. 时 罗马不是一天建成的 shall/will be done A library will be built in the city. 一般将来 市里将建一个图书馆 时 am/is/are going to be The plan is going to be discussed at the done meeting tomorrow. 该计划将会在明天的会议上讨论。 should/would be done He told me that he would be taught a lesson by 过去将来 his father. 时 was/were going to be 他告诉我他会被他的爸爸教训一顿。 done He told me the plan was going to be discussed at the meeting他告诉我该计划将会在会议上讨论 现在进行am/is/are being done The car is being repaired. 时 车正在被修理。 过去进行was/were being done The car was being repaired at this time 时 yesterday. 昨天的这个时候车正在被修理。 现在完成have/has been done This novel has been translated into many 时 languages. 这部小说已被译成多种语言。 过去完成had been done When he reached the station, all the tickets 时 had been sold out. 当他到车站时票已售完 注:done 即及物动词的过去分词。 3)含有情态动词的被动语态由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。如: The trees may be planted in spring. 树可在春天种植。 The room must be kept clean. 房间必须保持整洁。



Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.青少年应当被允许选择他们自己的衣服。 4)被动语态的用法


English is spoken in Canada. 加拿大说英语。

The bridge was built in 1949. 这座桥建于1949年。 The car is being repaired. 车正在被修理。

This novel has been translated into many languages. 这部小说已被译成多种语言。 The plan is going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. 该计划将会在明天的会议上讨论。


①be supposed to “应该” What am I supposed to do? 我该怎么做?

②It is said that…据说 It is believed that…据信 It is reported that…据报道

It is estimated that…据估计 It is thought that…有人认为 It is well known


It is generally agreed that…人们通常认为 It can be seen that…可以看出 It has been found that…研究/实验表明 It has been shown that…业已表明 It must be realized that…必须认识到 It used to be said that…常言道


①有些不及物动词与easily, quickly, well等副词连用表示主语的内在特征、性质或状态

时,习惯用主动形式表示被动意义。(常见的有sell, lock, close, open, wash, write, start, begin, wear, read.) This kind of shirts sell well.这种衬衫很好卖。The door lock easily.这门很容易锁。The pen writes well.这笔很好用。

②在形容词worth和动词need, want, require等后以动名词的主动形式表被动意义。 The movie is worth watching. 这部电影值得一看。 Your hair needs cutting. 你的头发需要理了。

③某些系动词如feel(摸上去), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来),

look(看上去), prove(证明是)等,也习惯以主动形式表示被动意义。

The design proved to be a success.该设计被证明是成功的。 This kind of paper feels very soft.这种纸摸起来很柔软。 The desk looks old. 这张桌子看上去很旧。 Good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。 2. allow 允许,准许

1)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

Mother allows me to watch TV every night. 妈妈允许我每晚看电视。 2)allow doing sth. 允许做某事

We don’t allow smoking in public.我们不允许在公共场所吸烟。 3)be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态)

LiLy is allowed to go to Hangzhou. 莉莉被允许去杭州。

3. a sixteen-year-old “一个16岁的孩子/青少年”如:Tom is a sixteen-year-old



sixteen-year-olds“16岁的孩子们/青少年们” 如:two sixteen-year-olds两个16岁的孩子 sixteen-year-old adj.“16岁的”作前置定语Tom is a sixteen-year-old student.汤姆是个16


sixteen years old “16岁”作表语 Tom is sixteen years old. 汤姆16岁。 4. have/get + sth.+ done(过去分词) 使某事被做;请某人做某事 I have/get my car repaired 我让别人修理了我的车汽车。 I can’t get the car started.我无法把小轿车开动起来。 get their ears pierced 穿耳洞 5. enough 足够

1)形容词/副词+enough 如:beautiful enough 足够漂亮 2)enough+名词 如:enough food 足够的食物 3)enough to 足够…去做… 如:

I have enough money to go to Beijing. 我有足够的钱去北京。 She is old enough to go to school. 她够大去读书了。 6. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 请停止说话。 __________________

stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 请停下来说话。 _________________

stop sb from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。 没人能阻止我去那儿。____________

can’t stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事 他忍不住哭了。________________

7. seem v.看起来……,似乎……,好像……

1) seem + ( to be ) adj. / n. 2) seem + to do

3) It seems + that 引导的从句 4) It seems + as if引导的从句 ①他好像很悲伤。

②他的父亲看起来像个亲切的人。 ③他似乎什么都知道

④看样子,他们终归得结婚。It seemed as if they would marry in the end. 8. need 需要

1) 情态动词:后接动词原形 2)实义动词

① sb need to do sth 某人需要做某事 Yong people need to sleep ② sth need doing = sth need to be done 某物需要被……

The bike needs repairing. = The bike needs to be repaired.这辆自行车需要修理。 9. at that age 在那个年龄 at the age of... 在……岁的时候 10. agree vi. 同意,赞同,应允,意见一致

1)agree with sb 与某人意见一致,同意某人(的意见) 2)agree about/on sth 在某事或某方面达成一致的意见

3)agree to + n. ( plan计划,suggestion建议,arrangement安排,proposal提议 ) 4)agree to do sth 同意做某事



①我和你意见相同。 I agree ___ you. = I agree with what you say. ②对于那件事他们意见一致。 They agree ____ the matter. ③老板同意我的计划。The boss agreed ___ my plan. ④他答应帮助我们。 He agreed _____ us. 10. 倒装句

1)so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 意为:…也是一样(后者与前者情况一样) She is a student. So am I. 她是一个学生,我也是。

She went to school just now. So did I . 她刚才去学校了,我也是

Tom has finished the work. So have I . 汤姆已经完成了工作,我也完成了。

She will go to school. So will he. 她将去学校,他也是。

Lucy can play soccer. So can Lily. Lucy会踢足球。Lily也会。



-She is a student. 她是一个学生 -So she is. 的确如此。

--She went to school just now. 她刚才去学校了。--So she did. 的确如此。 -- Tom has finished the work. 汤姆已经完成了工作。--So he has. 的确如此。 -- Lucy can play soccer. Lucy会踢足球。So she can. 的确如此。 11. stay up 熬夜 如:I often stay up until 12:00pm.我经常熬夜到12点。

12. clean up 打扫 整理 如: I have cleaned up the bedroom. 我已经打扫完了卧室。 Section B 1. fail

1) fail the test = fail in the test 考试不及格,没通过考试

pass the test 考试及格,通过了考试 take the test 参加考试

2) fail to do sth 未能做某事 I failed to pass the driving exam. 我未能通过驾照考试。 2. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉/要求严格 be strict in sth.. 对某事要求严格

Our English teacher is very strict with us, and she is also very strict in her work. 我们的英语老师对我们要求很严,而且她对自己的工作要求很严。

3. the other day 前几天 I met Zhang Yishan the other day 前几天我遇到了张一山。 another day 改天 He may come another day. 他可能改天来。 4. concentrate on… 全神贯注,专心于

He decided to concentrate on physics because he failed the exam.

This company concentrates on China market. 这家公司把重点放在中国市场上. You’d better concentrate your attention on the thing you are doing. 5. get noisy 吵闹

6. learn (sth.) from sb. 向某人学习(……) 如:

Jim learnt English from his English teacher. 吉姆向他的英语老师学习英语 7. at present / at the present time目前 8. 有机会做某事

