2019秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 7 质量评估试卷 联系客服

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2019秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 7 质量评估试卷


[时间:100分钟 分值:120分] [见学生活页25]


第一节:听小对话,回答问题。 ( A )1.How old is the boy? A.14. C.40.

( B )2.Where are the speakers? A.In the classroom. C.In the hospital.

( C )3.What does Jack's hair look like now? A.Short. C.Long.

( B )4.What are they talking about? A.Mother's hugs. C.Mother's warmth.

( B )5.Who makes the decision for the boy at home? A.Himself. C.His teacher.


听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6~7两个小题。 ( B )6.What's Jim's problem? A.Watch TV late at night.B.Work late at night. C.Always get tired.

( B )7.What does the woman agree with the man?

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B.In the cinema.


B.Mother's love.

B.His mother.

2019秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 7 质量评估试卷

A.Jim needs sleep.

B.Jim shouldn't work late every night. C.Jim as a teenager never gets tired.

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10三个小题。 ( B )8.Where is the man going? A.Library. C.School.

( A )9.What is the man not allowed to do by his mother? A.Cook dinner. C.Watch TV.

( B )10.Whom does the woman help cook dinner? A.The man. C.Her father.


( B )11.Where does Wu Yan do her homework? A.At her friend's home. B.At her own home. C.At school.

( A )12.What are the speakers talking about? A.Family rules. B.Weekend activities. C.School life.

( C )13.What is Wu Yan allowed to do on Saturday evening? A.To go to the party. B.To watch TV. C.To go to the movies.

( B )14.When is Wu Yan allowed to go shopping? A.On Saturday morning.

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B.Wash clothes.

B.Her mother.

2019秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 7 质量评估试卷

B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Sunday afternoon.

( A )15.Which rule does Wu Yan want to change? A.Choose clothes by her parents. B.Study at home.

C.Watch movies on Sunday evening. 听力材料:


1.M: Can I drive your car to the park,mother?

W: No way.A fourteen-year-old teenager is not allowed to drive a car. 2.M: Can I smoke here?

W: Sorry. You mustn't smoke in the cinema.

3.W: Jack, look at your hair.It's too long.You should cut your hair. M: Mom,long hair makes me look cool. 4.W: Mother's love is true love.

M: Yes,I agree.Mothers always care about us.They always stay by our sides. 5.W: You look unhappy.What's wrong?

M: I can't make my own decision.At home,my mother makes it for me.At school,my teacher makes it for me. 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6~7两个小题。 W: Jim is working late again tonight,Xiao Ping.

M: I know.I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night.Young people need to sleep.

W: I disagree with you.Teenagers never get tired. M: Well,maybe.But Jim shouldn't work late every night. W: Oh,I agree.He also needs time to relax.

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10三个小题。 M: What are you going to do after school,Mary? W: I've no idea.What about you?

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2019秋人教新目标九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 7 质量评估试卷

M: I'm going to the supermarket. W: What would you like to buy? M: Some fruit and vegetables.

W: Will you cook dinner this afternoon?

M: No.My mother doesn't allow me to cook dinner.Are you good at cooking? W: Yes,I'm good at cooking.And I always help my mom when she is cooking. M: Great!By the way,would you like to go to the supermarket with me? W: I'd love to.Let's go.


M: Wu Yan,do you have any rules at your house? W: Yes,I have a lot of rules. M: What are they?

W: Well,I have to do my homework at home.I can't play computer games on school days and I'm not allowed to choose my own clothes.

M: I'm luckier than you.I'm allowed to study at my friend's house.What about weekends?

W: I'm allowed to go to the movies with my friends on Saturday evening. M: What are you allowed to do on Saturday afternoon? W: I'm allowed to go shopping. M: What do you think of these rules?

W: I think they are necessary.But sometimes I want to choose clothes by myself.You know,our parents are a little out of style.

M: I agree with you.You had better have a talk with your parents. W: Yeah,but I'm afraid that they don't agree. M: Don't worry.If you talk politely,they will agree. W: I hope so.



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