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37. The company has been looking for the right man to manage the important project, and they have now put Dr. White ______.

A. in duty

B. in charge

C. in place

D. in power 满分:2 分

38. We'll leave as soon as it________ raining.

A. is stopping

B. stops

C. will stop

D. shall stop 满分:2 分

39. I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you ______ next month for a dinner.

A. come

B. would come

C. came

D. have come 满分:2 分

40. We can do nothing unless we _____ more information.

A. are given

B. were to be given

C. will be given

D. were given 满分:2 分

41. ____ from space, the earth looks like a “blue planet”.

A. Seeing

B. To see

C. Seen

D. Having seen 满分:2 分

42. With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy _____ to a hospital.

A. send

B. to do sent

C. being sent

D. sending 满分:2 分

43. Those _____ are selected come to register, please.

A. he

B. they

C. who

D. whom 满分:2 分

44. Jimmy insisted that the work ______ by the middle of June.

A. will be finished

B. is finished

C. be finished

D. may be finished 满分:2 分

45. He suggested ______ a lecture given by Professor White on English language learning.

A. me to attend

B. my attending

C. my attention

D. me attending 满分:2 分

46. Henry talks to his dog as if it ______ him.

A. understood

B. understand

C. understands

D. would understand 满分:2 分

47. He didn’t fear new ideas, _____ the future.

A. nor feared he

B. nor he did fear

C. nor did he fear

D. nor did fear he 满分:2 分

48. The news _____quickly and made a stir.

A. spread

B. spreads

C. spreaded

D. was spread 满分:2 分

49. Sorry, I don’t know he is a friend of _____.

A. your brother

B. your brothers

C. your brother’s friend

D. your brother’s 满分:2 分

50. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield ______ any military threat.

A. up

B. to

C. in

D. at

3. When evening came, the roads were completely ____________ of traffic. A. empty

B. deserted

C. filled

D. clear

5. I _____ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night. A. might fall

B. must fall

C. must have fallen

D. can have fallen

7. Nothing can _____________ the friendship we have shared all these years. A. be equal to

B. be as equal as

C. equal to

D. equal

8. I will give you my friend’s home address, ________ I can be reached most evenings. A. which