英语笔译 - 3 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章英语笔译 - 3更新完毕开始阅读363a7be888eb172ded630b1c59eef8c75fbf9511

?To be out at elbows ?捉襟见肘

?To spend money like water ?挥金如土

?At sixes and sevens ?七颠八倒;乱七八糟

?Six of one and half a dozen of the other ?半斤八两

?One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. ? 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 ?As strong as s horse ?力大如牛

?She is really a duck. ?她是只可爱的小鸟。 ?意译法

?如果不可能或没有必要用直译法保留英语习语的表达形式,就得用意译法配合上下文把英语习语的含义表达出来。 ?The teenagers don?t invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket.

?Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water. ?She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; she thinks she can do what she likes. ?But the die was cast, he could not go back. ?注意P163。 ?It takes two to tango. ?译文1:一个巴掌拍不响。 ?译文2:两个人才能跳得探戈舞。

?My wife and I are longing to see Yan?an---Mecca in our minds. ?我妻子和我渴望去看一看我们心目中的圣地——延安。 ?译文2:妻子和我渴望去看看我们心目中的麦加——延安。 ?Cicero?s Waterloo was a woman. ?西赛罗毁在一个女人身上。 ?西赛罗的滑铁卢是一个女人。 ?He is a Napoleon of finance. ?他是金融界的巨头。 ?他是金融界的拿破仑。

?The pen is mightier than the sword. ?文字的力量大于武力。 ?笔比剑更有力。




We can hear the whirr of an airplane?s propeller. 屋顶又滴答地漏个不停。

Water dripped steadily through the leaky roof. 房顶上响起了噼里啪啦的雨点声。 Rain started to patter on the roof. 人群里发出一片“啧啧啧”的赞叹声。 The audience murmured it approval

There were clucks of admiration from the crowd.


The low whirr of the spinning wheel spoke to him of the warmth of home and his mother?s love. 忽然他听到门“吱”地一声开了,他弟弟走了进来。

Suddenly he heard the door creak and saw his brother enter. 她把平锅当啷一声摔在地上。

She clashed the pan down on the floor.


As she draw near the gate, she heard a clanging-ti-tung-ti-tung. 他耳朵嗡嗡乱响。

There was a roaring in his ears.


The crack of rifles was punctuated with the rattle of machine-guns 他咕噜咕噜地喝起啤酒。

He let the beer gurgle down his throat. 一颗晶莹的泪珠啪地落在信纸上。

A crystal tear-drop plopped down on to the letter. 她穿一双黑皮鞋,在柏油路上发出嗒嗒的声音.

She wore a pair of black leather shoes that clicked against the asphalt as she walked along. 翻译下列各句,注意在译文中省略拟声词。 这老头正在吧嗒吧嗒地抽一个小烟袋。

The old man was sucking vigorously at a pipe. 她心里噗通噗通地跳个不停。 Her heart was beating fast.


Without troubling to put on his shoes, he jumped through the window.


Barely had he finished when three shots rang out sharp and clear—the signal that an enemy had been spotted. 他把茶碗在桌上一顿,伸手拍拍头顶。

He slammed his cup down on the table and slapped the top of his head. 有几辆马拉的大车在大街走过。

Some horse-drawn carts were creaking along the street. 小孩扑通落到水中去了。 The child fell into the water. 孩子们在哇哇大哭。 The kids are crying loudly.

汉英拟声词对照表 一、 走兽吼叫声

动 物 名 称 英 语 拟 声 词 汉 语 狮 虎 豹 象 狼 狗 狐 猫 英 语 lion tiger panther elephant wolf dog fox cat Roar, howl Howl, roar Howl Trumpet Howl Bark, bay, howl, growl, snarl, whine, yelp Yelp, bark Mew, miaow, miau, meow, meou 鼠 猪 野猪 公猪 熊 无尾猿 猴 mouse Pig Swine Boar Bear Ape Monkey Squeak (cheep, peep) Grunt (whick, squeak) Grunt Grin Bruzz (growl) Gibber (gueriet) Screech (gibber, chatter, snutter, jabber, howl) 骆驼 鹿 牛 公牛 母牛 小牛 水牛 羊 马 驴 兔 驴 Camel Deer Cattle Bull Cow Calf Buffalo Sheep, goat Horse Ass, donkey Rabbit Donkey Nuzz (grunt) Call (bell, bellow) Cow (bell, bellow) Bellow (low) Low Bleat Boo Baa (bleat) Neigh (whinny, nicker) Bray (hee-haw) mumble Heehaw, bray,


动 物 名 称 英 语 拟 声 词 汉 语 公鸡 母鸡 小鸡 鸭 鹅 鸽 鹌鹑 鸠 英 语 Cock Hen Chicken Duck Goose Dove, pigeon Quail Stock-dove Crow Cackle (cluck) Cheep Quack Cackle (hiss, creak, gaggle) Coo (crood, croud, croodle, cur) Curkle Murmur