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recovery and repair.

8. 考虑到不同国家的文化,任何一刀切的方法是不可能成功的。

Taking the diverse cultures of different countries into account, no one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to succeed.

9. 在数字信息时代,学生应该采用更多的教育技术来提高学习。

In the digital information era, students should employ more educational technology to improve learning.

10. 该研究旨在研究一个人机交互系统的自主移动机器人。

This study aims to develop an autonomous mobile robot equipped with human-robot interaction system.


1. 分阶段取消矿物燃料补贴的时机已经成熟,这样我们能够更好地应对气候挑战。

It’s time to phase out fossil fuel subsidies so that we can better address our climate challenge.

2. 我们应当使政策适合当地情况,使经济的增长方式从投资转向消费,从企业转向家庭。

We should adapt the policy to local circumstances, and shift economic growth from investment to consumption, from industries to households.

3. 经济危机导致了一阵换工作潮,为了能成功地找到一份工作,你需要为每个职位定制你


Economic crisis led to a wave of changing jobs. In order to succeed in finding a job, you need to tailor your resume for each position.

4. 如果这些措施未能扭转经济危机的局面,将会加大社会不稳定的可能性。

If these measures fail to avert the economic crisis, the risk of social instability will be heightened.

5. 印度需要控制其人口,否则,人口将超过其资源限制。

India needs to regulate its population,otherwise population will exceed resource limits.

6. 新政策使很多夫妻有资格多生孩子,这使大批人怀了第二胎。

The new policy qualifies many couples for more children, leading to a huge number of women pregnant with a second child.

7. 房地产市场的宏观调控政策末日已经来临,政府应该提出新的方案。

The macro-control policies on the property market have run their courses. The government should put forth new schemes. 8. 中央政府发布了一份报告称水污染的问题已得到缓解。

The central government released a report that the problem of water pollution has been mitigated.

9. 晚婚和晚育是否对控制人口有很大作用存在争议。

Whether the policy of late marriage and late childbirth has a significant impact on population control remains debatable. 10. 联合国报告对气候变化的影响发出严重警告。

The UN report issued dire warnings about the impact of climate change.