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发布时间 : 星期一 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读36be278676eeaeaad1f3309c

你需要戴上You will need to wear this,

会让你穿越时空as it will allow you to literally fold through space and time 到达你的银行to your bank in the... 在第8区?8th?

是第9区 - 没错-9th arrondissement. - Yeah.

一旦你到那里 我们能透过这顶头盔跟你对话Now, once you are there, we will be able to speak with you through this helmet. 戴上吧Now if...

我的天,好正点Oh, my God, that's beautiful.

增添了时尚的魅力It has the added attraction of being very stylish.

该是让法国效法美国的时尚了It's about time the French learned from America on that subject. 这是顶正点的帽子吗?Is that a beautiful piece of headgear? 没错- Thank you. Thank you... - It is.

谢谢,感谢各位Thank you. Thank you very much.

但在你离开前,请随便抽一张牌But before you go anywhere, could you please, pick a card, any card.

不是那张牌Not that card.

这是老美的玩笑,你能拿那张No, that's an old American joke. You can take that one. 好,这张?Okay. This one?

给你B区的朋友看,别给我们看Show it to your friends in Section B. But not to us. 好,请在上面签名Okay, great. Now if you could just sign your name there. 尽量用英文签- Yes. - In English, if possible. 太好了 - 谢谢- That's good. - Thanks. 放进你的口袋Put it in your pocket.

另外一个小细节And now for one tiny detail.

艾腾,走进这个怪玩意Now, Etienne, let's step into this cockamamie contraption. 我站旁边And I'll step off of it. Bonne chance.

现在是赌城晚上11点50分It's 11:50 p.m. here in Vegas. 巴黎是早上8点50分That's 8:50 a.m. in Paris.

你的银行不到10分钟会开门Your bank opens in less than 10 minutes. … One, …two... Three.

搞什么?What the fuck?

艾腾呢?- Etienne? - Etienne?

不该是那样,对吧?It wasn't supposed to happen like that, was it? 艾腾?Etienne?

我喜欢那个法国佬耶I liked that little French guy. 他去哪里了?Where did he go?

font color=\“巴黎,同一时间”{\\r} 等等,他出现了Wait, there he is.

请安静No, no, no, no, please, please, please.

我是丹尼亚特斯,能听到我吗?This is Daniel Atlas. Can you hear me? 艾腾,你没事吧?Etienne? Are you okay?



你在那里看到什么? What do you see in there? 钱Money.

这是真钱吗?Is this real?

对,看起来值300万欧元Yes. Looks like three million or so Euros' worth. 好,现在你听我指示Okay, now, here's what we're gonna need you to do.

拿出口袋里签名的纸牌I want you to take the card that you signed out of your pocket. 也拿出今晚表演的票根And I want you to take the ticket stub from tonight's show 然后摆在钱的正中央and I want you to put it right there in the middle of the money. 丢下去Now drop it.

font color=\“共和信托”{\\r}

在你头盔侧边应该有个按钮Now, on the side of your helmet you should feel a button. 还不要按Don't press it just yet.

那个按钮会启动?That button activates an air duct

连结巴黎和洛杉矶的风管that connects Paris to Las Vegas. 好,你能按了Okay, good. Now you can press it. 艾腾,预备好All right, now, Etienne, hold on tight.

你可能感觉到一点吸力You might feel a bit of a vacuum. 等一下Wait a second. 哦,见鬼Oh, merde.

谢谢,艾腾Thank you, Etienne. 谢谢各位 Thank you, everyone!

我们是四骑士魔术团!We are The Four Horsemen. 晚安!And good night! Good night! 等一下Hold up here. 迪伦罗德Dylan Rhodes.

什么?我没听清楚What? I don't think I heard you correctly. 你是说“魔术师”?Did you say magicians? 对,迪伦,魔术师Yeah, Dylan, magicians. 你在哪里?Where are you now?

我在艾丽酒店,正要去抓他们I'm at Aria. I'm heading up there to grab 'em now. BI,亮出手来FBI! Hands where I can see them.

赶快,手举高,快点Let's go. Get 'em up. Come on. 赶快,手举高Let's go. Get 'em up. 书放下Put the book down.

好,你逮到我了Okay. You got me.

别动,把手举高- Freeze! Hands in the air! 我的老天- Oh, my!

有谁能帮我们拿袋子吗?Do one of you guys mind giving us a hand with our bags? 跟我们走Let's go.

老大,请告诉我这是笑话Boss, please tell me this is a joke.

我刚抓到告发犯罪首脑的关键人I just got Willy Mears to finger Paulie Attanasio. 再一个月就能破案I'm a month, two tops, away from blowing this whole thing open.

交给塔克森Get Turkelson.

他在大西洋城He's in Atlantic City.

那科文呢?他这么闲What about Cowan? Look at him. He's just sitting there on his ass. 真难笑,罗德Hilarious, Rhodes. 我爱死你了I love you. 混蛋Asshole.

我没时间跟什么魔术师耗I don't have time for this magic crap.

他们刚从巴黎银行干走300万欧元This crap just pulled three million Euro out of a Parisian bank.

这么多?- That's how much they got? - Yeah. 其实是320万欧元Actually, 3.2. 她是谁?Who is she?

你是什么人?Who are you?

国际刑警组织的艾玛戴端Alma Dray from Interpol.

我会跟你一起调查I'll be working the investigation with you. 没搞错You gotta be kidding me.

叫我追捕大卫魔术师已经够衰It's bad enough they got me chasing down David Copperfield and Friends.

现在还多个拖油瓶?Now I'm being saddled with, 无意冒犯,国际刑警?no offense, with Interpol?

也期待跟你合作,罗德探员I look forward to working with you, too, Agent Rhodes.

抱歉,我不需要你的协助I'm sorry. I don't think I'm gonna need your help on this. Okay? 那个法国佬在哪里?- Where's the French guy? 我已经跟他谈过了- I already spoke to him.

是吗?你抢先跟我的证人谈话?Oh, you did? You spoke to my witness before me? 你的证人?Your witness?

我以为你不在乎这件案子I thought you didn't want the case. 况且问他是白搭Besides, he's useless. 真的?为什么?Oh, really? Why is that?

因为他相信那场魔术是真的Because he believes their magic was real. 他相信那场魔术是真的?Oh, he believes the magic was real? 你说的对,问他是白搭You're right, he probably is useless.

国际刑警允许我们也讯问他吗?Is it okay with Interpol if we talk to him, too? 谢谢Thank you.

我这辈子没偷过东西I have never stolen a thing in my life, okay?

我想还钱,但他们不接受I tried to give the money back, but they won't take it. 好啦,咱们只说你抢劫银行吧Okay, okay, okay,let's just say you robbed a bank. 我是抢了I did.

好,很好,你抢了Fine. Fantastic. You did.

好,我还不熟悉案情Okay, okay, Etienne. Just 'cause I'm new to this,

能向我解释你怎么只花3秒 就从洛杉矶变到巴黎?can you explain to me how you went from Las Vegas to Paris in three seconds?

用念力头盔With the teleportation helmet.

这是什么情况?Okay, what the hell is going on here?

他在表演时被催眠He was hypnotized during the show. 我说过,问他是没用I told you, he's useless.

好,我搞定这鸟事再应付你Okay, I'll deal with you when I'm done with this other bullshit. font color=\干嘛What?{\\r}

表演时一半观众被催眠During the show, half the audience was hypnotized 以为自己是爱乐团员to believe they were in the Philharmonic. 我想“鸟事”是催眠词I guess that \

老兄,别闹了,你不是爱乐团员Okay. Ecoutez, buddy. Come on down. You're not in the Philharmonic.

法文“停”怎么说?- How do you say \停- Stop.

叫他停Tell him to stop.

不行,他得表演完这段No, I can't. You just have to let him finish his movement. 我需要暂停Okay, I need a time-out.

这里有太多法国人了Too many French people in one room. 罗德探员Agent Rhodes!

我老板下令我要交报告I'm ordered by my bosses to provide a report. 除非报告出炉And until we have one, 你怎样都赶不走我I'm here, like it or not. 所以我们可以合作So we can work together,

或是你一直重复我问过的问题or you can continue to follow behind asking the same exact questions I'm asking.

由你决定It's up to you.

我还没说完I'm not finished.

我刚飞了12小时I just flew 12 hours,

度过够漫长的一天after what was already a long day. 又有严重时差And I do not handle jet lag well.

所以想比谁更难搞So if you want to see who can be grumpier, 我保证你会输I promise you, you will lose.

好,你想先跟哪个白痴谈?Fine. So which one of these idiots do you want to talk to first? 他?Him?

迪伦,郑重声明Dylan, for the record, mentalism has never 读心术从未被证实actually been proven to be accurate. 好Okay.

这不是科学That is to say, that it's not a science. 比较像是娱乐It's more for entertainment. 我明白啦All right.

别相信他说的鬼话,千万记住Just don't believe everything the guy says. That's all.

请向你同事表达我最诚挚的道歉Please convey my deepest apologies to your colleague out there.

抱歉拆穿他有变装癖的事I'm really sorry about this whole Tranny Tuesday thing. 我太超过了I was out of line. 变装癖?Tranny Tuesday?

是他和他老婆的癖好Well, it's an arrangement he and his wife have.