用CATScript 做的CATIA标题栏和工程图框 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章用CATScript 做的CATIA标题栏和工程图框更新完毕开始阅读374cfd264b35eefdc8d333a5



Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(Text_06, OH + Coll(4) + 4. , OV + (Rowl(1)+3) ) CATFormatTBText


Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(Text_07, OH + Coll(5) + 1. , OV + (Rowl(1)+3) ) CATFormatTBText \ catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(Text_08, OH + Coll(6) + 2 , OV + (Rowl(2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(Text_09, OH + Coll(7) + 2. , OV + (Rowl(2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(Text_10, OH + Coll(6) + 3. , OV + (Rowl(1)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(Text_11, OH + Coll(8) + 1. , OV + (Rowl(1)+3) ) CATFormatTBText \catBottomLeft , 5

For i=1 to (ObjAmount)

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_01, OH + Coll(1) + 2. , OV + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_02, OH + Coll(2) + 2. , + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_03, OH + Coll(3) + 2. , + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_04, OH + Coll(4) + 1. , + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_05, OH + Coll(5) + 2. , , , , , OV , OV , OV , OV

, , + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ , catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_06, OH + Coll(6) + 2. , OV + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ , catBottomLeft , 5 Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_07, OH + Coll(7) + 2. , OV + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ , catBottomLeft , 5

Set Text = DrwTexts.Add(TextO_08, OH + Coll(8) + 2. , OV + (Rowl(i+2)+1) ) CATFormatTBText \ , catBottomLeft , 5 Next


End Sub

Sub CATFormatFText(textName As String, angle As Double)


'How to format the texts belonging to the frame


Text.Name = textName

Text.AnchorPosition = CATMiddleCenter Text.Angle = angle End Sub

Sub CATFormatTBText(textName As String, anchorPosition As String, fontSize)


'How to format the texts belonging to the titleblock


Text.Name = textName

Text.SetFontName 0, 0, \ Text.AnchorPosition = anchorPosition Text.SetFontSize 0, 0, fontSize End Sub

Sub CATLinks()


'How to fill in texts with data of the part/product linked with current sheet


On Error Resume Next

Dim ProductDrawn As ProductDocument Set ProductDrawn = DrwSheet.Views.Item(\view\ If Err.Number = 0 Then DrwTexts.GetItem(\= ProductDrawn.PartNumber DrwTexts.GetItem(\ProductDrawn.Definition

Dim ProductAnalysis As Analyze

Set ProductAnalysis = ProductDrawn.Analyze DrwTexts.GetItem(\= FormatNumber(ProductAnalysis.Mass,2) End If


'Display sheet format


Dim textFormat As DrawingText

Set textFormat = DrwTexts.GetItem(\ textFormat.Text = displayFormat If (Len(displayFormat) > 4 ) Then textFormat.SetFontSize 0, 0, 2.5 Else

textFormat.SetFontSize 0, 0, 4. End If


'Display sheet numbering


Dim nbSheet As Integer Dim curSheet As Integer nbSheet = 0 curSheet = 0

If (not DrwSheet.IsDetail) Then For i = 1 To DrwSheets.Count

If (not DrwSheets.Item(i).IsDetail) Then nbSheet = nbSheet + 1 End If Next

For i = 1 To DrwSheets.Count

If (not DrwSheets.Item(i).IsDetail) Then On Error Resume Next curSheet = curSheet + 1

DrwSheets.Item(i).Views.Item(2).Texts.GetItem(\Text_Sheet_1\ End If Next End If

On Error Goto 0 End Sub