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授课时间 课 次 授课形式 (请打√) 7 学时数 2 纯理论□ 纯实践□ 理实一体化□ 习题课□ 其他□ 授课题目 Unit2 Family. Detailed Reading A& Writing: Greeting Cards 教学目的 Ss are able to read and make a greeting card in English 1. Words and expressions suited to “family” 教学重点 2.Global reading of passage A 1. Elaboration on language points of Reading A 教学难点 2. Greeting cards in English Ss master the key words and expressions of Reading A; 使用的教具/多媒体Textbook; PPT;CD /仪器/仪表/设备等 教学方法 Task-based teaching; Group discussion; 参考资料 Hope English (Book1) (2nd Edition) Unit 1. Detailed Reading A& Writing: Business Cards I. Revision (15’) 1. Checking assignment: Ask Ss to retell the passage 2. listen to the tape and ask Ss to read the text aloud II. Detailed Reading A (40’) 1. Key words and expressions (While explaining new words, ask Ss to make some sentences and do some translations with the new words so that they can better master the words.) critical: tending to find fault e.g. He has apologized for his critical remarks about the referee. be critical of: e.g. His report is highly critical of the trial judge. blame: blame (for) v. to hold responsibility blame… on/for…: e.g. They blamed the failure on George. e.g. They blamed George for the failure. be to blame: to be responsible e.g. She is not to blame for the accident. e.g. The hot weather is partly to blame for the water shortage. complain: complain (about) v. to express dissatisfaction or unhappiness e.g. The neighbors complained to the police about the noise. in/out touch with: in/out of touch (with): having/not having the latest information about something/somebody e.g. It would be nice to keep in touch. e.g. I’m out of touch with my middle school classmates now. sense of humor: the ability to understand or enjoy things that are funny, or to make people laugh e.g. The actor has a good sense of humor. e.g. Come on, lighten up! Where's your sense of humor? underestimate: to think that something is smaller, cheaper, less important, etc. than it really is e.g. People often underestimate the importance of training. do something on the spur of the moment: to do something suddenly, without thinking about it before you do it e.g. On the spur of the moment she picked up the phone and called the Director. e.g. He acted on the spur of the moment without thought of the future. challenge: 教 学 基 本 内 容 及 设 计 n. a demanding or difficult task; a stimulating test of abilities e.g. The new government’s first challenge is the economy. e.g. This job is too dull. I want one with more challenge. upset: v. to cause something to go wrong; to make somebody worried or unhappy e.g. Her plans were upset by the weather. e.g. What he did upset all his friends. motive: n. a cause or reason for action e.g. In a case of murder, the police question everyone who might have a motive. e.g. I think you should examine their motives in offering to lend you the money. cut off: to separate from others e.g. Without a car we feel very cut off. turn out: to prove to be the case; to have a particular result e.g. We shall see how things turn out. e.g. It turned out that his experiment was a great success. superior (to): a. higher in position or better in quality/value e.g. He thinks he’s superior to us because his father’s an important man. approve of: to like; to be pleased about e.g. I don’t approve of people wasting time. e.g. I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing. betray: v. to be disloyal or unfaithful to e.g. She betrayed her friends by breaking her promise. e.g. In wartime many people accused of betraying their country were executed. passive:not active e.g. His passive attitude made things more difficult for me. e.g. The young man was very passive when facing difficulties. ignore: v. to refuse to accept or take notice e.g. For decades her talents were ignored by the film industry. e.g. She was scolded because she ignored the speed limit when driving. responsible: having the duty to look after someone or something and will be blamed for failing to do that e.g. You are responsible to your mother for keeping the house tidy. e.g. The teacher made me responsible to her for keeping the class in order when she went out. impress: v. to affect or influence deeply e.g. What impressed him most was their speed. e.g. The thing that impress me the most about his books is the way he draws his characters. initiative: n. the first movement or act which starts something happening e.g. She was disappointed by his lack of initiative. e.g. They took the initiative to make apologies to us. Sentence pattern: It is + adj. to do p25-Task 8 It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times. It turns out to do/that p25-Task 8 2. Questions for discussion (Ss have a discussion about the following questions, keep notes and get ready to present it to the class.) How many people are there in your family? How do you get along with your family members? Are there any problems between your parents and yourself? III. Writing (35’) 1. Writing for general purpose Basic sentence patterns: S+ Transitive Verb + Object(Noun/Pronoun) S+ Transitive Verb + Indirect Object(Noun/Pronoun) + Direct Object(Noun) Practice: p31-Task2 2. Greeting Cards 1. The layout of a greeting card -Name of the recipient -The message -Name of the sender 2. Exercise: Ss are able to match occasions with appropriate greetings Ex: p32-task1 3. Practice Ss create a Greeting Card 课后作业/Review what we have learned this period Fulfill Task 5-9 (p24-25) 思考题 教学后记 说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。 2.合班课的“授课时间”可以集中填写。