浙江省宁波市2013届高三第二次模拟考试自选模块试题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章浙江省宁波市2013届高三第二次模拟考试自选模块试题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读37a45a05f12d2af90242e663







语 文

题号:0l “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分) 阅读下面的散文,回答后面的问题。

醉乡记 戴名世






题号:02 “中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分) 阅读下面的散文,回答文后问题。



阔的海 空的天 我不需要,

我也不想放一只巨大的纸鹞 上天去捉弄四面八方的风 我只要一分钟

我只要一点光 我只要一条缝, 象一个小孩爬伏 在一间暗屋的窗前

望着西天边不死的一条缝, 一点光 一分钟。





数 学

题号:03 “不等式选讲”模块(10分) 已知三个正实数a,b,c满足a十b+c=3. (1)求(a2 +b+l)(l+b+c2)的最小值;




题号:04 `“坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)



(1)若??5?,求|PA|?|PA1|的值; 12



证明:|PA |+|PB|+|PC|=|PA1|+|PB1|+l PC1|.

英 语

题号:05 阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。

Nearly 80 percent of disease in developing countries is linked to bad water. Now a scientist at Michigan Technological University has developed a simple, cheap way to make water safe to drink, even if it's muddy. ① The solar water disinfection(消毒)method, or SODIS, calls for leaving a plastic bottle of clear water out in the sun for six hours. That allows heat and radiation to wipe out most viruses that cause diarrhea(腹泻),a malady that kills 4,000 children a day in Africa.

It's a different story if the water is muddy, as it often is where people must fetch water from rivers, streams and wells. \and it's very hard to get rid of the clay particles(粘土颗粒),??says Joshua Pearce, an associate professor of materials science and engineering.\ SODIS doesn't work. ② ” Thus, to purify your water, you first have to get the clay to settle out.Working with student Brittney Dawney of Queen's University in Ontario, Pearce discovered that one of the most common minerals on Earth does this job very well: sodium chloride(氯化钠),or simple table salt.

Salt is inexpensive and available almost everywhere. ③

“The water has a lower sodium concentration than Gatorade, a kind of popular drink,\Pearce says.This would still be too much salt to be safe as American tap water, but American tap water is not the best choice.

“I've drunk this water myself.If I were somewhere with no clean water and had kids with, and this could save their lives, I'd use this, no question,\.

Salt works best when the clay particles are a type of clay called bentonite(皂土 ). ④ However, by adding a little bentonite with the salt to water containing these different clays, most of the particles are attached together and settle out, creating water clear enough for SODIS treatment.

Pearce and Dawney are running more tests on water containing various types of clays, and


they are also investigating different soil types across Africa to see where their methods might work the best.

第一节根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将

序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A.This process has often used to remove the salt ofthe water. B.And it doesn't take very much to make muddy water clear again. C.It's easy enough to purify clear water. D.The living viruses hide under the clay and avoid the solar radiation. E.The technique doesn't work as well with other kinds of clay. 第二节根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在

答题纸上。 ⑤Why do Pearce and Dawney need to run more tests on their purifying water method?

题号:06 填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式,


When I moved into my new house, it already had a washing machine in it, but I had just bought a new one. So I ① what to do with the machine already in the house. I remembered two girls ② regularly knocked at my door for religious reasons. They had just got their own house so I decided to give them all the things I ③ need when I was done unpacking. Whatever they didn't need, they could give to the charity store that helped support. I asked them if they needed a washing machine and they both looked at each other and smiled. It ④ that they had called on a complete stranger the week before; a single mother with a toddler and a new born baby to cope with. She ⑤ (wash) clothes by hand in the sink when they called on her. When they got home they discussed the fact ⑥ the woman probably needed their washing machine ⑦ than they did. So they gave it to her. And now it seemed their goodness had come to them in ⑧ as they would be able to have my washing machine.

If I felt good about giving away the things I no longer needed, it came to nothing when I realized that I still had a washing machine and would not have considered giving it away to someone who was more in need ⑨) it. I was only giving away a spare or only doing what any good person should do, but to give away your possessions to a complete ⑩ , just because they need them more, is truly amazing!

These two girls taught me something about real giving that day.