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D . In 1933.

£¨5£©What would be the best title for the text? A . The History of Kites B . The Experiments of Kites C . The Invention of a Kite

D . The First Record of a Kite 17. £¨6·Ö£© Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising that there are a lot of expressions about cats. Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries (½ð˿ȸ). If someone looks very proud and satisfied with himself, we say ¡°he looks like the cat that ate the canary.¡±

Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you ¡°play cat and mouse¡± with someone, it means that you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person. For example, a girl might offer something sweet to her little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.

Americans might say that something is ¡°the cat's miaow\to describe something that is the best or finest. ¡°A copycat¡± is someone who acts just like someone else or copies another person's work. \

If you tell about something that is supposed to be a secret, we say you ¡°let the cat out of the bag¡±. If you are not able to speak or answer a question, someone might ask you if ¡°the cat has got your tongue(ÉàÍ·)¡±

Have you ever watched children in a classroom when their teacher leaves for a few minutes? ¡°When the cat¡¯s away, the mice will play¡± means people sometimes act badly when there is no supervision (¼à¹Ü).

You may have heard the expression ¡°curiosity killed the cat¡±. This means caring too much about things that are not your business might cause problems.

If you have ever had cats as pets, you know it is difficult to train them or to get them to do something. Cats are not like Sheep or cows that can be moved in a group. So we say a difficult or impossible job is like ¡°herding (·ÅÄÁ) cats ¡°

£¨1£© What can we learn from the passage?

A . The expression ¡°a fat cat¡± is used to describe someone who is very fat. B . The expression ¡°play cat and mouse¡± usually means ¡°play tricks on others¡± C . It is more difficult to keep sheep or cows than cats. D . There are more expressions about cats than those about dogs.

£¨2£© In which of the following situations do we most probably use the expression ¡°curiosity killed the cat¡±?

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A . Someone always asked a lady her age or weight and it made her angry. B . Someone promised to keep a secret but he failed to do so.

C . Someone won the first prize in an English singing competition and he felt very excited. D . Someone tried to swim across the Yangtze River with his newly broken legs. £¨3£©Where can you most probably find the passage? A . In a scientific research paper about cats. B . On a website telling people how to keep cats.

C . In a magazine telling various jokes and funny stories.

D . In a language book that teaches students how to use American slang.

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18. £¨1·Ö£©A true friend reaches for your hand and ________£¨´¥Ãþ£©your heart.

ËÄ¡¢ ²¹È«¶Ô»°¡£ (¹²2Ì⣻¹²10·Ö)

19. £¨5·Ö£©²¹È«¶Ô»° £¨B£©

A£ºLovely day, isn't it? B: Oh, yes, Beautiful. A: ________?

B: No, I'm from Spain, I'm learning English here. A: ________?

B: For three years now.

A: For three years? Goodness me! ________

B: Thank you. And there's still a lot for me to learn. A: ________

B: Another two months. Then I'll have to go back to Spain to start work. A: A cousin of mine went to Spain last year. He's an engineer. B: really? ________?

A: He must like it very much, because he hasn't come back yet. I hope you enjoy your staying in England.

B: Thank you. I'm sure. I will¡£

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20. £¨5·Ö£©ÓúÏÊʵľä×Ó²¹È«¶Ô»°¡£ A: Good morning, Dalin! B: Good morning, Betty!

A: I'm going to your hometown¡ªChengde for a visit. Can you give me some suggestions? B: ________. What do you want to know? A: ________?

B: No, It¡¯s usually cool in summer, A: ________?

B: I think you'd better come in July. A: ________?

B: Because the weather starts to get hotter and hotter. A: ________?

B: You can avoid the hottest time here and visit some places of interest, taste local food, and take photos in Li Zheng gate.

A: Thank you for your suggestions. Bye!

Îå¡¢ Ñ¡´ÊÌî¿Õ¡£ (¹²1Ì⣻¹²5·Ö)

21. £¨5·Ö£©Ñ¡´ÊÌî¿Õ¡£

tree£¬run£¬but£¬real£¬swim There was a small river in Gu Ye's village£®It ________through the middle of the village£®It was small________it was very clean£®So people often washed clothes and vegetables there£® In summer,Gu Ye often________with his friends there£®And they could catch fish after it rained heavily£®At that time£¬there were some________on the river£®They would like to take a rest under the flees£®The birds also liked playing there£®It was________a beautiful picture,right?

Áù¡¢ ÈÎÎñÐÍÔĶÁ¡£ (¹²2Ì⣻¹²10·Ö)

22. £¨5·Ö£©Write the correct answers to these questions blew according to the passage.ÔĶÁ¶ÌÎÄ£¬Ð´³öÎÊÌâµÄÕýÈ·´ð°¸

During the winter holiday of 2017, have you ever been to anywhere exciting for fun?Maybe you're always busy with your study for the coming final examination in June. I hope you can go to Shanghai Disneyland in summer holiday to relax.

If you want to go to visit Shanghai Disneyland,you can learn something about it.Shanghai Disneyland opened on June 16,2016.It began selling tickets on March 28 through several ways:the official website,Alitrip website and the central phone.Its price is the lowest of all the Disney theme park.So

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far,quite a lot of people have booked tickets.

The park is built in the 963- acre field and costs $5.5 billion.Almost 400 engineers have taken part in the design work.The Disney castle in Shanghai is the tallest and largest one in the Disney family around the world.Whenever festivals and holidays come,the park will be very crowded all the time and you have to spend much time waiting in line.

When you visit Shanghai Disneyland,you can follow the advice below to save more money.

Buy souvenirs in advance.Disney is so popular that it is easy to find these souvenirs anywhere.It isn't necessary for you to buy them at Disneyland because they are too expensive there.You can save a lot of money in this way.

Eat breakfast before you arrive.You can save quite a lot of money by eating breakfast before you go to the park.

Take snacks with you.You can enjoy them in the picnic area.Because the snacks there are too expensive.

To save more money,you can plan your trip during the park's off season(µ­¼¾)¡£Lots of things,from airfare to souvenirs,can be cheaper during these months.

Now,Do you want to go there this summer after graduation?For the students in the southeast or on the farms of Hei Longjiang province including the small cities such as JiXi,MiShan,HuLin and Mu Danjiang,although it's far away from there,especially the poor traffic area.In my opinion,you should attempt to experience the park and open up your eyes.

£¨1£©When did Shanghai Disneyland open? ________

£¨2£©What is the tallest and largest in the Disney family around the world? ________

£¨3£©How many pieces of advice are mentioned to save money in this passage? ________

£¨4£©The tourists don't have to spend much time waiting in Disneyland anytime,do they? ________

£¨5£©What is the writer's opinion in the last paragraph? ________

23. £¨5·Ö£©Åä¶ÔÔĶÁ

________Running after each A. Some students die in this way. Without their other at the rest time between teachers or parents nearby, they may not know what two classes may get you hurt. to do with dangerous things they meet in the river.

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