Module8 unit 1教学设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章Module8 unit 1教学设计更新完毕开始阅读387897b17c1cfad6195fa7d2

八年级下 Module8 unit 1教学设计 学 校 东兴中学 备课人 刘丽丽 第八模块的主要内容是节假日,涉及节假日的诞生和如何庆祝节假日,可以使学生了解更多教材分析 的中外重要节假日,本模块的语法点是时间状语从句以及如何运用,这些知识的学习都需要老师的细心讲解来使学生进一步的掌握,从而熟练的运用。 知识与能力 教学目标 过程与方法 情感态度 与价值观 教学重点 教学难点 教 法 学 法 教 具 课 时 1. Master the key words and key expressions. 2. The using of grammar points. 1. Learning by themselves and cooperation methods. 2. Train the abilities of communication and cooperation. Train the ability of revision and working effectively, and train the students loving our own country. 1. How o use the words and expressions. 2. Know the adverbial clause of time and hoe to use them. To understand the grammar points and learn how to use them. Bottom-up approach. Work in pairs or groups Tape recorder,Computer One 学 具 课 型 Textbook,paper,learning plan New lesson 其 它 程序 Step1:Warming up and lead in Brainstorming. 教师活动 学生行为 设计意图 个人补充 Students think of Let them to know the holidays more about knowledge of holidays Students write and say the words and expressions. Ask students to remember words, expressions and how to use them. Let students remember them, and how to use them. Step 2: revision Check the words and expressions in this unit. Revise the expressions. important Look at the screen And say the expressions together. Step3: listening 1. Listen and tell what Listen it twice, Train the holiday is it. and give the right ability of 2. Listen it again and information. listening. answer the questions. 1. Listen the dialogue and Students listen Know the meaning Step 4: finish the table. and fill in the of the dialogue. Learn new blanks. lesson

2. Listen the dialogue Check them the again, and choose the best Listen and choose understanding of answer. the answers. the dialogue. 3. Read the dialogue by Reading groups. dialogue. the Train the ability of reading and 4. Present the dialogue by Showing time. presentation. roles in the whole class. 5. Knowledge points and Students grammar points. summarize the knowledge points and grammar points. 1. Play a game. To say the dates. 2. Groups work: talk about Chinese festivals. (Such as Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Lantern Festival and Mid-autumn Day.) What have you learned? Students talk about, and then say them in the whole class. Let students know what they should learn in this unit. Train the ability of speaking and expressing. Hope students know more about the Chinese traditional culture. Train students’ abilities of summary. Step 5: Speaking Step6: Summary Students summarize knowledge of the lesson. Step 7: Homework 1.Make sentences with the words and phrases 2.Write out five sentences about adverbial clause of time 3.Get ready for the learning of Unit 2. 板书设计 Module 8 Public holidays Unit 1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins. 1. Holidays: 2. Words and expressions: 3. Language points: he differences between when and while: 反思 After the learning of this unit, the students can know a little of Adverbial clause of time, the students can know how to say the dates and what are Adverbial clause of time. Moreover, students can know more about the traditional festival, so that we can train them the ability of loving own country.