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发布时间 : 星期一 文章新人教版2020版高考英语二轮复习第一编三完形填空题型二夹叙夹议文练习(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读388bc4d7ee3a87c24028915f804d2b160b4e8688


语篇出处:原创 语篇类型:夹叙夹议文 主题语境:捐资助学

Here we have a moving story. This football player is __1__ to earn a win for those who don't have access to quality educations. Chris Long, the Philadelphia Eagles' defensive end player __2__ everyone to have the chance to __3__ academic opportunities. In an effort to use his __4__ to make a lasting impact on the younger generations, he decided to __5__ the rest of this year's salary to a cause that __6__ the right to a good education for all students.

“As you may already know, I have __7__ my first 6 game checks to fund scholarships in my hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia,” says Long. “Now, I'm pledging (承诺) my last 10 game checks to organizations __8__ educational equality and opportunity in St. Louis, Boston and Philadelphia—the three cities that I've __9__ home throughout my NFL career.

While the athlete could have made a __10__ donation that would have made a huge difference in the lives of many, Long took his pledge one step __11__ and committed to __12__ the entire 2017 season without earning an income.

Long's belief that __13__ is the best “gateway to a better tomorrow for all Americans,” is one of many __14__ of superstars putting their resources to good __15__ to make the world a better place.

And the Eagles player isn't __16__ with his own contribution. Long is __17__ fans, businesses, and anyone who can make a donation as part of his Pledge 10 For Tomorrow __18__, an initiative (新举措) that supports educational equality.

Although his initial pledge is __19__ enough, Long's desire to __20__ with as many people as possible to make a real difference is what earns him a goodwill MVP award in our book.

1.A.scheduled C.supposed 2.A.allows C.wants 3.A.grasp C.achieve

B.determined D.expected B.ensures D.promises B.finish D.affect

4.A.score C.influence 5.A.apply C.abandon 6.A.maintains C.conducts 7.A.committed C.fixed 8.A.providing C.supplying 9.A.visited C.called

10.A.considerable C.heavy 11.A.ever C.again 12.A.kicking C.running 13.A.technology C.education 14.A.fames C.advantages 15.A.use C.effect 16.A.dealing C.stopping 17.A.increasing C.hiring 18.A.campaign C.institute

B.result D.income B.add D.donate B.champions D.enjoys B.exposed D.gathered B.offering D.supporting B.returned D.moved B.handy D.helpful B.over D.further B.playing D.training B.career D.science B.attractions D.examples B.effort D.reality B.facing D.fighting B.encouraging D.identifying B.incident D.intention

19.A.valuable C.considerate 20.A.keep up C.end up

B.peaceful D.heartwarming B.team up D.put up



题10与下文“have made a huge difference”是复现信息,说明捐助了大量的钱;题13与上文提到的“a good education for all students”是原词复现;题18与下文“an initiative (新举措) that supports educational equality”是复现信息。

题11:捐钱之后,又做出进一步承诺 (took his pledge one step further)。

题3:可以利用常见词语“grasp the opportunity (抓住机会)”迅速答题;题20可以利用具体语境,然后根据固定搭配“team up with (与……一起合作)”答题。




篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述的是运动员Chris Long把自己的工资捐给有需要的学生,并发起一项运动鼓励大家加入。

1.B [由下文“everyone to have the chance to __3__ academic opportunities”和“In an effort to use his __4__ to make a lasting impact on the younger generations”可知,这位足球运动员决心(determine)做一些事情。]

2.C [此处表示他想(want)让每一个人有机会上学。] 3.A [grasp opportunities “抓住机会”。]

4.C [他想利用自己的影响力(influence)为年轻一代留下持久的影响。]

5.D [根据下文的“the athlete could have made a __10__ donation”可知,他决定把剩下的年薪捐(donate)出去。]

6.B [这里指捍卫所有学生接受良好教育的权利。champion the right “捍卫权利”。]

7.A [你可能已经知道,“我”已经把“我”前六个月比赛的费用投入到家乡作为助学金。commit “投入”。]

8.D [现在“我”承诺上十次打比赛所得的费用捐给支持(support)教育平等和教育公平的机构。] 9.C [在“我”整个打球生涯中,“我”把这三个城市称作(call)是“我”的家乡。]

10.A [那时,虽然该运动员可能已经捐出大笔的(considerable)资金,对很多人的生活带来很大影响……]

11.D [捐钱之后,又做出进一步承诺(take his pledge one step further)。] 12.B [因为Long是足球运动员,所以此处用play表示“打比赛”。]

13.C [由下文解释以及上文提到的“a good education for all students”可知,此处指的是Long对教育的看法。]

14.D [Long是许多超级巨星中的一个榜样。example “榜样,例子”。] 15.A [为了使世界变得更美好,他们使自己的资源得以充分利用。] 16.C [这位足球明星不仅仅停留(stop)在自己捐款上。]

17.B [Long还鼓励他的球迷、商业人员以及任何一个可以捐款的人都作为他发起的Pledge 10 For Tomorrow 运动的一部分。]

18.A [由下文可知,这是支持教育公平的一个新举措。可以推测他发起了一项运动。] 19.D [足球明星Long捐资助学这件事应该是暖心的。]

20.B [由上文Long号召球迷等人为Pledge 10 For Tomorrow项目捐款可知,Long希望有越来越多的人加入到支持教育公平的队伍中来。team up with “(与某人)结成一队”。]