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Online Learning

With the development of society, it is unstoppable that more and more school will make students have access to online learning. Bat what makes it so popular? As far as I am concerned, the reasons are as follows. First of all, it is the most money-saving way of learning because the learners can learn whatever they want at the minimum cost. What's more, for people who are easily shy, it is a perfect method because they don't have to speak in public. What they need to do is communicating with people use-able via typing. Last but not least, as long as we have a computer connected to the internet, learners can have the courses anywhere at any time. So it is more convenient for learners.

However, every coin has two sides, even online learning with good prestige can not be perfect. If the learners of online learning can not control themselves well, they will not benefit from online learning. On contrary, the Internet can be the tool to play more addicting computer games.

So, we should have a correct awareness of online learning and make good use of it, so that it can benefit us instead of keeping us from improvement.