江苏省职业学校英语教材第一册Unit 2教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章江苏省职业学校英语教材第一册Unit 2教案更新完毕开始阅读38c106e84431b90d6d85c7d0

Unit 2. A different school

1. Lead-in: What buildings are there in our school? Relative words.

Classroom building 教学楼 Classroom 教室

Office building 办公楼 Office 办公室

Administration building 行政楼 Library 图书馆

Reading room 阅览室 Reference room 资料室 Dormitory (dorm)宿舍 Dining hall 食堂

laboratory (lab)实验室

Computer room (computer lab) 计算机房 Radio Station 广播站

Playground 操场 Sports field 运动场 Track 跑道

Football field 足球场 Basketball court 篮球场 Gymnasium (gym)健身房

Campus 校园

Surrounding wall 围墙 School gate 校门 Gate house 传达室 Flower bed 花坛 Auditorium 大礼堂

Lecture theatre 阶梯教室 Audio-visual room 视听教室 Meeting room 会议室 Clinic 医务室 Kitchen 厨房

2. Warm-up

1) Choose correct word for each picture. Possible daily activities in each building. 2) Ask & answer questions about daily life, work in group.

3. Listening & Speaking

A. What are you studying

1) Listen & check: does Lily likes her course?

2) Listen again, underline sentences about courses. (way, year) Useful expressions

3) How’s the course going? Add really well, ok, or not very well to complete the sentences &

practice with partner.

4) Work in pairs and complete the conversation. B. An interview

5) Match pictures with the subjects. (Words of subjects) 6) Listen & circle the best answer. (new words)

7) Listen again and find when Mary does the following things.

8) Complete the interview with the correct questions. Act out with your partner. 9) Play the “I will” game.

4. Reading & Writing

1) New words

2) Scan the passage and answer: does the student like his/her school? How do you know? Match what they are talking about.

3) Read again and tick the typical descriptions of a vocational school. 4) 分析,讲解课文

5) Ask your classmates about their school life and complete the table. 6) Write about your school life.

5. Language in use

A. Phonetics

1) Listen and read the following vowels and words. 2) Listen and write the words in the correct column. B. Grammar: There be 结构 1) 肯定句

There is + 可数名词单数/不可数名词 There are + 名词复数 例如:

There is one table in the room. There are three chairs in the room.

注意:there is 的缩略式为there’s,there are 没有缩略式。 2) 否定句

There is not +可数名词单数/不可数名词 There are not +名词复数 例如:

There is not a person nearby.

There are not many children in the school. 注意:There’s not=there isn’t

There are not=there aren’t There is/are not any 表示“完全没有”,there isn’t any 后接不可数名词,there aren’t any 后接名词复数。

例如:There isn’t any sugar in the bottle.

There aren’t any trees along this street.

3) 一般疑问句:

Is there + 可数名词单数/不可数名词? Are there + 名词复数? 例如:

Is there a garden behind the house? Are there birds in the tree?

注意:肯定回答:Yes, there is/are.

否定回答:No, there isn’t/aren’t.

Is there any后接不可数名词,are there any后接名词复数。 例如:Is there any sugar in the bottle?

Are there any trees along this street?

Rewrite each of the following sentences in a different way with there is / there are. Fill in the blanks with some or any? C. Vocabulary.

1) Look at the pictures and tell the time in different cities. Telling time:

7:00 It’s seven o’clock. It’s seven p.m./a.m. 12:00 It’s twelve o’clock. It’s noon/midnight. 3:10 It’s three ten.

It’s ten (minutes) after/past three. 9:15 It’s nine fifteen.

It’s (a) quarter after nine. 6:30 It’s six thirty. It’s half past six 4:50 It’s four fifty.

It’s ten (minutes) to five.

2) Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. Change the form if necessary.

6. Real life skills.

1) Complete the class schedule with information that is true for you.

2) Read the list below and tick the activities you need to do tomorrow. Then write the names of the places on the right.

3) Check the opening hours of the places you need to go to. Then practice conversations with your partner.

4) Make your plan for tomorrow according to your class schedule and the opening hours of the places you will go.

7. Further reading: an unique school


Discussion: what’s the difference between a high school and a vocational school?