宝钢集团有限公司成本控制问题分析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章宝钢集团有限公司成本控制问题分析更新完毕开始阅读38f56a5a33d4b14e84246803


Cost management system refers to the command and control on cost management system of the organization. Cost management system is a system of all management system, management system is to establish a policy and objectives and achieve the goal of the system. So the cost management system is the command and control organization in terms of costs to establish policy and objectives and achieve the goal of the system. Cost function in terms of cost management system, its basic function is to command and control, is the command and control the cost.

Cost management system refers to the command and control on cost management system of the organization. Cost management system includes the following four basic elements: 1, the structure of the organization (including organization, personnel responsibilities and authorities and mutual relations of arrangement); 2, program (for the purpose of an activity or process under way). 3, process (a set of input into output of interrelated or interacting activities); 4, resources (including: personnel, facilities, equipment, material, capital, technology, method, information, etc.).

A, cost control should be given priority to with production technology department Accounting personnel to the enterprise cost control to do a lot of work. Such as the enterprise internal cost management measures, establish the cost control responsibility system, and to calculate the cost and prepare the cost report every month and so on work; On the institutions, but also is equipped with a bachelor degree (room), equipped with specialized responsible for cost management personnel; For a long time, formed the production technology department just for money, money, finance and accounting department just card money, money. All of these make people think the cost control is the accounting department, should be given priority to with accounting department or accounting personnel.

Actually, this is a misunderstanding, also is the root cause of the enterprise can not effectively control the cost. Now for example. Oil field to a producing well, production set ?

Determine the cost control of the main body status, production technology department is not shirk responsibility for the accounting department, doesn't mean it is not important. Financial accounting department in a secondary position, but is still an important force in the cost control. To better control the cost in order to make the production technology department, finance department will report the cost, the cost information, such as accounting information, provide them with timely, accurate, even the poor enterprise financial position and the serious situation of cost control and report to them. This production technology department to enhance the consciousness



of cost control, control the cost change trend, find out the ways and methods of cost controlling, control the cost effectively.

Second, the cost control is full, the whole process of cost control

1. The total cost control. Enterprise cost control, all of our employees is refers to the enterprise of all departments and all staff to the common control of costs. 1) department of cost control. Production technology department, finance department and other departments, to control information exchange cost, communication cost control experience. Enterprise to mutual support between higher and lower, mutual cooperation, the cost of forming vertical and horizontal control network, the cost control to achieve the desired effect. To overcome the past between various departments \dog heard voices, silos\phenomenon, which lack of cost control. (2) overall cost control of the worker. First of all, is the enterprise leading to cost control. Leadership is the enterprise production and operation activities.






Reference for Business, Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed



一些成本控制的支持者认为,这种战略的成本削减计划必须慎重,因为并非所有降低成本的方法,都会对企业产生有利的影响。在20世纪90年代的一个显著的例子,首席执行官邓拉普,绰号“电锯阿尔”,尽管他大幅降低企业的生产成本,但他领导的小器具制造公司依旧未能盈利。 邓拉普解雇了成千上万的工人和出售企业的业务,在他担任CEO两年内贡献不大,公司的竞争地位和股票的价格大幅下滑。因此,在1998年公司董事会解雇了邓拉普,对他“成本控制一招”的管理方法失去了信心。


控制是指通过管理层的努力来影响个人的行为,由谁负责执行任务,承担成本,并获得收入。 管理是一个过程,将其分为两个阶段: 规划是指管理计划的方式,希望人们人们能够执行的程序,而控制是指受雇于这些计划的程序是否符合实际表现。通过预算过程管理和会计控制、建立全面的公司目标,明确责任中心,确定各责任中心的具体目标,设计的程序和标准报到和评价。







前馈:提供一个在行动点(决策点)控制的基础; 反馈:提供一种测量实施后的控制基础。






