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发布时间 : 星期五 文章英语语法术语 课堂教学用语更新完毕开始阅读38ff8110f61fb7360a4c651b

her, please.

23. 请从头读起 Please read from the beginning.

24. 请跳过这一段,从下一段开始 Please skip this paragraph, and start with the next paragraph. 25. 这篇文章的主题是什么? What is the theme of this essay?

26. 还有5分钟,我们可以把课文在读一遍 There are still 5 minutes left. So we have time to

read the text once more.

练习 Exercise

1. 我们现在做句型练习 Now let’s do pattern drills. 2. 请看替换词 Look at the substitutes.

3. 我读句型并先做一遍,然后你们照样做 I’ll read the sentence pattern and do it first, then

you do the same.

4. 请按句型造句 Make sentences after the given patterns.

5. 现在我们互相提问,然后请一位同学总结全课 Now we’ll ask each other questions. Then

one of you will sum up the lesson.

6. 现在我们来进行复述 Now let’s do some retelling. 7. 现在请复述课文 Now try to retell the text. 8. 想想看 Think it over 9. 想一会儿 Think it for a while 10. 再试一试 Try again

11. 现在试着回答 Now, try to answer.

12. 我相信,你要是认真想一想,一定能回答好这个问题 I’m sure you can answer this

question well, if you think hard.

13. 你能举几个例子吗?Can you give some examples?

14. 有什么错误吗?Is there anything wrong?/ Any more mistakes? 15. 有什么评论吗?Any comments? 16. 请到黑板前面来 Come to the blackboard 17. 回到座位去 Go back to your seat

18. 你能指出哪里有错吗?Can you point out any mistakes?

听写 dictation

准备听写 Get ready for dictation 现在听写 Now let’s have dictation.

我再念一遍,你们可以检查一下 Now I’ll read once more, and you check you work. 好了,把笔放下 All right, put down your pens.

同桌的同学和相交换练习本,互相改一改。Exchange your exercise books with your neighbour and correct each other’s mistakes.

把练习本交上来 Hand in your exercise books.

把练习本传到前面来:Pass your exercise books to the front. 你们都交了练习本了吗?Have you all handed in your exercise books?

辅导 coaching

1. 有问题吗?Are there any questions? // Any questions? 2. 还有问题吗?Have you any other questions to ask?

3. 你们还有别的问题要问吗?Is there anything else you want to ask? 4. 谁还有问题要问? Does anyone else have any questions to ask?

5. 你们还有什么不明白的吗?Is there anything which you don’t understand? 6. 我把各点都讲清楚了吗?Did I make everything clear?

7. 也许你没有搞清我的意思,我再说一遍 I’m afraid you didn’t quite catch my meaning. I’ll

say it once more.

布置作业 Homework

1. 今天我讲给你们两份作业,复习上周的语法,并写出这个故事的摘要 I’m giving you two

sets of homework today. Review last week’s grammar, and write a summary of this story. 2. 今天的作业是:用黑板上的单词造句,背诵课文,做第54页上的练习 For today’s

homework, make sentences with the words on the blackboard, learn the text by heart and do the exercises on page 54.

3. 你们的家庭作业是:仔细复习课文,准备口头回答问题 For your homework, review the

text carefully and be prepared to answer questions orally.

4. 熟读课文。星期三有一个测验 Learn the text thoroughly. You will be given a quiz on


5. 这次作业是给你的朋友写封英文信,谈谈你的学校生活 For your homework, write an

English letter to a friend, telling him about your life at school.

6. 今天没有笔头作业,星期五我们要做口头练习。No written work for today. We’ll have oral

drill on Friday.

7. 熟读今天教的单词,必须掌握拼写方法、发音和词义 Learn the new words taught today.

Be sure that you know their spelling, pronunciation and meaning.

8. 你们做作业前必须复习今天所学的功课 You must review today’s lesson before doing

your homework.

9. 把下列单词抄写在本子上 Copy the following words in your exercise book. 10. 把第二段课文背下来 Learn the second paragraph by heart.

评语 Comment

1. 从语法上来看,这句话不错,但它不太符合英语的习惯 Grammatically, it is all right, but

it is not quite idiomatic.

2. 这个句子不合语法 This sentence is grammatically wrong. 3. 你的回答不很切题 Your answer is not quite to the point.

4. 这学期你的英语进步很大 Your English has improved greatly this term. 5. 你现在比以前说的更流利了 You can speak English more fluently now. 6. 你考试刚刚及格 You just managed to pass the exam.

7. 你学习不够努力。你必须更努力些 You did not work hard enough. You must strive to work


8. 你期末考试很差 You did very poorly in the final exam. 9. 我希望你们再接再厉 I hope you’ll persist in your efforts.

考试 examination

1. 把名字写在试卷上 Put your name on our examination paper.

2. 交卷前仔细把试卷检查一遍 Go over your papers carefully before you hand them in. 3. 补考将在下学期开学初举行 The make-up exam will be at the beginning of the next term. 4. 你的英语要补考 You will have to take a make-up exam in English.

5. 你们许多人都考得很好 Many of you got good marks.

下课 end of the class

1. 今天的课就到这里 That’s all for today. 2. 休息时间到了 It’s time for break/recess. 3. 时间到了 Our time is up.

4. 现在我们休息一下 Now let’s have a break. 5. 我们休息10分钟 Let’s rest for 10 minutes. 6. 课上完了 The lesson is over. 7. 下课 Class is over/ dismissed.