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外研社英语七年级下册 MODULE 1 lost and found Unit 1: 1. welcome back to…欢迎返回…;You are welcome.别客气。 You are welcomed. 你是被欢迎的。 2. everyone不定代词,“每个人”,指、只指人,不指物,不与of连用。谓语动词用单三形式。 every one即可指人,也可指物,可与介词of连用。 Every one of us has a chance to speak at the meeting. 3. first of all = firstly = above all首先; at first起初 4. lost and found box“失物招领箱” 5. there be句型的时态: 一般现在时There is/are 一般过去时There was/ were 一般将来时There will be/ is/are going to be 过去将来时There would be/ was going to be 现在完成时There have/has been 过去完成时There had been There is (some) milk in the fridge. There was nothing special about the meal There will be rain next week. Our teacher told us that there would be a test on Monday. There has been an increase in the number of road incidents recently. There had been a lot of earthquakes in this area. 6. a lot of/lots of许多;a lot相当于very much,意为“非常”。 I have lots of books in my room. Thanks a lot. 7. whose代词,意为“谁的”。一般whose + n. Whose pen is this? 8. look after照顾,照料;look ahead向前看;look as if看上去好像;look at看着;look around/about四下环顾;look back回头看;回顾;look down upon(on)看不起,轻视;look forward to盼望,期待;look into 朝...看去;调查;look like看上去象;look on旁观,观望;look on ... as ...把...看作...;look out当心,留神;look through浏览,翻阅,温习;look up查阅;抬头看;look up to尊敬 look为不及物动词,单独使用,用来引起对方的注意。Look! That’s an English car. look at及物动词词组,后接宾语,侧重“看”的动作。Come and look at my new dress. watch是及物动词,意思“观看,注视”,常用来指看电视、看球赛、看戏等。They are watching a match. see vi.&vt. 及物动词意思“看见,参观”,不及物动意思“明白”。侧重“看”的结果。 Can you see the bird in the tree? 9. Here’s a purple wallet!本句为倒装句。由here, there, out, in, then, down等表示方位的副词开头的句子,如果主语是名词要用全部倒装语序,即谓语动词位于主语之前。但如果主语是代词时,则不倒装。 第 1 页

There goes the bell. Here you go. 10. care v.&n.—careful—carefully—carefulness—careless—carelessly—carelessness; be careful with小心… 11. from now on从现在起 Unit 2: 12. mobile phone移动电话;mobile adj.可移动的 The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning. 13. talk, speak, tell, say区别 talk to强调谈话的对象是“单向的”。如:I am talking to Tom. (强调\单方面的对\在谈话) talk with强调谈话的对象是“双向的”。如:I am talking with Tom. (强调\和\在相互谈话) speak后常接语言。He can speak English and a little Chinese. speak to“和…讲话、谈话”。Can I speak to Mr. Zhang? tell意为“告诉”。词组:tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb.; tell sb. (not) to do sth.; tell sb. + that从句; He tells me something about his past. He tells his son not to make the same mistake. He tells me that he wants to be a teacher. say意为“说”,后常跟说话的内容。Can you say it in English? He said that he was a teacher before. 14. at the lost and found office在失物招领处,注意介词at。 15. get ready for sth.为某事作好准备;get on well/badly with sb./sth.和某人相处的好/不好;get ready to do sth.准备做某事;get on/off上车/下车;get in进去;get up起床;get down下来 16. be lost:迷路;丢失;迷失 I seem to be lost. 17. in a hurry“匆匆忙忙”,此处hurry为名词。hurry up赶紧;hurry to do sth匆忙作某事,此时hurry为动词。 He hurried home. = He went home in a hurry. 18. 19. a. leave此处作动词,意为“留下,落下”,后接表示地点的介词短语,表示把某物落在/忘在某地。 I often leave my homework at home. I leave my key in the reading room. b.词组:leave school“毕业,退学”;leave the school单纯的离开学校;leave for sw.动身去某地。 c. leave作动词,意为“使保持…状态”。Who leaves the door open? d. leave作名词,意为“假期,休假”。I want to ask for two days’ leave. 20. at the airport, at the station; on the plane/train/bus; in the taxi注意介词的不同。 the 第 2 页 21. 22. three hundred of these/those + npl(表示整体和部分关系) V.S hundreds +npl(数量关系) them 23. at the moment此刻,目前 24. help sb. do sth./help sb. sth.帮助某人某事; with the help of在…帮助下; can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事 25. try to do设法,try doing尝试;have a try尝试一下;try on试穿;try one’s best to do sth.尽力做某事 Unit 3: 26. the name of the dog名词所有格 27. such as例如 28. search v.&n.搜索;调查;research v.&n.研究,探讨 29. think of想起;think about考虑;think over仔细考虑 30. choose from从...选择;choose sb. sth. = choose sth. for sb. 31. detail细节;详述 32. sketch梗概 33. make a list of sth.列出…的清单 34. ask sb. (not) to do sth.要求某人做某事 重点句型: 1. First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! 2. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. 3. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 4. Hundreds of people come here every day. 第 3 页