皖南八校2014届第二次联考英语试题及答案 联系客服

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39.A. kick B.borrow C.buy D.recover 40.A.life jacket B.umbrella C.rope D.anchor 41.A. match B.strength C.power D.force 42.A.ball B.dot C.line D.light 43.A.lost B.delicate C.old D.damaged 44.A.bitterly B.absolutely C.fairly D.holplessly 45.A. progress B.weather C.strength D.energy 46.A. threw B.opened C.closed D.freed 47.A.decided B.said C.declared D.recognized 48.A.awkwardly B.carefully C.slowly D.easily 49.A.hopefully B.cautiously C.continuously D.desperately 50.A.told B.comforted C.discouraged D.supported 51.A.food B.pleasure C.warmth D.help 52.A.passed out B.passed away C.passed off D.passed by 53.A.warm B.generous C.proud D.brave 54.A.easy B.tough C.interesting D.dull 55.A.which B.that C.one D.it

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2份,满分40分)



On a hot muggy(闷热的) August afternoon, I had every reason to feel sorry for myself -- my flight home was full and late.

I got even impatient waiting in the noisy crowd. And then I noticed a 5-year-old boy standing by his mother and watching me. He looked at me, then my bag, then back at me.

56 , he left his mother's side and slowly began to walk toward me, glancing between my bag, his mother, and me.

\As he came closer, I was alarmed that it wasn't me he was after. It was my hat!

I started to tell him not to bother my things, but something made me stop and watch. He stopped in front of my bag, looking at my hat, then up at me.

With wide eyes, he gently ran his index finger along the edge, carefully touching the emblem(徽章).

Again, he looked up at me, now smiling, but saying nothing. I asked him if he would like to wear my captain hat.

He excitedly nodded his head, still smiling. I placed my hat on his head, but it fell down around his ears. He didn't seem to mind and held it up in the proper position with both hands. He ran to show his mother, then back to me still smiling from ear to ear.

With much reverence(敬畏) and ceremony, he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels.

I put my hat on and gave him an airplane card. This, too, he held with both hands in awe. After this exchange, he still hadn't spoken, although I knew he was excited. I also was happy

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that I had been briefly distracted from my self-pity.

Still holding the card carefully with both hands, he looked up at me and said, \sure are lucky.\


That day, I got the last seat on that flight home.

56. Which word can be placed at the beginning of the third paragraph?

A. Excitedly B. Cautiously C. Disappointedly D. Sadly

57. The following contributed to the author’s low spirits EXCEPT ________. A. the weather B. the noisiness C. the bag D. the flight

58. By “My day is now complete”, the author actually means . A. it is common to meet a boy at an airport. B. it is fun to be with a boy.

C. he knows that a boy usually brings along good luck. D. he wouldn’t like to be bothered at all.

59. The author admitted that he sure was lucky, because . A. the boy returned his hat to him. B. the boy liked his hat very much C. the boy gave his seat to him.

D. the boy changed his mood for the better.

Last year, A Bite of China, made by CCTV’s Documentary Channel, sparked discussion not only on Chinese food, but also on locally made documentary programs.

When you think of documentaries, you may think of them as long, boring programs. But documentaries can be wonderful and bring stories from the real world into our homes. With fascinating footage(影片片段) and stories, documentaries encourage us to think about interesting issues we wouldn’t necessarily know about.

So, what makes a good documentary, and what should we pay attention to when we watch one? Here, we offer a few easy strategies to help you get the most out of watching documentaries.

Pay attention to the themes

While watching a documentary, keep your eyes and ears peeled for the themes people talk about and what ideas they focus on. Is it meant to be informative or raise a certain emotional response?

Think critically

Listen to what the people in the documentary are saying and ask yourself the following questions: If you were debating with someone or introducing a new concept, would you say the things the people in the documentary are saying? Do the arguments make sense?

Check the sources

If you’re sitting at the computer and can’t think of anything to do, why not look up the points the documentary made and see if they are accurate? You could even read more about what is

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presented in the documentary.

Who are the creators?

The creators or financial backers of a film will usually be involved with how the subject matter is presented. For instance, as the documentary 2016: Obama’s America was directed in large part by a conservative writer, it’s not surprising that it’s critical of President Obama from the beginning.

60. Which of the following is the most proper to describe documentaries?

A. non-fictional B. controversial C. subjective D. thoughtful

61. The passage is mainly written to ______.

A. inform us of factors of good documentaries. B. help us enjoy documentaries better.

C. introduce ways of making documentaries. D. help us figure out themes of documentaries.

62. Why is 2016: Obama’s America mentioned in the article? A. Because the author dislikes Obama. B. Because it is directed by a writer. C. Because it is quite popular in China. D. Because it is a persuasive example.

63. According to the passage, ______.

A. it is always difficult to get the themes of documentaries. B. financial backers often appear in documentaries.

C. it’s better to think twice about what is in documentaries. D. many points of documentaries are not accurate.


Brighton: It is a seaside resort on the English Channel. Only 50 miles from London, it offers a good variety of lively entertainment. It is a cheerful place, busy and crowded in the summer, but alive in every season of the year. Its royal pavilion(布莱顿皇宫)is a masterpiece of English architecture.

Durham: Whatever travelers see or don’t see in England, they must see this city, in the northeast, just south of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. No one will forget the sight of its cathedral(教堂)and castle rising together on a steep hill overlooking a loop in the River Wear, which almost surrounds them. The cathedral itself is one of the great medieval(中世纪的,公元476-1500)buildings in Europe.

Liverpool: A port in the northwest of England which possesses a quality that is not found in quite the same way anywhere else in England: the quality of grandeur (壮观). Liverpool has this grandeur in its site on the broad River Mersey (more than half a mile wide) with the houses rising near it; in its great dock buildings, its broad streets, and its two enormous cathedrals.

Edinburgh: It has long been the capital of Scotland. Edinburgh Castle is Edinburgh’s

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important building, controlling the city from its perch on a rock over a hundred meters above sea level. Another important building is the Palace of Holyrood House, begun by James Ⅲ around 1500. Between the castle and the palace is the Royal Mile, which was the center of Edinburgh life before the 17th century and is fascinating to visit now.

64. Which is the suitable time to visit Brighton ? _____ A.Only summer B.All the year around C.Holidays D.Weekdays

65. Which of the following place mentions both a castle and a cathedral ? _____ A.Brighton B.Durham C.Liverpool D.Edinburgh

66. From this article , which of the following statements is wrong ? _______ A.Around the broad River Mersey you can enjoy the unique quality of Liverpool .

B.The sight of Durham’s cathedral and castle is probably best seen from the banks of the Riverwear .

C. The Palace of Holyrood House is much older than the cathedral in Durham. D.Edinburgh Castle was built over a hundred meters above sea level.

67. This article can be found in _____

A.a travel magazine B.a daily newspaper C.a chapter of science fiction D.a column in the financial press


We sometimes think global warming or climate change is a problem very far away from our lives, and that only the government needs to worry about it. But it’s hardly possible to completely stay out of it – scientists are now 95 percent sure that humans have been the “dominant cause” of global warming trends since the 1950s.

One of the conclusions of a report released on Sept 27 by the United Nations says that human activities have caused global temperatures to rise by 0.89 0C between 1901 and 2012. That might not seem like a lot, but the truth is that a major part of that heat has been absorbed into the oceans, which is not surprising given that they cover two thirds of Earth’s surface. Also, water has a much greater capacity (容量) to absorb heat than the air does, according to The Economist.

While many greenhouse gases occur naturally and are needed to keep the Earth warm enough to support life, humans’ use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess (多余的) greenhouse gases. According to CNN, by driving cars, using electricity produced by burning coal and oil or heating our homes with coal or natural gas, we release a large amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Your body can barely feel a difference of 0.89 0C, but the Earth’s ecosystems are so sensitive that even small changes can disturb them. It often starts with the smallest creatures at the bottom of the food chain, eventually affecting bigger animals, many of which could end up becoming extinct.

Global warming is also linked to an increase in extreme weather. A larger amount of carbon dioxide traps more energy inside the atmosphere. This changes the patterns of storms and rainfall in many regions and can lead to droughts and floods. Worse still, melting sea ice in warmer oceans

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