2019-2020学年人教版英语必修四新素养同步讲义:Unit 2 Working the land 1 Section Ⅰ Word版含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019-2020学年人教版英语必修四新素养同步讲义:Unit 2 Working the land 1 Section Ⅰ Word版含答案更新完毕开始阅读3a62e05527c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b8f6ec0d

$135 per person and requires good health and physical condition.It takes the hiker through valleys, thick forests and ends with a lovely picnic lunch.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了澳洲蓝山国家公园的国家山口步行小道。 8.What do we learn about the National Pass? A.You can finish it in one or two hours. B.It is a track that is close to Sydney. C.You can get there on foot only. D.It ends where it begins.

D 解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的It is a circular walking track of 4.4km.可知,国家山口步行小道是一条环形路线。

9.Which of the following best describes the Grand Stairway? A.It is under the valley below Wentworth Falls. B.It was built with the help of UNESCO. C.It is the longest stairway in Australia. D.It has a history of over one century.

D 解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的It was built around 1906 by workers who used all kinds of different tools.可知,大阶梯有一百多年的历史了。

10.What will be exciting for a traveler? A.The clear pools near the track. B.The waterfalls along the track. C.The traditional native culture. D.The beautiful rocks on the mountains.

B 解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的Along a great part of this track is the amazing waterfalls which hikers(远足者) pass by, through, and over.可知,一路上的瀑布会让旅行者感到激动。

11.What should hikers know about the track? A.They must be strong enough to walk it. B.Some parts of it are quite dangerous. C.It is being repaired at the moment. D.Meals are sold during the walk.

A 解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的requires good health and physical condition.可知,


Ⅱ 七选五

According to medical experts, people do not need food as much as they need water.If you are in good physical shape, you are likely to survive longer.In fact, the body stores fat and other forms of energy.The fatter you are, the more fat your body can store.1.________

The survival time without food also depends on how fast a person burns food.Those who use up food energy faster will probably not survive as long as those who burn food energy more slowly.

Climate also plays an important role in it.2.________ However, hot climate allows you to go on longer without replacing food.

3.________ It may lead to physical weakness or confusion.After many weeks without food, your body organs can fail one after another.Even so, people can still survive without food for up to two months as long as they have enough to drink.

However, living without water can be a very different story.Every minute, we lose water through breathing and other activities.The water that our bodies lose must be replaced so that our organs can work properly.4.________ Otherwise, we may suffer a heat stroke(中暑).

Dehydration(严重脱水) can lead to many illnesses.In the beginning, you may just suffer a dry mouth or a fast heartbeat.5.________ Therefore, you should never go on without water for a day or more.

A.Water helps us cool down in the heat. B.However, we can’t live long without water. C.That is why fatter people can survive longer. D.Cold weather makes you use up more energy. E.Eating too much is not necessary in our daily life. F.But a few weeks later, you may be in a state of shock.

G.Eating too little causes your body to react in some special ways.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要指出了相比于食物,人们存活更需要水。人体内可以存储一些脂肪和能量备用,而呼吸和其他身体活动却随时随地在消耗人体内的水分。

1.C 解析:此空设于段尾,与上文存在逻辑上的指代关系。本句中的That指代的是前一句中提到的The fatter you are, the more fat your body can store.。

2.D 解析:此空设于段中,是对前一句的进一步解释。此句和后一句都是对前一句的进一步解释。前一句指出,气候在人们存活的过程中扮演着很重要的角色,此句和后一句


3.G 解析:此空设于段首,是本段的主题句。此句提出,吃得太少会使身体作出一些特殊的反应,接着后文再具体描述这些反应。

4.A 解析:此空设于段中,与后文存在转折关系。本段主要是讲缺水可能会带来的后果。后一句句意为“否则,我们可能会中暑。”由此可推测,此句是提出水可以使我们在炎热的天气凉快下来。

5.F 解析:此空设于段中,是对第一句的进一步解释。第一句指出,严重脱水可以导致很多疾病,接着提出了刚开始的后果。所以可推测,此句是表明几周后,你可能会处于休克状态。