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Book III Unit 10

The Machine That Knows Your Face

1. At a gas station, a man stops to deposit and then cash his paycheck. (Para. 1)

Meaning: At a station where petrol can be bought, a man stops to place in the bank the amount

of money on the check that pays his wages and then exchanges it for some money in coins and notes.

Notice the author gave this example first in order to arouse the interest of the reader. As we know, people normally get a check cashed in a bank instead of at a gas station. In this way the reader might be made eager to read on. deposit: vt.

1) place in a bank or safe 储蓄; 存放

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Her husband didn’t know that she had deposited a large sum of money in the bank before they got married. 她丈夫不知道她结婚前就在银行存了一大笔钱. People used to deposit money in the bank when the interest rate was higher. 过去利率较高时, 人们常常把钱存到银行.

The Yangtze River deposited a thick layer of soil at the mouth of the sea, thus forming the Yangtze Delta. 一层厚厚的泥土在长江入海口沉积起来, 由此形成了长江三角洲.

2) let fall (fine substance) and leave lying 使沉淀; 使淤积



1) [C] a sum of money placed or kept in a bank usually to gain interest 存款, 储蓄

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He was caught because his bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the bank’s management. 他由于存款数额巨大, 引起了银行的注意, 结果就被抓了. She made two deposits of $500 last month. 上个月她存了两次钱, 每次500美元.

2) [C; singular] the first part of a payment for goods or service, as a sign that payment will be

completed 定金; 订金


2. in a minute: in a very short period of time 马上; 立刻

? The plane will take off in a minute and all the passengers must fasten your seatbelts.

飞机马上就要起飞了, 全体乘客必须系好安全带.

3. authorize: vt. (authorise BrE) give formal permission to or for 授权; 批准

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4. characteristic:

n. [C] a special and easily recognized quality of someone or sth.; attribute 特色;特征;特性


Feathers are a characteristic (which is) specific to birds. 羽毛是鸟类独有的特征.

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You have to pay a deposit if you’d like to book a suite in this hotel. 如果你想在这个旅馆订一个套间, 你必须付订金.

The invasion was authorized by the President. 这次侵略是由总统批准的.

She authorized her partner to carry out the daily responsibilities on her behalf when she was on her business trip. 她授权她的伙伴在她出差期间代她处理日常事物.


? Every school has its own characteristics. 每个学校都有自己的特色.

adj. typical; representing a person’s or thing’s unusual character 典型的; 特有的 be characteristic of sb./sth. …是某人/某物特有的

? This custom is characteristic of the Japanese. 这是日本特有的习俗.

= This is the custom (which is) characteristic of the Japanese.

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5. border:


1) [C] (land near) the dividing line between two countries 国界; 边境 ? The train crossed the border between France and Spain. 2) [C] an edge 边; 边缘

The picture would look better with a border around it. 配上边框, 这幅画就更漂亮了. Her cards usually have fine border designs consisting of beautiful flowers. 她的卡片周边都有精致的, 由漂亮花朵组成的边框图案.

vt. form a border to 形成 …… 的边界, 毗邻

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6. Some people, however, are concerned that these machines will mean the destruction of personal privacy. (Para. 3)

Meaning: But some people are afraid that with these smart devices, people will not be able to

keep their personal information to themselves and thus completely lose the freedom to keep information from other people.

destruction: n. [U] the act of destroying or state of being destroyed 破坏; 消灭

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7. invade: vt.

1) enter into and spoil 侵害; 侵扰

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In order for a disease t take over a plant, the disease must first invade the plant and then begin growing. 疾病要控制整个植物, 必须侵入其内部而后开始蔓延. Water, not wind, is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane. 当飓风来临时, 造成死亡和破坏的主要原因是洪水而不是大风.

Now there is a danger that weapons of mass destruction will be used in the conflict. 现在存在着在冲突中使用大规模杀伤性武器的危险. China is bordered by Russia in the north. 中国北邻俄罗斯. Willow trees bordered the river. 河岸两旁柳树成行. ? ?

It is characteristic of her to ask her mother’s permission. 做任何事都先征求她母亲的同意是她的一贯作风.

Smiling is her characteristic weapon. 微笑是她特有的武器.

A crowd of youths invaded the peace of the evening with their singing and shouting. 一帮年轻人又唱又喊, 打破的夜晚的宁静.

2) go or come into and attack, so as to take control of (a country, city, etc.) 侵入; 侵略

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Gathering of armed forces near the border showed that they planned to invade within the next few days. 在边境附近聚集的武装力量表明, 他们正计划在近日内入侵. Germany invaded Poland in 1939. 德国于1939年入侵波兰.


8. promote: vt.

1) help in the growth or development of 促进, 推动

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The exchange of visits by government officials will help promote the cooperation between the two countries. 政府官员的互访将有利于促进两国之间的合作.

One of the most important tasks for a school is to help and promote forming a child’s personality. 学校最重要的任务之一是帮助并促进孩子个性的形成.

2) give (someone) a higher position or rank 提升, 擢升


These people are working hard to promote the status of women with the hope that they will have equal rights with men in society.

这些人致力于提高妇女的地位, 希望妇女也能拥有与男人相同的权利.

At last, he got his salary increased when he was promoted. 他升职时工资终于涨了.


9. confidential: adj. spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret 秘密的, 机密的

? confidential files 机密文件

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a confidential secretary 机要秘书

We tried our best to get Henry off the topic, because we knew he’d reveal confidential information. 我们尽力把Henry从那个话题引开,因为我们知道他会泄露机密信息的.

10. Some people don’t like the idea of using fingerprints because they associate them with criminals, and feel like they are being accused of something. (Para. 4)

Meaning: Some people dislike the thought of using fingerprints as an identifying method, because fingerprints make people think of criminals, and this gives them a feeling that they are being charged with breaking the law.

Chinese: 有些人不喜欢使用指纹的做法, 因为指纹会使他们联想到罪犯, 感觉好像自己

被指控犯罪一样. associate: vt.

1) connect in thought, memory, or imagination 由…….联想到.…… associate … with …

? People usually associate France with romance. 人们常常由法国联想到浪漫情调. ? The prince had never associated Cinderella with a poor, shabby girl.

王子从未想过灰姑娘会是个衣着寒酸的穷姑娘. 2) join in a relationship based on friendship, business, or a shared purpose; combine as friends

or partners 与 …… 结合; 与 …… 合伙

? I am not accustomed to associating with society people like you.



I don’t like the chap (whom) you are associating with. 我不喜欢正和你交往的那个小伙子.

n. [C] a person connected with another, especially in work; partner

(尤指工作上的) 同事; 伙伴

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In the U.S., no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour; it would be impolite. 在美国, 没人会让他的商业伙伴等待一个小时, 那是很不礼貌的. A close associate of the author denied the reports that she had cancer. 作者的一位密友声称有关该作者身患癌症的报道失实.

feel like: feel as if one is (sth. or someone) 觉得好像 ……

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? Being treated that way, I felt like a baby. 被那样对待让我觉得自己像个小孩.

accuse: vt. charge (someone) with doing wrong or breaking the law 指责; 指控; 控告 sb. be accused of sth. / accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人犯…罪; 指责某人某事 Cf. charge sb. with sth. 指控某人犯…罪

? When the police charge someone with committing a crime, they formally accuse them of

it. 当警察认为某个人犯了罪, 他们会正式起诉他.


11. wear down: gradually reduce the size or quality of 磨损; 磨薄

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She wants t buy a pair of shoes because the heels of the old ones are worn down. 因为那双旧鞋的鞋跟都磨平了, 所以她想再买双鞋.

The dam had been worn down by waves and it collapsed eventually. 大坝被浪潮冲蚀, 最终轰然倒塌.

The girl accused her boyfriend of not being generous. 女孩指责她的男朋友出手不大方.

12. recognition: n.

1) [U] the fact of knowing someone or sth.; recognizing or being recognized 认出; 识别

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Now research shows that brand recognition plays a key role in the success of e-commerce. 新的研究表明, 品牌意识对电子商务的成功起到了关键作用.

Recognition of my father was difficult as his hair had all turned white during these years. 我几乎认不出父亲了, 在这些年里他的头发全变白了.

Some artists gain recognition after death. 有些艺术家直到死后才得到承认/认可. They gave the boy a medal in recognition of his courage. 他们授予这个男孩一枚奖章, 对他的勇气表示认可/嘉奖.

2) [U] the state of being accepted as legal, real, or valuable 承认

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13. nothing more than: just; only (used to emphasize how extreme sth. is) 仅仅; 只不过

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14. on file: stored in a file 存档, 入档

? I looked through all the letters on file, but I didn’t find the one I had wanted.

我查遍了所有入挡的信件, 就是找不到我想要大那封.


The bank teller refused to cash my check as he found my ID did not match the information on file.

银行职员不肯兑付我的支票, 因为他发现我的身份证和档案里的信息不符.

15. The need to carry identification with you from place to place, then, would all but cease.

(Para. 4)

Meaning: It would no longer be necessary for you to carry your identity card wherever you


Chinese: 这样一来, 带着身份证件到处跑的情况就不复存在了.

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Poetry is nothing more than new combinations of old materials. 诗歌不过是把旧素材拼凑翻新罢了.

The husband and wife in the story were actually nothing more than the master and slave. 故事中的那对夫妻实际上不过是主人和奴仆的关系.