英语教案:必修1 Unit I School life Period 3 School life in the UK 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语教案:必修1 Unit I School life Period 3 School life in the UK更新完毕开始阅读3a8977405bcfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb162d9e57


1、Ask some students to read their “My school day” to the class. 2、Recite or retell the text (par. by par.)

Language focus: I.词语辨析: 1. below / under

below: 指(高度、职位、数量、年龄)在……之下”,(能力等)低于……

e.g. 100 metres below sea level, ten degrees below zero below还可作后置定语,“下面的、以下的” e.g. the figures below:下面的数字 c.f. above:上方的、超过的

under: 指“在垂直的下方”或“级别、数量、标准等低于……

e.g. Let’s sit under the tree. There are many children under 12 years of age. c.f. over:

2. know: 知道,明白

e.g. He knows exactly what he’s doing. know of: 知道有,听说过……

e.g. I have never know of such a thing before. know about: 知道……的情况,了解,知道

e.g. I know of him, but I can’t say I know much about him. be known for / be known as / be know to sb. 3. life / lives

一般来讲,当 life 用作可数名词时,指

1)“一(几)条命”e.g. a life;

Three lives were lost in the accident.

2) 生活方式:e.g. one’s way of life;

Modern technology has changed our lives

其余情况下,life一般用作不可数名词,作“生活”解。 e.g. To him, money is his life.

Life is not easy for all of us.

4. missing / lost / gone

missing: 缺少的、失踪的、不在的

e.g. When I came back, my dictionary was missing.

There are some pages missing from the book.

注:missed:想念、错过,无“缺少的、失踪的、不在的”之意。 lost: 丢失的、迷路的、输掉的

e.g. The police are searching for the lost boy.

You’d better go to the Lost and Found to have a look.

gone: 遗失了的、无可挽回的 e.g. My youth is gone for ever. 5. play / play with

play: 进行(有规则的、技巧的)体育/文艺比赛、弹奏乐器等。

e.g. Can you play tennis? Shall we play cards after dinner?

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play with: 1)拿……玩,玩弄……

e.g. The boy is playing with his toys.

2) 和/与……人比赛, 也可说成 play sb.

e.g I will play chess with Diana. = I’ll play Diana at chess. 6. prepare / prepare for prepare: 准备……

e.g. Mother is busy preparing supper. prepare to do sth. / for sth.: 为……作准备

e.g. Please get reading and prepare for the test tomorrow.

prepare sb. to do sth. /for sth.使某人做准备去做某事/ 使某人对---有所准备 e.g. I’ll prepare her to face the difficulty.

The teacher prepared his students for their examination.

He prepared himself for the bad news. 他对坏消息已有心理准备. be prepared for/to do sth. 强调状态 为---作好了准备/准备好要做--- e.g. We are well prepared for the exam now.

We are prepared to give up the chance preparation: make preparations (for) 7. attend / join / take part in / join in

attend: 出席(集会)、到(人多的)场合

e.g. attend a meeting (class, school, lecture….) join: 参加团体、组织或某些人群

e.g. join the League ( the Party, Young Pioneer), join sb. in doing sth. take part in: 参加、参与(活动),成为活动的一分子

e.g. I will take part ing the 1500-meter race. join in: 参加活动

e.g. Many students joined in different activities 8. in the end: 最后,= at last, finally(一般用于顺序) to the end: ……到最后

e.g. The boy ran to the end of the 1500-metre race

by the end of…: 到……底为止(其主句一般用完成时态)

e.g. By the end of next month, we’ll have finished the repair work. at the end of: 1) 在……结束的时候 2)在……的末尾处

e.g. At the end of the meeting, the chairman made a speech. A super market stands at the end of this road. 9. like / be like

like:喜欢、喜爱,是动词。用like to do(表示一次具体的动作) 或like doing(表示习惯行

为) 句式。

e.g. Do you like smoking?

He likes listening to soft music, but he doesn’t like to listen to that piece of music. 象like一样,后面既可接动词不定式,又可接动名词的常用动词还有: stop to do(停止去干某事) / stop doing sth.(停止干某事); mean doing sth(意味着做某事) / mean to do sth.(打算干某事); remember doing sth.(记得干过某事) / remember to do sth(记住要干某事); forget doing sth(忘记做过某事) / forget to do sth(忘记应该做某事)……。

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be like:象……,be是系动词,还可使用:feel / sound / look / taste…等的系动词;like 是


e.g. Peter is like his father.

— What does she look like? — She looks like her mother. (仅问外貌)

c.f. —What is she like? — She is tall / pretty / kind / friendly …(即问外貌,又问为人) 10. in the past / in the past (last) few years

in the past:在过去/以前,用于过去时态,与now相对应。

e.g. They lived a hard life in the past, but now they are living a happy-go-lucky life. in the past / last few years:在刚过去/最近几年中,一般与完成时态连用。 e.g. In the last five years, they have made several important discoveries. 11. main / chief / major


e.g. This is the main street of the city. Rice is our main food every day.



e.g. The chief engineer will explain to the workers how the machine works. She is chief of that minority. major::(数量、价值、程度)较大的、主要的

e.g. The major part of the work was done by hand.

Over population is the major problem of our country.


1. used to do sth: (过去)常常/ 习惯做某事 e.g. I used to sleep late in the morning.

There used to be a temple on top of the hill.

注:used to do 的否定式和反意式,可用usedn’t to do或didn’t use to do e.g. She used to be shy, didn’t she?

Did you use to go to the movies?

区别:be used to (doing) sth.: 习惯于做某事

e.g. I’m used to living here. Are you used to the weather in Beijing? 区别:be used to do sth: 被用来做…… e.g. A pen can be used to write articles.

2. fun: (u.c.) 高兴、快乐,adj. 愉快的、高兴的 e.g. It is great fun to watch a football game.

What fun it is to swim in a river in summer! It is really fun to …..

funny: (adj.) 高兴的、快乐的、有趣的

e.g. It is very funny to do chemistry experiments. 3. spend an hour reading: 用一个小时读书

spend time / money / energy (in) doing sth. (on sth):在……上花时间、钱、精力 e.g. She spends much money on clothes.

I spent three hours doing my homework last Sunday.

区别:sb. pay (money) for sth. // sth. cost (sb) money/time // It takes (sb.) time to do sth.

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4. “疑问词 + to do”:这一结构在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语 e.g. What to do next is not discussed.

The problem is when to hold the meeting. He explained to us how to deal the problems.

5. ease: n. 轻松、自在

do sth. with ease: 轻松地、不费力地做……

e.g He can touch the top of the door with ease. be at ease with sb. :与某人一起感到自在

e.g. He was never at (his) ease with Frank..

vt. 解除……: ease sth.:e.g. That pill eased my headache.

使某人减轻……: ease sb. of sth.:e.g. Your help eased him of his trouble.

6. experience: n.(uc) 经验, (c.)体验,经历

e.g. He has much experience in teaching English. Swimming in the sea is quite an experience.

Living on that island is an unforgettable experience. vt. 经历

e.g. I have experienced several earthquakes. Have you ever experienced war?

experienced /inexperienced:adj. 有/没经验的 an experienced teacher 7. teach:教(书)、教授,后接双宾语:teach sb. sth. = teach sth to sb.

e.g. She teaches us English. = She teaches English to us. 注意,我们不说teach our English


e.g. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.; give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.;

show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.; tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. made sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. ….

8. would like:(指说话的时候)想、要 1)+ n. e.g. I’d like a cup of coffee. 2) + to do sth. e.g. We’d like to see a film instead of sleeping. 3) + sb. to do sth. e.g. She’d like you to go to the office with her. c.f. like:喜欢,一般指习惯、爱好。

e.g. I like beer very much, but I’d like a cola today.

9. though (although):虽然,引导让步状语从句,不与but / however连用,但可与yet / still / and


e.g. Though she is young, (yet) she knows the importance of English.

Although he worked very hard, still he could not afford a car. 10. bit:n. (可数)少量的、小块的,常用a bit of…或bits of…。

e.g. Please try a bit (of the cake).

There were bits of broken glass on the floor.

adv. (时间、程度)稍微,后接形容词或副词。 e.g. It’s a bit cold today. He grew a bit impatient.

bit的词组有:a bit of a/an:颇有几分、有点儿; bit by bit:逐渐的、徐徐的 do one’s bit:尽某人之力/本分

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