西南交大大学英语2第2次作业 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章西南交大大学英语2第2次作业更新完毕开始阅读3b91957da0116c175e0e483e

(2) What are the stages in following a dream?

(A) Setting the switch of our dream on, making a commitment, and releasing the power. (B) Setting the switch of our dream on, committing ourselves, and following the dream. (C) Believing we can do it, committing ourselves, and acting. (D) Believing we can do it, acting and making a commitment. 你选择的答案: A [正确] 正确答案:A

(3) What does the dream of the author’s aunt illustrate? (A) To illustrate we should commit ourselves and start acting. (B) To illustrate our dreams don’t have to be grand to be great.

(C) To illustrate her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson. (D) To illustrate we all have the power to follow a dream. 你选择的答案: D [正确] 正确答案:D

(4) Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) Whether the switch of your dream is ON or OFF is left entirely to yourself. (B) If we believe we can do it, there won’t be any problems. (C) We will find what we look for.

(D) The author’s aunt’s dream was not any less significant than that of a prominent person. 你选择的答案: B [正确] 正确答案:B

(5) The passage mainly tells us that ___________. (A) a dream gives meaning and purpose to our life. (B) if dreams die, life will become meaningless.

(C) we should follow our dream which will make a difference to us and other people. (D) a worthy dream is a dream worthy of accomplishing. 你选择的答案: C [正确] 正确答案:C 参考答案:

[第二单元]; 第5小题:C 主旨题。四个选项均能把握―梦想‖这一核心概念,但视角却各不尽相同。选项A)-―梦想赋予我们的生活以目的和意义‖-是从正面强调梦想的作用;选项B)-―如果梦想死亡,生活将变得毫无意义‖-是从反面强调梦想的作用;选项C)-―我们应该追寻我们的梦想,而梦想将会改变我们自己及我们周围的人‖ -既概括了梦想的作用,更提出了―去追寻我们的梦想‖这一结论;选项D)-―任何有价值的梦想都是值得去实现的‖ -立足点在于―有价值的‖,强调―只要有价值,便值得去追寻实现‖。通观全文,作者指出梦想对于我们生活的作用以及实现梦想的三个阶段,均是围绕并号召我们去追寻梦想这一主旨和目的,故选C)。

43. Thereˇs nothing like a beautiful summer dayblue skies, warm breezes, birds singingto lie

back and dream about your future. You have the world before you.

Allow yourself to dream, and think bigas big as the sky. The worldˇs greatest achievers are some of the best dreamers. Walt Disney, Amelia Earhart, Henry Ford, Susan B. Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, and hundreds more, all had dreams.

Then take the first step to make your dreams come true. Form a goal and accomplish it. Create a new goal and accomplish it. Every time you set and achieve a goal, youˇll move one step closer toward building the future you want for yourself.

When you achieve a target youˇve set for yourself, it helps build your self-confidence and teaches you self-discipline. Each goal you achieve will boost your confidence and help you set bigger goals for your future. Soon, youˇll find yourself moving on a path to success.

Steps for reaching your dreams:

冘 It can be as easy as starting a savings account at your credit union. Give yourself a goal. First, what do you want to save for? It might be a new CD player, your first car, or college.

冘 Next, where will your savings come from? Will you use a portion of your allowance, or can you think of other ways to earn money?

冘 Itˇs okay to set small goals at first. In fact, that may be wise so you begin to understand the rewards and personal satisfaction that come from achieving your goals.

冘 You can keep your goals secret or share them with someone close to you who may help you stay on track.

冘 Another important step is to write your goal on paper. Post your written goal (or a photo of it) in your room where you can see it regularly. This will remind you of what you are working toward.

冘 Give yourself a pat on the back when youˇve achieved your goal and start thinking about your next personal challenge.

冘 Before you know it, youˇll be living your dreams.


(1) What is the first step for reaching your dreams? (A) To start a savings account. (B) To give yourself a goal.

(C) To save money for something you want. (D) All of the above. 你选择的答案: B [正确] 正确答案:B

(2) To make dreams come true, how many steps are mentioned in the passage? (A) Three. (B) Four. (C) Six. (D) Seven.

你选择的答案: D [正确] 正确答案:D

(3) Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford are mentioned to show ___________. (A) they all had dreams

(B) they are greatest achievers in the world (C) we should dream and think big (D) we are achievers if we are dreamers 你选择的答案: C [正确] 正确答案:C

(4) According to the passage, you praise and encourage yourself when you ___________. (A) have formed a goal (B) have accomplished a goal (C) build your self-confidence (D) are planning a personal goal 你选择的答案: B [正确] 正确答案:B

(5) ¨Youˇll be living your dreams〃 means youˇll ___________. (A) live in your dreams (B) be dreamers (C) reach your dreams (D) believe your dreams 你选择的答案: C [正确] 正确答案:C 参考答案:

[第二单元]; 第5小题:C 语义理解题。 (由推测生词含义过渡到词语/短句的推测)见文章最后一段:―不知不觉中,你会发现自己的梦想已经变为了现实‖。


Most people-or at least more Western Europeans-did not accept daydreaming as part of their lives. In fact, until recently, daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time. Or it was considered an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties. But now some people are taking a fresh loo k at daydreaming. And it may be that more people are suffering from a lack of daydreaming than are suffering from too much of it.

It now appears that a person’s self-control and self-direction may suffer if he or she does no daydreaming at all. Such a person may become poorly equipped to deal with the pressures of daily life.

Dr. Joan T. Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes to intellectual growth. It also improves concentration and the ability to get long with others, she says. Another researcher reported that daydreaming seemed to produce improved self-control and creative ability.

But that’s only part of the story. The most remarkable thing about daydreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our future lives, as we want them to be. Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser believed that much of his success was due to the positive use of daydreaming. He maintained that ―you can imagine your future.‖ Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse. The young Thomas Edison pictured himself as an inventor. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true.

Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick believed that the way we pictured ourselves is often the way we turn out. He offered this advice: ―Hold a picture of yourself in your mind’s eye, and you will be drawn towards it. Picture yourself as defeated, and that alone will make victory impossible. Picture yourself vividly as winning, and that will contribute immeasurably to success. Do not picture yourself as anything, and you will drift… ‖ [共5题]

(1) According to the passage, people who do not daydream will ___________. (A) suffer from a lack of daydreaming (B) not waste time (C) improve concentration (D) escape from the real life 你选择的答案: A [正确] 正确答案:A

(2) What does the first sentence in the fourth paragraph mean? (A) But that’s only part of the research. (B) But there are still some other stories. (C) But the story does not finish yet.

(D) But there are still some other positive uses of daydreaming. 你选择的答案: D [正确] 正确答案:D

(3) The example of Thomas Edison is used to show ___________. (A) he is a successful dreamer (B) he is a successful inventor (C) daydreaming can shape our future (D) daydreaming can improve creative ability 你选择的答案: C [正确] 正确答案:C

(4) According to Harry Emerson, if we do not imagine at all, we may ___________.