六年级下册英语教案(表格式)Unit 1 Who is younger(Period 3)牛津译林(一起) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章六年级下册英语教案(表格式)Unit 1 Who is younger(Period 3)牛津译林(一起)更新完毕开始阅读3bd20f8489d63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6ee09

Unit 1 Who is younger?

Period 3 教学内Part E F G H 容 课时 本课为第3课时 1. 自主整体阅读对话,读懂信息,能简单地组织语言表达自己的想法。 课时目2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词: goalkeeper, centimetre. 标 3. 在游戏中熟练使用所学语言进行交际,提升英语学习的兴趣。 3. 感悟、了解字母组合ir在单词中读音。 4. 会唱歌曲I wish I was taller。 教学重目标1,3。 点 教学难点 1. 运用所学语言自由表达自己的观点:I think ______ can be the goalkeeper, because_______________. 能熟练地运用比较级。 2. 单词:goalkeeper, centimeter的读音。 教学准录音机、磁带、图片、词卡等 备 教学过程 教学步骤 (时间分配) 教师活动 学生活动 (含设计意图) 第1页/共6页

Step 1 Warming-up and revision 5分钟 Step 2 Part F 10分钟 Step 3 1. Play the song before class: I wish I was taller. 2. Free talk. Who is taller, …or …? 1. Follow the the tape song and sing together 2. Have a talk with the T. Who is thinner than you in your class? Whose eyes are bigger, hers or his? 3. Play guessing games. Who is my friend? (1)Make a model. 出示信息表。 3. Play the game. (1) weight Learn: height (2)Work in groups. 拿出家作所做的Is he/ she taller than 调查。 you? … Ask them to use: Try again. / Yes, you’re right. (2) Play the game in fours. 1. T: Su Hai, Ben and Jack are playing a guessing game, too. Look at the form. Drill the names. 2. Ask some questions. What’s Tom’s height? What’s Jill’s weight? Who’s taller than Mary? 3. Let the students ask some questions. 4. Make a model. 师在纸条上写上一名字,口头描述他/她的信息,学生猜。 5. Work in groups. 6. Check. 第2页/共6页

1. Look and learn the names. Mary Tom Eddie Gary Jill Sally 2. Answer the questions. 3. Ask some questions. 自由提问,熟练使用比较级疑问句型。 4. Learn how to play the game. 5. Play the game in fours. 6. 小组派出代表,全班Part G 6分钟 Step 4 Part E 12分钟 Step 5 Song 3分钟 1. T: 过渡They are Ben’s classmates. 进行猜测。 Look at these girls. They’re Ben’s girl classmates. T: What can you see? 2. Show the sentence. the blue skirt has a bird. 3. Drill: bird girl skirt T-shirt 4. T: What else words do you know? 注意学生会说到ire的单词 5. Show more words. dirty sir Pay more attention: mirror 1. Say something about the picture. 鼓励学生自由说句子。 3. Read the words. 自己感知ir的发音/ \\:/。 thirty third first birthday circle thirsty 5. Try to read the new words. The tall girl in the yellow T-shirt and 2. Read the sentence. T: What’s the pronunciation of ‘ir’? 4. Say some other words. 1. T: 过渡After school, Ben and his boy classmates want to play football 1. Listen and understand. together. happened? read the dialogue freely. 3. T: What are they talking about? 4. T: Who can be the goalkeeper? What’s your opinion? 5. Play the tape. 6. Reading and action. 7. Read the sentences, write T or F. Check answers. 第3页/共6页

2. Read and understand. Learn the word: What are they saying? What 3. Answer. 2. Ask them to open the books and goalkeeper 4. 自由表达想法。 I think _____ can be the goalkeeper, he_____. Learn: centimeter 5. Listen and repeat. 6. Read in roles, then act out the dialogue. 7. Do the exercise. because Step 6 4分钟 1. T:过渡If you were taller, maybe was taller. 2. Play the song. 1. Summary. 2. 《练习与测试》《补充习题》 3. 学案Write a riddle. 1. Learn the words. 2. Learn the song and sing together. 1. Listen and understand. 2. Do the exercises. Summary you can be the goalkeeper. I wish I 板书设计 Unit1 Who is younger? My friend is … than … ir / \\:/ er bird girl skirt T-shirt 教后反思与重建 第三课时:Part E F G H


1. Take out your forms and guess in groups Name Age Height(c m) Weight(k g) 2. Read and remember.
