中山大学2007学年度新生英语分级考试 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章中山大学2007学年度新生英语分级考试更新完毕开始阅读3bd7fa1aff00bed5b9f31d09


By using space technology China can predict natural disasters __, Luan said.

A. far more precisely than generally thought

B. far precisely as generally thought C.

more precise than generally thinking


more precisely that of general thought

81.May I have a book on the basic principles of electronics,please? A.fundemental B.major C.elementary D.initial

82.When the bell rang,the teacher ugered the students to hand in their papers. A.ordered B.demanded C.compelled D.pressed

83.It is known to us that excessive working also injures people’s health. A.tolerates B.cures

C.brings through D.does harm to

84.Collins was so seriously injured that he was unable continue his career. A.resumed B.asummed C.consumed D.ensure

85.The president spoke to the audience on cleaning up the country. A.addressed B.mentioned

C.indicated D.said Section B Direction:

from the four choices given,

choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.


Even a small screw might put a huge machine out of action.

A. great B.

gigantic C.

enormous D. large


The runaway had been in flight for a couple of days and was caught at the entrance to the library this morning.


by plane B.

in the long run C. on the run D. by air


Once the brain is hurt ,

there is no replacement for it .


substitute B.

settlement C. operation D. organ


Please express my good wish to your parents. I haven’t met them for years .

A. inform B. amuse C. deny D. convey


After months of direct sunshine ,

the color of the wall paper has gone.


departed B. faded C. exited D.


Part IV.Cloze (1%,20%)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Many large cities are(91)-but beautiful.Street are littered(92)-garbage.In the garbage,however,there is still something that can be(93)-.

(94)-people want to solve the problem of waste,there is no time to be(95)-.They must work(96)-ways of making use of good things which are just thrown away(97)-waste. When a car gets too old,it may not run(98)-But the metal that the car was made(99)-is still good.It can be put(100)-use again.

When a bottle is empty,it goes(101)-the garbage.But bottle glass can be(102)-into sand and used to(103)-streets.

Garbage(104)-food can be changed into fertilizer.But first you have to(105)-all the glass and metal.

Garbage can also be a good(106)-for marking building blocks,which are then covered with concrete.Now,more and more machines are(107)-for this purpose.Someday,people will watch films in a magnificent cinema which has been built(108)-garbage.Future buildings,road,and cities may be made from (109)-.But so far,building beautiful cities out of garbage is only(110)-.