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Hour 12

Period 4

Teaching materials:self-check

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Review the letters

1. Warming up: Watch and listen ABC song, then sing together.

2. Find the letters: Look at the screen, and find the letters as many as possible. 3. I can do it!


Step 2 A Colorful world

1. Show a picture about Olympic Rings(奥运五环)。 (说出奥运五环的颜色。) 2. A competition.

(小组活动,填涂五环的颜色,看谁的记忆力最好。) An interesting game.


Step 3 Oral practice Pairwork

Show a picture about a room.Introduce―This is my room.‖. (让学生拿出准备好的―自己的房间‖彩色图画,练习对话。) A: What‘s this in English? B: It‘s a …

A: Spell it ,please. B: …

A: What color is it? B: It‘s … Groupwork

Prepare a short passage about your room. (说一小段话介绍你的房间) Do like this: This is my room. It‘s very nice. The key is black.

The pen is yellow and orange. …is…

I like it very much.

Step 4 Sum and reflection 单词

_________________________________________________________ 词组_____________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ 句子_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 语法_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 教师点拨

Step 5 Exercise

一、 将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母) Aa ______________________________________________ Ee ______________________________________________ Ii _______________________________________________ Oo ______________________________________________ Uu ______________________________________________ Ff _______________________________________________ Rr ______________________________________________ 二.测测我能力,完成对话。 1.--_______________ morning! --_______________ morning!

--What‘s ____________ in English? --___________ a yellow key. 2.--____________ this in English? --It‘s ____________ pen.

--__________ __________ is it? --It‘s blue.

3.—What ___________ this in English? --It‘s ___________ orange. --____________ it,please. -- O-R-A-N-G-E.

--What _________ is it? --Oh,it‘s _____________. 三、按要求写出句子。

1.is,pen,it,black,a (连词成句)

_________________________________________________________ 2. This is a red ruler. (对划线部分进行提问)

_________________________________________________________ 3. My jacket is blue. (对划线部分进)




Unit 1 My name’s Gina.

I.Teaching objectives

Listen for names Listen for telephone numbers Learn to introduce oneself 说 Learn to greet people Ask for and give telephone numbers 读 Read about personal information (names and telephone numbers) 写 Write the names and telephone numbers 听 Skill Focus 功 能 句 式 Greetings Hello! / Hi! Nice to meet you! Introduction My name‘s Jenny. I‘m Gina. His / Her name‘s Tony / Gina. His first /last name is… Ask for and give telephone numbers What‘s your phone number? It‘s…. 重点词汇: my, name, is, clock, I, a, nice, meet, you, what, your, hello, his, and, her, question, answer, look, first, last, boy, girl, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, telephone, number, phone, it, card, family 认读词汇: to, hi, Jenny, Gina, Alan, Mary, Jim, Tony, Tom, Bob, Mike, Jim, Green, Miller, Jack, Smith, Brown, Linda, Nick, Kim, Hand 词 汇 短语: first name, last name, telephone number, phone number, ID card, family name Present tense to be : am, is 语 What questions: What is…? 法 Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her 话 Names and telephone numbers 题 II.Class types and periods Period 1 Listening and speaking (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c) Period 2 Integrating skills (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)

Period 3 Listening and speaking (Section B: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c) Period 4 Reading and writing (Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4) Period 5 Self check



III. Teaching plans for each period:

Hour 13

Period 1

Teaching materials:Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c Target language:

1. Words & phrases: my, your, his, her, name, hello, nice, meet, what 2. Key sentences: What‘s your name? Nice to meet you. Ability goals: Enable the students to listen to and talk about names.

Learning ability goals: Help the students to learn how to listen to and talk about their names. Teaching important / difficult points: How to listen to and ask names. Teaching aids: A tape recorder,some cards and real things.

Teaching procedures and ways:

Step 1 Warming up and lead-in (1a: P1) 1. Greet students and make a self-introduction.

T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! It‘s very nice to meet you here. I‘m Bu Jiawu. You can call me Mr. Bu, OK? Well, may I know your names? S1: My name is Song Tao. Nice to know you, Mr. Bu. S2: I’m Han Ting. Nice to meet you. S3: And I’m Liu Heng. …

2. In this procedure, students will learn how to introduce oneself and ask for names. T: Hello! what‘s your name? S: My name is….

3. After doing this, ask two or three pairs of students to ask each other‘s names in English. Make sure they can use My name is…. and I am ….

Give every student a chance to introduce himself or herself.

Step 2 Listening (1b, 2a, 2b: P1—P2 )

1. First ask some students to greet each other and ask their names. S1: Hello! S2: Hello!

S1: What‘s your name? S2: My name is…. S1: Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too.

2. Then ask students to listen to the recording.

1b. Listen and number the conversations. Then check the answers. After this, ask students to repeat after the recording.

2a. Listen and number the pictures. 2b. Circle the names you hear.

Step 3 Pairwork (1c, 2c: P1—P2)

1. Ask students to practice the conversation and make their own conversation.