新目标八年级英语上unit2复习教案 联系客服

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课题 Review of Unit 2 What’s the matter 第 1 课时 授课班级 Class 7 Grade2 教学目标 1. Review the key vocabulary and the target language . 2. Train the Ss’ speaking and writing abilities . 3. Get the Ss to talk about health and give advice. 重点 To use the target language correctly and fluently 难点 Pair work 教学方法 Speaking and writing methods 教具(实验仪器) Multimedia instrument 板书设计 Unit 2 What’s the matter What’s the matter I have a …. You should …. You shouldn’t …. 教学过程设计 教学反思 Lead in : 1. Greetings . 2. Show teaching aims . Step 1 Warming up 1. Watch the short movie about “ A Body Song ” . 2. Show a picture of a kid . Revise the parts of one’s body : head ; eyes ; ear ; nose ; mouth ; tooth / teeth ; arm ; leg ; hand ; foot . 3. Play a game : Touch the parts of your body. Step 2 Healthy problem . 1. Show the pictures one by one , practice the target language together : What’s the matter I have a …. 2. Pair work : Show a picture and ask the Ss to ask and answer in pairs using the target language . Step 3 Give advice 1. Make a survey . 2. Show a picture . Ask and answer questions about : What’s the matter I have a …. You should …. You shouldn’t …. Step 4 Free talk . 1. Do you have a healthy lifestyle 2. How to keep healthy Step 5 Practice 1. Watch the short movie without sound , guess: What’s the matter with the boy Can he go to school What should he do 2. Group work . Act out / background sound . Step 6 Writing practice Ask for the sick leave . Step 7 Sum up . Homework .