综合教程1课后答案54736 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章综合教程1课后答案54736更新完毕开始阅读3c12a6dea9114431b90d6c85ec3a87c240288ab3

13) gossip

14) emphasize

Translation (P. 261~P.262)

1) This school is more concerned with the education of students’ morality and social responsibility than with their academic achievements.

2) In contrast to the educational mission of the technical school, which is to impart knowledge solely, the university’s educational mission is to generate knowledge.

3) In today’s society, a majority of people hunger for wealth, reputation, status and power.

4) Many people still find it difficult to give up smoking even though they know its harmful effects. 5) When students enter colleges or universities, one of the problems they need to grapple with is how to handle the relationship between freedom and responsibility.

6) These advertisements appeal particularly to those women who are thirsty for a fair skin.

7) Many elderly people are not interested in tinkering with computers; so books on artificial intelligence may very often turn them off.

8) We reached the inevitable conclusion that he stole the money.

