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发布时间 : 星期二 文章中考英语真题分类汇编:题型7书面表达专项训练四观点看法类(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读3c51b81f3086bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6185fe90c

2.写作时,使用第一人称,时态用一般现在时。 【写作指导】

中学生怎样正确使用手机 要点提示 开头:引出话题 素材串联 1.手机在日常生活中广泛使用(be widely used) 1.对眼睛有害(is harmful to)2.沉迷手机,做其他事情的时间不够了(be addicted to)应该怎么做:面对面交流(face to face) 2. 总之,正确使用手机,才能生活更健康(in a word) 正文:如何正确使用手机 结尾:强调观点 【高分范文】 How to use mobile phones properly?

Mobile phones are widely used in our daily life nowadays. But as middle school students, how should we use mobile phones properly?We shouldn't spend too much time using mobile phones. First, playing with phones is harmful to our eyes. Second, we won't have enough time to do other things if we are addicted to mobile phones. So, we'd better talk to each other face to face instead of chatting on the phone.

In a word, we ought to use mobile phones correctly. Then we can live a healthier life. 第11篇


1.要求写一篇议论文。文中以关键词和短语形式给出了正反两方的观点,写作时需将正反方所有观点均涵盖,然后简单阐述自己的看法。写作时,可以使用使役动词、连词及连词词组,使文章过渡自然; 2.写对立双方的观点,用第三人称;阐述自己的看法,用第一人称;时态用一般现在时。 【高分范文】

Different students have different opinions for the activity


“Soccer Enters School”. Some students in my class think this activity is good for them. It can make them healthier and stronger. It also makes their spare time rich and colorful. Especially for some students, they may have a chance to become professional soccer players. Other students think this activity will waste their time and get in the way of their study. Sometimes it's dangerous. They may get hurt while playing soccer. What's more, it's hard to become a professional soccer player.In my opinion, I think this activity is good for us. It will make more students love soccer. 第12篇


Different Ideas on True Man ShowsDifferent students have different ideas on true man shows. Most of them think the shows are relaxing, funny and have a lot of stars. They can not only know more about stars' daily life but also learn many cool games through the shows. However, a few students hold the opposite view. They think it's not good for our study and health to spend too much time watching TV. Besides, there're too many ads in shows, which is a waste of time.In my opinion, we can choose to watch some good and healthy true man shows, which can make us relaxed and learn something from them, such as teamwork spirit. 第13篇



2.陈述他人观点时用第三人称,说明自己的观点时用第一人称。 【写作指导】

对“是否想要个弟弟或妹妹”的看法 要点提示 开头:引出话题

素材串联 对“是否想要个弟弟或妹妹”的意22

见不同 正方:赞成原因:①不再感到孤单(not feel lonely any more)②相互帮助,分享喜怒哀乐(help each other, share happiness and sadness)反方:反对原因: ①带走父母的爱(love)②打扰学习(bother their studying) 1. 很难说二孩政策是好还是坏(hard to say)2. 尊重父母的选择( respect our parents' choices) 正文:陈述观点及原因 结尾:表明自己的观点 【高分范文】 Recently, a survey has been made in our school on whether you want a little brother or sister. The opinions are different.

Here are the results:40% of the students want a little brother or sister, because they think that they won't feel lonely any more, and if they have a little brother or sister, they will help each other and share the happiness and sadness with each other. What's more, they think they will get more freedom, because their parents will not pay all their attention to them. But the rest of students disagree with this point. They worry about the little brother or sister will take away the love of their parents. They are also afraid that their little brother or sister will bother their studying.

In my opinion, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad to have a brother or sister, but we should respect our parents' choices. After all, they are the persons who should make the final decision.