桥梁毕业设计开题报告模板(1) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章桥梁毕业设计开题报告模板(1) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读3cd3a4966fdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f77c64d34

We will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication \o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS++, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure \To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of \o strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve \ng to law, standardize and fair.\of performance management, to ensure that potential employees \o strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards ... Work, full play party, and branch, and members in \n the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening \ship construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the


f backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work 毕业设计(论文)开题报告


建 筑 工 程 系 业: 土木工程(道路与桥梁方向)


on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more sh that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happystrengthening hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wiWe will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication \o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS++, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure \To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of \o strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve \ng to law, standardize and fair.\of performance management, to ensure that potential employees \o strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards ... Work, full play party, and branch, and members in \n the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening \ship construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the开题报告填写要求





f backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more

spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happyWe will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication \o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS++, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure \To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of \o strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve \ng to law, standardize and fair.\of performance management, to ensure that potential employees \o strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards ... Work, full play party, and branch, and members in \n the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening \ship construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the 毕 业 设 计(论 文)开 题 报 告

文献综述 一、前言 建立四通八达的现代交通网,大力发展交通运输事业,对于加强全国各族人民的团结、发展国民经济、促进各地经济发展、促进文化交流和巩固国防,都具有非常重要的意义。在公路、铁路、城市、农村道路以及水利建设中,为了跨越各种障碍(如河流、沟谷或其他线路等),必须修建各种类型的桥梁与涵洞,因此桥涵是交通线路中重要组成部分。特别是在现代高等级公路以及城市高架道路的修建中,桥梁往往是保证全线早日通车的关键。在经济上,一般来说桥梁和涵洞的造价平均占公路总造价的10%~20%,而且随着公路等级的提高,其所占的比例还会加大。在国防上,桥梁是交通运输的咽喉,在需要快速机动的现代战争中具有非常重要的地位??。 1

无论公路桥梁或是铁路桥梁,中小跨径桥梁占有主导地位,其中混凝土简支梁桥又占有绝对数量。混凝土简支梁桥由于其结构简单、受力明确、施工方便,是我国量大面广的中小跨径桥梁的首选结构。一般认为,混凝土简支梁桥的合理跨径在50 m 以下,超出这一范围,梁高急剧加大,将失去其经济合理性。但随着新材料、新技术和新工艺的发展,该跨度范围有增大之趋势??。 2二、桥梁的发展现状、存在问题 2.1 发展现状 2.1.1 板式桥方面 板式桥是公路桥梁中量大、面广的常用桥型,它构造简单、受力明确,可以采用钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土结构;可做成实心和空心,就地现浇为适应各种形状的弯、坡、斜桥,因此,一般公路、高等级公路和城市道路桥梁中,广泛采用。尤其是建筑高度受到限制和平原区高速公路上的中、小跨径桥梁,特别受到欢迎,从而可以减低路堤填土高度,少占耕地和节省土方工程量。 实心板一般用于跨径13m以下的板桥。因为板高较矮,挖空量很小,空心折模不便,可做成钢筋混凝土实心板,立模现浇或预制拼装均可。空心板用于等于或大于13m跨径,一般采用先张或后张预应力混凝土结构。先张法用钢绞线和冷拔钢丝;后张法f backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more

spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy2

We will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication \o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS++, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure \To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of \o strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve \ng to law, standardize and fair.\of performance management, to ensure that potential employees \o strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards ... Work, full play party, and branch, and members in \n the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening \ship construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the可用单根钢绞线、多根钢绞线群锚或扁锚,立模现浇或预制拼装。成孔采用胶囊、折装式模板或一次性成孔材料如预制薄壁混凝土管或其他材料。 钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土板桥,其发展趋势为:采用高标号混凝土,为了保证使用性能尽可能采用预应力混凝土结构;预应力方式和锚具多样化;预应力钢材一般采用钢绞线。板桥跨径可做到25m,目前有建成35~40m跨径的桥梁。在我看来跨径太大,用材料不省,板高矮、刚度小,预应力度偏大,上拱高,预应力度偏小,可能出现下挠;若采用预制安装,横向连接不强,使用时容易出现桥面纵向开裂等问题。由于吊装能力增大,预制空心板幅宽有加大趋势,1.5m左右板宽是合适的。 2.1.2 简支梁桥方面 1、在公路简支梁桥方面:我国自1956年建成第一座跨径20 m的预应力混凝土梁桥后,在1970年河南省建成了跨径52 m 的鱼腹形预应力混凝土简支梁桥,1988年浙江省建成了跨度为62 m 国内跨度最大的预应力混凝土简支梁桥飞云江桥。1977年奥地利建成的阿尔姆(ALM)桥是世界上最大跨径的简支梁桥,跨径76 m。近几年来,公路简支梁桥大量应用跨径为4O~50 m 的箱形梁或T形梁??。对于跨径20~50 m的连续梁,一般2作成等截面形式,梁高一般为跨径的1/15—1/30,这种桥型常采用满堂支架、移动模架逐孔施工和顶推施工的方法;对于较大跨径的多孔连续梁,常作成变截面的形式,其支点梁高为最大跨径的1/15~1/20,跨中梁高为最大跨径的1/30—1/50,这种桥型通常采用悬臂法进行施工,其边跨跨径一般为中跨跨径的0.65—0.7倍.宜0.55~0.6倍。 2、在铁路简支梁桥方面:1956陇海线沂河大桥建成了23.9m预应力砼简支T梁,1969年南京长江大桥建成了31.7 m预应力砼简支T梁,1975年淮河大桥建成了39.6 m鱼腹形预应力砼工字梁,1978年九江长江大桥建成了40 m无碴无枕箱形梁,1992年洛阳黄河桥建成了50 m预应力砼简支T梁,1 994年宁夏灵武杨家滩大桥建成48 1TI简支箱梁,1995年南昆线打梗大桥建成了56 m 简支箱梁,2000年株六铁路复线南山河特大桥建成了国内最大跨度64 m 的简支箱梁,同年秦沈客运专线建成了32 m双线整孔简支箱梁,2004年我集团在浙赣线抚河大桥建成了40 m 双线整孔简支箱梁。随着铁路提速及快速铁路的发展要求,大跨径简支箱梁的应用越来越广泛,而32 m和40 m双线整孔箱梁也得到了应用??。很明显,混凝土简支梁正在向4O m 以上的跨度发展。随着这些2大跨度简支梁桥的建成,其施工技术也取得了很大成就,从较早的满堂支架浇筑到移f backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more

spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy