福建省福州市2018届高三下学期适应性测试(5月)英语试卷(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章福建省福州市2018届高三下学期适应性测试(5月)英语试卷(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读3cef5dee0622192e453610661ed9ad51f11d5490




注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 When asking what I would like to send to the poor children living in the mountain villages, I think of books.

On the one hand, the children there are eager to gain knowledges, but they are too poor to go to school. For this reason, I hope we will love the books. On the other hand, I think everyone have the right to education and it is of great important to help those people who need it. My books will give them not wisdom but also happiness. I bet that I will be pleasure to see those children’s smile faces in the sunshine after accepting the presents. As a old saying goes, “There is kindness to be found everywhere.” Let’s to give presents to people whom we love or who need help.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,是《舌尖上的中国》(A Bite of China)节目组工作人员。下期节目计划邀请一位外国友人一同参与节目的录制,请你写封邮件,邀请你的英国朋友Peter来节目组,共同体验中国饮食风味,感受中国饮食文化的魅力。 注意:1. 词数100左右;

2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Peter,

How is everything?

Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua


第一部分 听力 1—5BACBC 6—10CBABC 11—15ACACB 16—20ABACB

第二部分 阅读理解

21— 23 BDA 24—27 BACC 28—31ABCD 32—35DACB 36—40 CEDFG

第三部分 语言知识运用

41—45CBADC 46—50 BAADB 51—55 ACBAC 56—60 DBDCD 61. closer 62. as 63. creator 64. into 65. which 66. to look 67. worked 68. was included 69. but / yet 70. the

第四部分 短文改错

When asking what I would like to send to the poor children living in the mountain asked

villages, I think of books.

On the one hand, the children there are eager to gain knowledges, but they are too knowledge

poor to go to school. For this reason, I hope we will love the books. On the other hand, I they

think everyone have the right to education and it is of great important to help those has importance

people who need it. My books will give them not ∧ wisdom but also happiness. I bet only

that I will be pleasure to see those children's smile faces in the sunshine after accepting pleased smiling

the presents. As a old saying goes, \ an

give presents to people whom we love or who need help.

书面表达 【参考范文】

Dear Peter, How is everything? As you know, “A Bite of China” is a very popular programme on the history of food, eating, and cooking in China. We decide to invite a foreign friend to join in. And I think it’d be a great idea if you could participate in it, owing to your fancy trying a variety of food in China.

In the programme, you’ll not only taste different foods but also discover stories about nature and the people behind delicious Chinese foods.

I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. And I have the confidence that you’ll deeply experience the culture of Chinese Cuisine.

Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua



(Text 1)

M: Have you finished your homework, Jane?

W: Not yet.The temperature is so low that my hands are freezing. (Text 2)

M: I thought that you would go to Jim's wedding yesterday.

W: I was planning to, but my daughter Lucy was not feeling well, so I stayed at home. (Text 3)

W: Well, I'm calling about the Wild Life Protection Group I belong to.We're looking for more people to join, especially men.And I thought you might be interested.

M: Oh.You know how much I love wild life, but this is my last year in the middle school.I'm quite busy with my lessons. (Text 4)

M: Is Mr.Stephen in his room, please? He has called to see me after the dinner.

W: If he is in, his key will be here.Yes, sir.Room 202.He is in his room.Would you like to ring up first, sir? (Text 5)

M: Why don't you and Ervin join us for dinner tonight? The five of us haven't gone out together for a long time.

W: Ervin says it's always too noisy to enjoy the meal at nightclubs. M: Shall we go somewhere quiet? (Text 6)

M: Could you take this down to the accounting office for me, please?

W: Sure, Mr.Stone.I was just on my way down to the shipping department which is on the 5th floor, anyway.Accounting is just one floor above it, so it's right on the way.

M: Great.Maybe when you get back, I could take you to that Thai restaurant you're always telling me about. (Text 7)

W: What did you think of the speech by Professor Green yesterday afternoon? M: I thought it was long and boring.I left the lecture hall before the speech ended. W: Where did you go then?

M: I went to the library and borrowed some books and then read some magazines in the reading room. Did

you stay in the lecture hall all afternoon?

W: Yes.Another three professors gave speeches besides Mr.Green. M: How about their speeches?

W: I thought all the speeches were interesting and meaningful.I think I learned a lot from them.I really think you shouldn't have left the lecture hall before the speeches ended. (Text 8)

M: Hello.Could I speak to Mr.Smith's secretary, please? W: Yes.It's Mr.Smith's secretary speaking.

M: Oh, hello, this is Mr.Green's Service in London. W: What can I do for you?

M: Well, my boss Mr.Green is coming out to Tokyo in the first week of December and I want to check whether you know he is coming.

W: I did already know about it.He's coming for the conference.

M: That's right, and he would really like to take up Mr.Smith's offer to visit the factory. W: When would it suit you? The conference will be running from Tuesday to Thursday.

M: Er, well, either Monday or Friday would be good.Which day do you think would be better for Mr.Smith? W: Er, as far as he's concerned, Monday will be fine. M: Oh, that's great. (Text 9)

W: Bill, here is a letter of thanks for you.Can you tell me who wrote the letter? M: Oh, it is from Mr.Black.He's an old man living near the post office. W: What help did you give him? M: I only took him to the hospital.

W: Why did you take him to the hospital? What happened to him?

M: Well, do you remember the day I was almost two hours late for school? W: Yes.Why?

M: That was because I had to take Mr.Black to the hospital.You see, every morning before I go to school I go to the post office to pick up some newspapers and I put them in the letterboxes of the people who live nearby.

W: Yes, I see.

M: That morning when I had delivered the last copy and was about to leave for school, I heard someone falling down the stairs.It was Mr.Black.I yelled for help, but nobody answered.So I called the police and we took Mr.Black to the hospital.

W: He was lucky that you were there when he fell down.

M: That's right.But that day I had to stay behind after school to study my lessons. (Text 10)

M: Well, Monica, I'm sure you'll enjoy working here.I'm the librarian.We're open from half past eight in the morning until eight in the evening but you're not expected to be here all that time.You start working at a quarter to nine and finish at a quarter past five, OK?

Now, students aren't allowed to bring large bags into the library.But staff can bring their bags in and leave them in the office.You have an hour for lunch.But I don't like staff eating in the library.Of course you can have a cup of coffee there while you're working.If you bring sandwiches for lunch, there's a common room