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B 即时演练 连句成段

1. 在中国,中国结代表友情、爱和好运。通常人们将其或作礼物赠友人或作吉祥物悬挂于屋内。

2. 我期待着你的到来。如果你乐章的话,我可以当你的向导。我相信你在这儿一定会玩得很高兴。

3. 这种情况在我们社会中很普遍。当然,我们经常会面对这种有趣的问题,并且所做出的每一种选择对我们的成功之路都有影响。

4. 争吵后我给她再三解释是我不对,但她既不赞成我的说法,也不接受我的道歉。

5. 小凡既不回家,也不上学,整天没日没夜地泡在网吧打发日子。家长与老师对此非常担心但又无可奈何。对此,你会怎么做?

6. 出于对环境问题以及资源严重浪费的的担心,中国将禁止免费使用塑料袋,但是因为塑料袋给顾客提供了便利,所以这种做法可能不受顾客欢迎。 7. 今年寒假我们全家计划去香港迪斯尼乐园参观,目前我已经从网上获知一些票价信息,我还想了解有没有一些打折的优惠政策。

8. 十字路口发生了一起交通事故,没有人知道起因。今天上午,警方已经前往现场调查此事。

9. 我交了更多的朋友并且他们也在共同工作期间和我交谈。谁也也否认不了合作的重要性。

10. 我对外国菜很陌生,因此我能从这项活动中学到很多。我们对外国菜了解得越式,越能更好地了解外国文化。


1. In China, Chinese knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. Usually, either they are given as gifts to friends or people hang them for luck in their houses. 2. I am looking forward to your arrival. If you like, I can serve as your guide and I am sure you will have great fun here.

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3. Such a situation is fairly common in our society. Of course, we are faced with this kind of interesting question all the time, and every choice we make has great influence on our way to success.

4. I explained more about my faults over and over after the quarrel, but she didn’t agree with what I said and wouldn’t accept my apology.

5. Neither would Xiaofan go home nor he would go back to school, and he killed time in the cybercafé all day and night. However, in spite of showing great concern, his parents and teachers would have nothing to do with it. What shall you do about it?

6. Worrying about environmental issues and a severe waste of resources, China will ban free plastic bags, but it may not be welcomed by consumers because they provide convenience for consumers.

7. My family is planning a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland this winter vacation. Now I’ve got some information about the ticket prices online and I wonder whether there are any discount policies as well.

8. A traffic accident happened at the crossing and nobody knew why. This morning, the police have been sent to the accident scene to look into it.

9. I made more friends and they chatted with me while working together. No one can deny that it is important to be able to cooperate.

10. Foreign dishes are strange to me, so I can learn a lot from the activity. The more we know about foreign dishes, the more we will understand the foreign culture.

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第九节 复合句结构

A 熟悉句型 连词成句





1. 从属结连词:that, whether, if

2. 连接代词:who, whom, whose, what, which 3. 连接副词:when, why, where


1. before(在??之前), whether(不管), after(在??之后), if(假如), since(既然,自从),although(虽然),as soon as(??就??),because(因为), so(as) long as(只要)

2. 关系代词:who, whose, whom, which, that, as 3. 关系副词:when, why, where 仿写句子 (一)主语从句

说明:主语从句在句子中作主语,它的位置与陈述句基本结构中的主语相同。 1. 众所周知,中秋节是中国的传统节日之一,一直以来在我们国家颇受欢迎。 2. 我的观点的对错还不清楚。 3. 一个人成长为对社会具有责任心的一员并不难。 4. 曾经一片废墟的地方今天变成了一个美丽的广场且充满了生机,这的确令人惊慌。 5. 晚上睡眠好同等重要。 6. 毕竟重要的不在于物质奖励而在于精神鼓励。 7. 这件事是真是假还是个问题。 8. 我们必须尽可能多地掌握英语单词,这是很重要的。 9. 事实上,一直困扰你的问题也正是中国许多家长的困惑所在。 10. 有人建议课前同学们唱一首英语歌曲。


说明:表语从句在复合句中起表语作用,它位于主句中的连系动词之后。 1. 这正是我有分歧之处。 2. 我所知道的是他准不会干过这样的事情。

3. 这些人想要的就是他们缺乏的。 4. 那就是为什么很少有同学一直阅读我们的校报。 5. 改建之后,停车场不再是过去的样子了。 6. 大家想知道的是图书馆是否要配备这两类图书。

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7. 我们的困难是怎样才能让大家尽快养成良好的习惯。

8. 使我们困扰的是我们什么时候才能清楚高考改革计划的具体细节。 9. 也许是因为我昨天晚上没睡好。

第九节 复合句结构

仿写句子 (一)主语从句

1. It is well known that the Mid-autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, which has been enjoying great popularity in our country. 2. Whether my opinion is right or wrong is not clear.

3. It isn’t hard that one grows up into a responsible member of society.

4. It is really amazing that the once-ruined site has been turned into a beautiful square and vibrant with life now.

5. It is of equal significance that one has a good sleep at night.

6. After all, what counts is not material reward, but spiritual encouragement. 7. whether it is true or not remains a problem.

8. It is very important that we must master English words as many as possible. 9. What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China.

10. It is suggested that the students should sing an English song before class.

(二)表语从句 1. This is where I disagree.

2. What I know is that be can’t have done that. 3. All that they want is what they are short of.

4. That’s why few students are always reading our school newspaper. 5. After being rebuilt, the parking lot is no longer what it used to be.

6. What everyone wants to know is whether the school library will be equipped with these two kinds of books.

7. Our difficulty is how we manage to get everyone to form a good habit as soon as possible.

8. What troubles us is when we shall know the details about the National College Entrance Examination reform plan.

9. It may be because I didn’t have a good sleep yesterday night.

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