五分钟英文小故事-The Lion and the Deer 狮子和鹿-简版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章五分钟英文小故事-The Lion and the Deer 狮子和鹿-简版更新完毕开始阅读3d8f77385e0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee149c

The Lion and the Deer 狮子和鹿

A Deer walks around in the green fields. She walks all day. She feels tired and thirsty 一只鹿一整天都在绿色原野中漫步。鹿走了一整天,很累,也很渴。 So she goes to a pond for a drink. 她走到池塘边喝水。

Deer: \…It tastes very good. I will drink a little more. \鹿:这水看起来清凉又干净。嗯……,真好喝。我要再喝一点。 When the Deer leans down for a second drink, she sees herself. 当小鹿第二次俯下身准备喝水的时候,她看见了自己。 Deer: \is me.\ 鹿:哦,嗨!很高兴见到你。

\ Look at my horns! They are so beautiful. They are the most beautiful horns in the world. I am blessed. Thank you, God. \

鹿:我好漂亮啊!看看我的鹿角,它们多美啊!它们是这个世界上最美的鹿角。我真幸运,感谢上帝。 A few minutes later, the Deer sees her legs. She feels very suprised. 过了几分钟,小鹿看到了她的腿。

Deer: \ They can’t be. My legs are so skinny. They are so ugly. Boo-hoo-hoo. \

鹿:那些是什么?那是我的腿吗?不会吧,我的腿很瘦,还很丑。我讨厌我的腿。呜…呜…呜… Turtle:\’s the matter? Why are you crying? \乌龟:你好,小鹿。你怎么了?你为什么哭?我能帮你吗? Deer: Well, Mr.Turtle, just look at my legs. 鹿:哦,乌龟,你瞧瞧我的腿。

Turtle:\’s wrong with them? \乌龟:你的腿怎么了?

Deer: . “My horns are so beautiful. But my legs are so skinny and ugly. I hate my legs”. The deer answers.

鹿:它们太瘦了。我的角这么漂亮,而我的腿却这么丑。我讨厌我的腿。 Turtle:\suprised .\’t ugly. 乌龟:你就是为这个哭吗?你的腿不丑。它们只是有点瘦,但至少很长。

Look at my legs. They are so short. I can’t even walk fast. You should be grateful. “ 乌龟:瞧瞧我的腿,这么短,我不能跑,甚至都走不快,你应该心存感激才对呀。 Deer: But I don’t like my legs.. 鹿:可是我不喜欢我的腿。

Turtle: \’t be foolish. Be happy with your legs. \乌龟:别傻了,没有办法的。试着接受你的腿吧,总有一天它们会帮你的 You’ll find out one day. Beauty is not everything. So cheer up. 乌龟:有一天你会发现美丽并不代表一切,所以开心点吧!

The Deer leaves the pond and rests for a few minutes. Suddenly a Lion comes out. 小鹿走出了池塘,休息了一会儿。

Lion: Look! A Deer! It looks tired. I can catch it easily. Today is my lucky day. 狮子:看!一只鹿!她看上去很疲惫。我可以轻而易举地捉住她。今天是我的幸运日。 Lion: Grrr… Come here, Deer. I want to eat you. 狮子:嗷…到这儿来,小鹿,我要吃掉你。

Deer:\‘d better run away.\legs! RUN FASTER!!!

鹿:鹿:哦,不!狮子!我得快跑。快!腿儿们!跑快点儿! She is very fast. And the lion tries to catch her. 小鹿很快地逃跑了,她跑得很快。

Lion: \shouts out \ That Deer is too fast for me. Where did she go? \狮子:站住!唉,没有用的!对我来说,那只小鹿跑得太快了。她跑到哪儿去了?

The Deer runs away ahead and hides behind a tree. 小鹿远远地跑在前面,躲在一棵树后面。

Deer: Geez! My legs are skinny. But they are really fast. 鹿:哎呦!我的腿虽然很瘦,但是它们跑起来还真快。

Lion:\’t run away from me. Come out, come out, wherever you are. \

狮子:你在哪儿?你逃不过我的手掌心的。出来,出来,不管你在哪儿。 The Deer decides to hide in the forest. There are many, many big trees. 小鹿决定躲进森林里去,因为那里有许多许多的大树。

Deer: \’ll go in the forest and hide from the Lion\’s wrong? I can’t move. My horns are caught in a branch. I can’t get loose. The Lion is coming closer. What shall I do? \鹿:我要到森林里去躲避狮子。咦,怎么了?我动不了了。我的鹿角被一根树枝卡住了。无法脱身了。狮子越走越近了。我该怎么办?

Lion: There you are, Deer. Too bad. You are trapped! I will eat you now. Bye, bye. 狮子:原来你在这儿啊,小鹿。太糟糕了,你被困住了?我现在要吃了你,快说再见吧。

Deer: “Oh, no! This can’t be!” The deer finally realizes “My skinny legs helped me get away. But my beautiful horns got me trapped. Now I know what the Turtle meant. But it’s too late now. Boo-hoo-hoo. “


The story tells us :“It’s unwise to judge by appearance.” 寓意:不可以貌取人。