2018届高考模拟卷英语专的题目06 联系客服

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绝密★启用前 北京同心圆梦教育中心版权所有



考试范围:第二轮复习用卷 完形填空(共7篇)


Last spring, I lent 100 dollars to a woman named Helena Tawiah, whom I'd never met.Here's how it 1 :

My wife and I were 2 TV one night—it must have been Public Broadcasting Service—when we 3 a project called Kiva.We were impressed that the 4 had created a way to marry sophisticated(老练的)Internet capabilities to the 5 for capital at the grassroots level of developing countries.They do this by putting their 6 at the service of foundations working with small-scale(小规模) 7 business people.These foundations develop loan requests from the entrepreneurs(企业家), upload them to Kiva, and 8 help make sure the loans get repaid.

We went to the website. 9 , we were invited to“Choose an entrepreneur” from a list of them in countries all over the world. 10 caught our eyes was Helena's Plastic Products, 11 by Helena Tawiah of Nkurankan, Ghana.

Why not advance her $100? Why Ghana? If you've been to Ghana, you 12 love the place.We were in and out of there when I was doing business in West Africa 35 years ago. Kiva posted Helena's 13 for a $750 loan on April 10, 2010.Two days later, 17 Internet 14 had funded it, some of them supplying no more than $ 25, but still contributing to overseas 15 .The website gave their first names, some photos, and where they 16 .

What this action of investors 17 to me is that there are a lot of good people out there, which represents the 18 of America.

I am 19 that it is these organizations—not governments—that will move the world beyond the conflicts of the day.

Some weeks ago an e-mail 20 on my screen.It let us know that Helena had repaid her loan.I strongly feel proud of her and of the 17 of us who helped her. 1.A.happened B.proved C.worked D.began 2.A.noticing B.observing C.seeing D.watching 3.A.heard from B.heard about C.thought over D.thought of 4.A.builders B.inventors C.founders D.investors 5.A.need B.profit C.record D.friendship 6.A.skills B.ability C.psychology D.technology 7.A.local B.innocent C.lone D.illegal 8.A.so B.then C.even D.still 9.A.Nearby B.Nearly C.Outside D.There 10.A.That B.What C.Which D.Who 11.A.run B.made C.taken D.received 12.A.had better B.had rather C.have to D.happen to 13.A.reason B.rank C.reference D.request 14.A.champions B.contributors C.candidates D.commanders 15.A.development B.movement C.apartment D.document 16.A.came about B.came across C.came out D.came from 17.A.sells B.sighs C.says D.sobs 18.A.worst B.fewest C.least D.best 19.A.determined B.convinced C.devoted D.concentrated 20.A.forecast B.flashed C.followed D.froze


Liu Chan“felt like a lone wolf in a concrete jungle” when he arrived in Beijing last November. The 24-year-old 1 at a publishing house had plenty of spare time to kill.“ 2 the Internet, I have found like-minded friends without much 3 ,”says the lover of traditional Chinese culture, who comes from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

Liu began 4 kungfu when he was 5 and studied I Ching(Book of Change)at junior high school. His 5 interest is guqin, a seven-stringed Chinese zither(筝) 6 .He tried to learn it by watching videos on the Internet but found it very 7 .

Liu joined an on-line chatting group at www.QQ.com in order to 8 a teacher and fellow students.There he met people from 9 parts of the country, who shared a(n) 10 in Chinese guqin music and classic 11 .They exchange ideas online and also have offline 12 . “The gathering of guqin players was very exciting for me, a beginner,” he recalls.He was 13 with guqin songs which were played 14 by Fan Yumei, an experienced guqin player from Sichuan, and He Kun, a young guqin 15 and musical major at Beijing Dance Academy.

Fan and He are students of Zeng Chengwei, a guqin master from Sichuan School in Chengdu.

英语(TXYM01)专题六 第1页


Their performances staged in a small apartment near the Renmin University of China 16 less than 10 netizens.Through the window of the quiet room where Fan 17 her students, one can see the bustling Northern Third Ring Road and two shopping centers.“But being together, drinking a cup of tea, 18 poetic guqin music and guqin songs, one may find an inner peace and nourishment 19 a week's hard work,”says Fan, who is 20 a calligrapher, painter and writer. 1.A.student B.doctor C.policeman D.editor 2.A.Instead of B.Thanks to C.According to D.By way of 3.A.trouble B.happiness C.sorrow D.pleasure 4.A.teaching B.remarking C.learning D.supporting 5.A.busiest B.fewest C.least D.latest 6.A.culture B.art C.instrument D.band 7.A.quick B.hard C.slow D.good 8.A.find B.send C.provide D.give 9.A.same B.different C.similar D.familiar 10.A.shortcoming B.harm C.interest D.benefit 11.A.programme B.achievement C.movement D.literature 12.A.events B.ideas C.thoughts D.beliefs 13.A.frightened B.touched C.fascinated D.encouraged 14.A.sadly B.madly C.faithfully D.jointly 15.A.performer B.singer C.waiter D.writer 16.A.drew B.played C.sang D.took 17.A.serves B.acts C.teaches D.calls 18.A.seeing B.noticing C.valuing D.enjoying 19.A.before B.after C.for D.from 20.A.hardly B.never C.still D.also


For hours I had been traveling up the Nile Valley, from Luxor to Cairo, on a train jammed with Egypt's working poor.

At 1 a.m. I 1 Cairo and took a taxi to Tahrir Square.I was 2 and, having been to Cairo before, knew that while most of the city was 3 at this hour, a couple of fast-food restaurants would be open there.

The taxi dropped me 4 across the street from Hardee's.A moment later, just as I was about to 5 the restaurant door, two street children ran towards me with full 6 for food.

Being a veteran(老练之人)traveler 7 having once lived in Egypt for a year, I was no stranger to children 8 or people asking me for help.But seldom had I been so 9 by the sincerity of the request.

I turned back to the 10 and asked them to wait while I went inside to buy them food.At the counter I 11 two hamburgers for the boys.

When their food was ready, I walked back 12 and invited them in to eat with me.“No!” they cried 13 .“We do not belong in such a nice place!” 14 to persuade them otherwise, I brought the 15 out, and as they took the burgers, they showered me with 30 seconds of nonstop 16 , praying that Allah would bless me always.

And this is 17 , five years later, I still ask God's blessings for those two Egyptian boys.I 18 as sincerely as they had for me, 19 that while they had nothing material to give, they had given me something 20 : an awareness of my spiritual poverty and a desire for a softer heart. 1.A.reached B.saw C.visited D.noticed 2.A.thirsty B.angry C.hungry D.frightened 3.A.let down B.closed down C.got down D.put down 4.A.away B.back C.out D.off 5.A.shut B.lock C.cover D.open 6.A.smiles B.hardships C.cries D.honors 7.A.apart from B.as well as C.in favour of D.in return for 8.A.beating B.struggling C.begging D.trembling 9.A.surprised B.regretted C.appointed D.moved 10.A.boys B.drivers C.waiters D.workers 11.A.ordered B.demanded C.requested D.deserved 12.A.inside B.outside C.forward D.backward 13.A.happily B.cheerfully C.astonishingly D.sadly 14.A.Unable B.Impossible C.Ready D.Willing 15.A.book B.food C.cook D.look 16.A.blessings B.belongings C.campaigns D.challenges 17.A.how B.why C.where D.when 18.A.tell B.speak C.pray D.bow 19.A.forgetting B.following C.regretting D.remembering 20.A.greater B.fewer C.less D.lower


One day all the employees of a very famous company reached their office and all saw a big sign on the main door which said this:

“Yesterday, the 1 who has been hindering(阻碍)your growth in this company 2 .We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been 3 in the gym.” 精彩文档


In the beginning, they all got 4 for the death of one of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting 5 to know who was that person who hindered the 6 of their colleagues and the company itself?

The 7 in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd 8 the room.The more people 9 the coffin(棺材), the more the excitement heated up.

Everyone thought,“ 10 is this person who was hindering my progress?”

One by one the intrigued(引起好奇心的)employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it, they 11 became speechless.

They all got to stand near the coffin, and felt shocked and 12 , as if someone had touched the deepest part of their 13 .There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who 14 it could see themselves! There was also a sign next to the mirror that 15 :

“There is only one person who is capable of setting 16 to your growth and IT IS YOU!”

Your life does not 17 when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your husband or wife changes…

No, your life changes when YOU change, when you 18 your limiting beliefs inside.

Examine yourself, watch yourself.Don't be afraid of 19 , impossibilities and losses.Be a winner; build yourself and your reality. 20 , it's the way you face life itself that makes the difference. 1.A.person B.boss C.sign D.funeral 2.A.died away B.died out C.passed away D.passed out 3.A.protected B.prevented C.proved D.prepared 4.A.happy B.sad C.joyful D.grateful 5.A.calm B.curious C.conscious D.convenient 6.A.growth B.width C.faith D.strength 7.A.way B.meaning C.excitement D.disappointment 8.A.within B.without C.about D.around 9.A.bought B.sold C.reached D.touched 10.A.What B.Which C.Where D.Who 11.A.carefully B.actually C.suddenly D.madly 12.A.in silence B.in return C.in need D.in order 13.A.hand B.soul C.mouth D.face 14.A.put outside B.put inside C.looked outside D.looked inside 15.A.talked B.spoke C.said D.told 16.A.deadlines B.demands C.limits D.lacks 17.A.calculate B.cancel C.communicate D.change 18.A.go beyond B.go together C.go without D.go towards 19.A.acquaintances B.difficulties C.advantages D.bargains 20.A.Forget B.Follow C.Remember D.Obey


I promised my Korean students that I would bake them a treat for memorizing how to introduce themselves.

They can now 1 in English:“Hello, my name is…(they 2 their Korean name), but you can call me…(American name).I am …years old.I like ...(‘computer games’ is the most 3 response.Others include‘basketball’,‘pizza’, ‘my family’, and‘to 4 a book’).It's very nice to meet you.”

Baking American 5 was something I had anticipated(期待)doing for 6 when I came to South Korea to teach English as a Second Language, 7 it came as a surprise to find that my apartment did not furnish an oven.Instead, apartments 8 include a two-burner gas stovetop, a microwave, and a refrigerator.

To 9 solid cream cheese, I had to visit a Western-style supermarket in Seoul.This is also the only store I have found that 10 chocolate chips, pecans and vanilla extract.

I can get to it 11 taking the No.1 train to Seoul, 12 to the No.3, and changing again to the No.6.Then I take bus up an impossibly steep hill and 13 two blocks and down a flight of stairs to the supermarket.

So I made my trip to Seoul and came home with cream cheese, and so on.I was 14 about the reaction the kids gave.

As it 15 , there was no need to worry.Only one boy wouldn't try them— 16 his friends gobbled(狼吞虎咽)them up.As always, when I 17 the goodies, the immediate response from most kids— 18 before anyone tried one was“Two, Teachers?”

In all, it was a good 19 for their work—although the headmaster and his wife looked a little 20 at concoction(混合物)when I shared a few with them.And I did tell them,“There wasn't enough time to bake these through, but most kids like them.” 1.A.think B.say C.tell D.whisper 2.A.fill in B.make up C.call out D.give away 3.A.happy B.common C.popular D.frequent 4.A.copy B.describe C.publish D.read 5.A.rules B.ways C.methods D.treats 6.A.teachers B.students C.friends D.parents 7.A.so B.but C.then D.or 8.A.casually B.cheerfully C.typically D.proudly 9.A.find B.steal C.borrow D.rob 精彩文档


10.A.visits 11.A.of

12.A.taking 13.A.fly

14.A.skeptical 15.A.worked out 16.A.unless 17.A.turned out 18.A.even 19.A.prize 20.A.pleased

C.opens D.lents C.by D.at C.calling D.changing C.walk D.jump C.embarrassed D.confused C.looked out D.came out C.when D.until C.handed out D.put out C.often D.still C.award D.reward C.puzzled D.bored


Do you want more from your life? Do you want to 1 more money, enjoy better health, get greater 2 from personal relationships, live in the house of your dreams, 3 more time with your family, travel the world? 4 as you read these words you can 5 many of the dreams.

Many people do and, 6 , many people want to find out more about 7 setting from self-help books, motivational seminars(研讨会)and so on.Maybe you have done this yourself. 8 the possibilities, you have gone out and set yourself some goals––and then what 9 ? Some people find that no matter how many goals they 10 , they always manage to fall short.Can you imagine how frustrating that is?

That's 11 Mind Tools has partnered with Rod Moore to present“Design Your Life”.Mind Tools is the Internet's most-visited career skills site 12 4,200,000 visitors each year learn the essential skills they need for an excellent life and 13 .

Rod Moore is a world 14 in goal setting.He has already helped many thousands of people who, like you, want to achieve 15 of their goals in life. 16 his training programs, goal setting workshops and coaching he inspires, 17 and motivates people to live their life with a design and plan.He believes that 18 your life is worth living, then it's worth living the life of your dreams!

With the“Design Your Life” 19 you will learn not only how to set powerful goals, but also 20 the secrets of how to program yourself to achieve them.Rod will help you set goals that are so compelling that they literally pull you forward towards them. 1.A.produce B.collect C.save D.earn 2.A.satisfaction B.education C.suggestion D.determination 3.A.allow B.spend C.demand D.involve 4.A.Quickly B.Hardly C.Perhaps D.Almost 5.A.stick to B.refer to C.point to D.relate to 6.A.as a result B.after all C.for example D.in other words 7.A.point B.opinion C.goal D.secret 8.A.Excited about B.Amazed at C.Worried about D.Shocked at 9.A.changed B.happened C.improved D.appeared 10.A.made B.got C.set D.sent 11.A.how B.what C.where D.why 12.A.asking B.helping C.allowing D.letting 13.A.danger B.adventure C.career D.environment 14.A.writer B.teacher C.singer D.expert 15.A.less B.much C.more D.little 16.A.In B.On C.At D.Through 17.A.punishes B.consults C.scolds D.educates 18.A.although B.before C.if D.after 19.A.progress B.program C.movement D.achievement 20.A.keep B.break C.put D.discover


A few years ago when my daughter was about two years old, I went through a difficult time.My marriage was 1 , I was pregnant(怀孕的)and not particularly well and I didn't 2 much money.Looking back I think I was also a bit 3 but I had to get on with taking care of my 4 the best I could.

One day I thought I would take my daughter for a nice day 5 at our park as she liked it there, and I thought it was a nice, positive thing to do.I 6 to walk because the bus was 7 , so it took us a long time to get there.When we 8 got there, immediately my daughter began to cry.She was cold, she was 9 , and she wanted to go home. 10 , I hadn't been thinking straight as I had not prepared 11 .I didn't even have any money to buy a drink or to 12 the bus back home.I was so frustrated that my dream of a nice time had 13 .

I started 14 back home, and my daughter would not 15 crying.I felt so miserable and cross with myself and my 16 that I started crying too.

At that point a car pulled up and a gentleman 17 us a lift.He took us home, and seemed really 18 —he even offered me all his change! The 19 of this stranger to a stranger like me really made me feel a lot better.I 20 saw him again and I don't know who he is but he really helped me out that day, so I'm just grateful to him. 1.A.in trouble B.in danger C.at work D.on business 2.A.receive B.accept C.want D.have 3.A.pleased B.depressed C.worried D.surprised 4.A.friend B.stranger C.gentleman D.daughter 精彩文档


B.with B.getting B.climb B.curious B.turned out B.if

B.held out B.always B.bonus B.touched