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发布时间 : 星期六 文章(完整版)深圳牛津版英语最新七年级(下)课文(带翻译)更新完毕开始阅读3e162d925dbfc77da26925c52cc58bd63086931f


Jones 博士:你说得对,Rebecca。事实上,我们从树木身上得到了很多。 我们从它们得到了果实和油。茶也来自树叶。环顾这个房间。很多家具是用木头做的。 树木在我们日常生活中非常重要。

Rebecca: I know trees also也 make使 our lives生活 more 更加convenient [k?n'vi?n??nt]方便. Many of the things东西 in our daily lives日常生活 come from 来自trees树木. For example例如, paper纸 and pencils铅笔.

Dr. Jones:You are right对的, Rebecca. In fact事实上, we get得到 a lot 许多more更多 from trees. We get 得到fruit水果 and oil [??l]油 from them他们. Tea [ti?]茶 also也 comes from来自 the leaves of trees树木的叶子. Look around 周围this room房间. A lot of the furniture['f??n?t??] 家具is made of 由...制成wood [w?d]木材. Trees 树木are really真的 important 重要的in our daily lives日常生活.


Jones 博士:但是我们每年砍伐掉数以百万计的树木。如果我们不想要一个没有树的世界, 我们就应该停止乱砍滥伐。

Rebecca: I can’t不能 imagine [?'m?d??n]想象 a world 世界without 没有trees.

Dr. Jones: But we cut down[k?t]砍伐 millions of 成百上千万trees every year每年. We should应该 stop doing 停止做this if we don’t want想 a world without trees一个没有树的世界.

The Amazon['?m?zn] 亚马逊rainforest ['ren'f?r?st]雨林

位于南美洲的亚马逊雨林是世界上最大的热带雨林。它涵盖了 5.5 万平方公里的亚马逊河流域,跨越 9 个国家。

The Amazon rainforest in South America南美 is the largest 最大的rainforest雨林 in the world. It covers 覆盖['k?v?] five and a half一半 million百万 square[skwe?] 平方kilometers ['k?l?,mit?]千米 of the Amazon Basin ['be?s(?)n] 亚马逊盆地and spreads [spred] 展开;传播across横穿 nine countries国家.


The Amazon rainforest is very important重要的 because因为 it is home 家to thousands of成千上万 animals动物, birds鸟 and insects ['?nsekt]昆虫 . However然而, people 人们are destroying[d?'str??]破坏 the area地区 by通过 cutting down砍伐


many of the trees. This is called “deforestation” [,di,f?r?'ste??n]森林开伐.


Many living things ['l?v??]生物lose [lu?z] 失去their homes家 because of 因为deforestation[,di,f?r?'ste??n]. As a result结果, the number of ...的数量kinds种类 of animals动物, birds鸟, insects ['?nsekt]昆虫 and trees 树木in the world在世界上 is decreasing (decrease [d?'kri?s]减少).

We must do our best 尽最大的努力to protect [pr?'tekt] 保护the Amazon rainforest亚马逊雨林.

Unit 5

Water talks 水说

Dora 在浴室里。水龙头开着。 “把那东西关了,”一个愤怒的声音说。 “你这是在浪费水。”

Dora 看了看四周,一个人也没有。 “你是谁?” “我是一滴水。你知道我来自哪吗?” “来自水龙头?”Dora 问。

Dora was in the bathroom['bɑ?θru?m; -r?m]浴室. The tap [t?p]水龙头 was on开着. “Turn that tap off关掉,” said an angry生气的 voice声音, “You are wasting water(waste [we?st]浪费).”

Dora looked around看看周围, but there was no one 没人there那里. “Who谁 are you?”

“I’m a drop of water[dr?p]一滴水. Do you know where哪里 I come from? “From从 the tap?” asked Dora.

“几天前,我在一朵云里,”那滴水说。 “然后,我落进了一条河里,流到了一个水库。然后,人们对我进行了净化。” “净化你?”Dora 问道。


“A few几个 days ago(几天前), I was in a cloud云,” said the drop滴 of water. “Then 然后I dropped into a river 滴进河里and ran into 跑进a reservoir['rez?vwɑ: (r)]水库. Then然后 it was time for people to 是时候clean 清理me我.” “Clean you?” Dora asked.

“Yes. I was dirty ['d??t?]脏的. They cleaned me and added 添加 [?d] some 一些


chemicals['kem?k(?)l] 化学物质to me. Then I raveled旅行 through通过 the pipes[pa?p]管子under the streets 街道底下and now I’m here这里.”

Dora 问道,“这就是你旅程的结局吗?”

“不,人们会再次把我处理干净。我会被排到江河里,然后再次流入大海。” “再次?”

“是的。我的旅程从这里开始。切记不要浪费或污染了我,我是有用的。” Dora 关上了水龙头,走出了浴室。

Dora asked问, “So is this the end 结束;终点of your journey ['d???n?]旅行?”

“No. People人们 will将 make使 me clean干净 again再次. I’ll go into流进 a river河流 and then然后 into进入 the sea 大海again再次.” “Again?”

“Yes. My journey旅行 starts开始 there那里. Remember记住 not to waste [we?st]浪费 or pollute 污染me. I’m valuable ['v?lj?b(?)l]珍贵的.”

Dora turned tap off 关掉水龙头and came out of 出来the bathroom浴室. 关于水的真相

Facts [f?kt] about water


人身中约 70% 是水。海洋覆盖约 75% 的地球,但海水是咸的。因此世界上大部分水是不可饮用的。地下水可能可直接饮用,但可饮用的清洁而安全的地下水不容易找到。

Here这里 are some interesting有趣的 facts事实 about water: About 大约70% of the human body ['b?d?]人体 is water.

Oceans ['???(?)n] 海洋cover['k?v?] 覆盖about 75% of the Earth地球, but ocean water海水 is salty ['s?lti]咸的.

Therefore ['ee?f??] 因此most of the water大多数水 in the world在世界上 is not drinkable['dr??k?bl]可以饮用的.

Groundwater ['gra?nd'w?t?] 地下水may也许 be drinkable, but it is not easy 容易to find发现 groundwater 地下水that is clean干净的 and safe 安全的to drink喝.

如果水龙头每 10 秒滴 1 滴,你每年会浪费约 315 公升的水——足以洗两次澡!浴缸浴所用的水大约是淋浴的两倍。选择淋浴而不是浴缸浴每周可以节省 400 升的水。

If water drips[dr?p]滴from your tap水龙头 every 每10 seconds['sek(?)nd]秒, you will waste 浪费about 315 liters公升 ['lit?r] of water a year—enough to足够 fill [f?l]装满 two baths [bɑ?θ]浴缸!

Having a bath洗沐浴 uses使用 about大约 twice[twa?s] as much water as 两倍多的水taking a shower ['?a??] 洗淋浴. Having a shower洗淋浴 instead of 而不是[?n'sted] a bath沐浴 can 能够save 节约[se?v] up to 多达400 liters ['lit?r]公升 a week周.


Unit 6


Electricity [?'l?k'tr?s?ti]电 all around周围

一天晚上,Daisy 说,“我打算去买包糖果,有没有人想要带东西?” Benny,Daisy 的哥哥回答到:“你能不能给我带包电?” “好的,可以。”Daisy 说。然后她就走了出去。

Benny 笑了,“她不可能像买糖果一样买电!她看上去好蠢。” 妈妈说:“不要这么说,Benny!”

One evening晚上, Daisy said, “I’m going to 将buy 买a packet of['p?k?t]一袋 sweets [swi?t]糖果. Does anyone任何人 want 想要anything任何东西?”

Benny, Daisy’s brother兄弟, replied(reply [r?'pla?]回答), “Can 能够you get获得;取 me a packet of 一袋electricity电?”

“Yes, I can,” said Daisy. Then然后 she went out出去.

Benny laughed笑, “She can’t buy electricity in packets 袋子like 像sweets糖果! She’ll look foolish['fu?l??]看起来愚蠢.”

Mum said, “You mustn’t不准 say说 that那个, Benny!”


“电给了我们能量。它通过电线流动。在某种程度上就像水。 ”Benny 说。 “没错!电通过细细的电线进入我们的公寓。它们连接着街道下面的电缆。”爸爸补充道。

“那电缆连接着什么?”Benny 问到。 “电缆连接到电站。”爸爸回答说。

“What什么 do you know知道 about 关于electricity电, Benny?” Dad asked问.

“Electricity gives给 us我们 power['pa??]能量. It flows[fl??]流动 through经过 wires [wa??]电线. It’s like 像water水, in a way在某种程度上,” said Benny.

“You’re right! Electricity comes into进来 our flat[fl?t] 公寓 through经过 thin wires[wa??]细电线. These 这些are connected to [k?'nekt]连接到 cables['ke?b(?)l] 电缆under the street街道底下,” Dad added增加;补充.

“What are the cables connected to连接?” asked Benny.

“They are connected to a power station['ste??(?)n]发电站,” answered回答 Dad.

过了一会儿,Daisy 回来了。

“有我要的一包电吗?”Benny 问。 “给你!”Daisy 说。

“但是......这些是电池啊!”Benny 说。