2018-2019年度出版英语高一高二同步系列课堂讲义教出版(普遍通常)必修2Unit2PartⅢ 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018-2019年度出版英语高一高二同步系列课堂讲义教出版(普遍通常)必修2Unit2PartⅢ更新完毕开始阅读3e996294260c844769eae009581b6bd97e19bc15


D.People didn't go to any games at all.

答案 B [细节理解题。由文章最后一段中的“The Olympic Games were thought to be so important that cities which were at war with one another had to stop fighting.”可知,两千多年前,希腊的这些城市互相交战,故B项正确。] 2.What did people do at the games? A.They fought.

B.They just talked to friends. C.They cheered for good athletes. D.They tried to find friends.

答案 C [细节理解题。由文章最后一段最后一句“They met as friends to cheer their favourite athletes and to enjoy themselves.”可知C项正确。] 3.Greek cities then were fighting so they ________. A.were weak B.were strong

C.couldn't go to other cities freely D.could see each other

答案 C [推理判断题。由文章最后一段的“People were allowed to travel to the games freely.”可知,人们在运动会期间被允许自由活动。由此可推知,人们在交战的城市之间是不能自由走动的,故C项正确。] 4.The best title for the story is ________. A.Greece at War B.Together for the Games C.Stop Fighting D.Sport

答案 B [标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章讲述不同城市的人们因为比赛而走到一起,成为朋友,为运动员喝彩,故B项正确。]



Telephones and cellphones ring at the same time.E-mails are sent and replied to every single day.This is the __1__ of many people,and sometimes it is for me,too.

I really enjoy having all these ways to __2__ with my family and friends.__3__,when I need to use them for other important reasons,I don't get the same __4__.Last week,for example,I sent an e-mail message to the company which sold me an airline ticket.It was __5__ useless because they couldn't understand nor solve the problem by __6__.I asked myself,“Why do they have such a nice site on the Internet if they can't __7__ customers who are far away?”What a(n) __8__!

I can tell you about another __9__ experience I had last month.I bought some CDs over the Internet.The next day,they send me a message __10__ my order and telling me that they didn't have all of the CDs that I wanted.They would __11__ those they had and “LATER” send the others.I really __12__ that word “later”.Later?How much later?When?I still haven't got home.

What I have to say about all this __13__ is that it was created to make things __14__ for us,but sometimes the result is totally the opposite.I usually like to __15__ a cell phone,but it really gets on my nerves when I am talking to someone and the transmission (传输) goes bad and we get __16__.Instead of helping me,technology just delays me.

I'm not __17__ to these “high-tech toys”.However,it would be great if they really could be used __18__ whenever we need them.Unfortunately,for me they are much more __19__ than they are tools to do my work.Talking face to face or using regular phones are still the __20__ ways to communicate. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。电讯时代,新技术给人们带来了方便,有时也会带来不利。本文就此作了论证。 1.A.dream C.habit

B.reality D.opinion


答案 B [reality“事实,现实”,此处指上文提到的几种通讯方式的使用对很多人来说都已成为了现实。] 2.A.work C.communicate

B.live D.discuss

答案 C [由前文的telephones,cellphones,e-mails可知选communicate“交流”。communicate with sb“和某人交流”。] 3.A.However C.Besides

B.Therefore D.Anyway

答案 A [前文说“我”喜欢这些与家人和朋友通讯的方式,紧接着说“我”对它们不满意的地方,从行文逻辑上看为转折关系,故选A。] 4.A.consideration C.operation

B.condition D.satisfaction

答案 D [前文说“我”对那些通讯方式满意,再根据设空处前面的“same”可知,“satisfaction”符合语境。故选D。] 5.A.increasingly C.largely

B.completely D.hardly

答案 B [根据后文“...because they couldn't understand nor solve the problem.”他们没有理解,也没有解决问题,可知这张飞机票是完全没用的。 completely完全地,符合语境。故选B。] 6.A.phone C.e-mail

B.letter D.air

答案 C [由前文的“I sent an e-mail message to the company”可知,此处填e-mail。by e-mail通过电子邮件。] 7.A.comfort C.help

B.attract D.trust


答案 C [航空公司在因特网上的站点应是帮助远方的顾客的。故选C。] 8.A.idea C.action

B.deal D.cheat

答案 D [航空公司在因特网上的站点本应给顾客提供帮助的,却没有做到,所以作者感叹“真是个骗子”,故选D。] 9.A.unpleasant C.unbelievable

B.surprising D.interesting

答案 A [由前文作者谈到“我”通过e-mail进行网上订票的一次不愉快的经历,以及后文“我”网上购物时的又一次不愉快的经历,可知此处为unpleasant。故选A。] 10.A.refusing C.advertising

B.confirming D.analyzing

答案 B [我发送订单,此处为第二天他们发送确认订单的信息。故选B。] 11.A.provide C.deliver

B.sell D.produce

答案 C [卖方确认了订单,解释了情况后,接下来应是发货。deliver此处指“发货,送货”,符合语境,故选C。] 12.A.saw C.feared

B.knew D.hated

答案 D [卖方答应后来发给“我”其余的货物,至今都没有到货,所以“我”憎恶“later”这个单词。] 13.A.technology C.information

B.order D.experience

答案 A [此处是在对通讯技术作评价。] 14.A.cheaper
