音像租赁销售管理系统毕业论文 联系客服

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论文(设计)题目: 音像租赁销售管理系统

分 院: 理工分院 专 业(方 向):

年 级、班 级: 学 生 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 老 师:

2011 年 5月 5日





论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日


摘 要

在科技发展日益迅猛的今天,数字化、信息化的管理模式已经渗透到了社会的每个角落。音像租赁销售管理系统是用VB6.0开发出来用于管理光盘的租赁和出售的MIS系统。该系统用于光盘租赁或销售店,方便出售光盘、租盘、还盘、查找等操作,是租赁销售光盘店的最佳助手。可以自定义光盘,方便添加新盘、管理光盘、管理会员。提供完善的租盘和还盘操作,完全独立的数据库系统,数据管理为您提供:光盘管理,会员管理.数据查询为您提供:租借情况,光盘查询,会员查询。本系统具有安全的数据库备份方案,简单易用,仿WINDOWS操作方式,可以使您很快上手,根据需要自行设置光盘类别和相应的借出时间、借出册数。本系统采用ADO编程,程序中包含了许多编程技巧。 注解:

MIS:管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)是70年代开始发展的一个新兴的应用研究领域。


ADO:(Active Data Object)微软的一种新数据访问模型,支持用于建立基于客户端/服务器和WEB应用程序的主要功能。其主要优点是易于使用、高速度、低内存支出和占用磁盘较少。




In today's rapidly growing technology, digital, information management model has penetrated into every corner of society.Audio and video rental sales management and system is developed by VB6.0 for managing the leasing and sale of CD's MIS system.The system is used disc rental or sale of stores, convenient disposal of the disc, property rental, offer, search and other operations, lease sales is the best CD shop assistant.You can customize discs, easy to add a new disc, the disc management, management members.Provide a sound plate and offer the rental operation, totally independent of the database system, data management for you: CD-ROM management, member management. Data query for you: rent case, CD-ROM search, member search.The system has a secure database backup solution that is simple to use, imitation WINDOWS mode of operation that allows you to quickly get started, the disc needed to set their own lending categories and the corresponding time, lending volumes.The system uses ADO programming, the program includes a number of programming skills. Comment:

MIS: Management Information Systems (Management Information System, referred to as MIS) is 70s, began development of a new application areas.

VB6.0: 1998 Microsoft WIN32 program developed for the preparation of high-level programming software, after 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0 several versions of the constantly updated, VB function from strength to strength, it has successfully developed the speed of today's The fastest high-level programming software.

ADO: (Active Data Object) A new Microsoft data access model, support for creating client / server and WEB applications main functions. Its main advantage is ease of use, high speed, low memory, less expenditure and consume disk.

【Key Words】Video store rental management, MIS,ADO Programming