2016届二轮复习 专题十六完形填空 - 图文 联系客服

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2016届二轮复习 专题十六完形填空 学案(安徽专用)



Cloze 1 (2014·辽宁卷)

It was already half past seven and I was running late again for the dinner appointment with my wife, Eleanor. We had __1__ to meet at the restaurant at seven o'clock. I felt a little uneasy, but to my __2__, I had a good excuse: A business meeting had __3__ and I'd wasted no time getting to the dinner. When I arrived at the __4__, I apologized and told Eleanor I didn't mean to be late. She screamed, “You never mean to.” Well, I __5__ tell she was angry. “I'm sorry but it was not __6__,” I said. Then I told her about the business meeting. __7__, my explanation seemed to make things worse, which started to drive __8__ mad as well. Several weeks later, when I __9__ the situation to my friend Ken Hardy, he smiled, “You __10__ a classic mistake. You're stuck __11__ your own way of thinking. You didn't __12__ to be late. But that's not the point. What is __13__ in your communication is how your lateness affected Eleanor.” He pointed out that I focused on the intention __14__ Eleanor focused on the result. Thus, __15__ of us felt misunderstood and crazy.

Thinking more about Ken's words, I __16__ recognized the root cause of such disagreement. It's the result of the action that really __17__. I should have started the conversation by expressing __18__ my actions affected Eleanor and __19__ the discussions about my intention for later, much later and even never.

Later on, after talking to Eleanor and really __20__ her experience of the results of my lateness, I've managed to be on time a lot more frequently.

1.A.started B.agreed C.continued


2.A.relief B.surprise C.regret


3.A.broken out B.closed down C.faded away D.run over 4.A.house B.room C.restaurant


5.A.could B.must C.will D.might

6.A.movable B.comfortable C.acceptable D.avoidable 7.A.However B.Therefore C.Moreover 8.A.her



C.me D.them 9.A.spread B.wrote C.translated


10.A.knew B.made C.found 11.A.in

D.took B.beyond

C.for D.against 12.A.need B.prove C.pretend D.intend 13.A.funny


C.possible D.simple 14.A.while B.after C.until 15.A.all

D.unless B.none

C.both D.neither 16.A.usually B.merely C.hardly D.gradually 17.A.inspires B.matters C.improves


18.A.how B.why C.when


19.A.compared B.reported C.finished D.saved 20.A.showing B.satisfying C.understanding




1.B 根据上文中关键词语the dinner appointment可知,作者与妻子约好七点钟在餐馆见面,但是作者迟到了。start “开始”;agree “同意,商定”;continue “继续”;manage “完成,努力做到”。

2.A 根据上文I felt a little uneasy和句中的but一词可知,但是作者感到有些宽慰的是,他有一个很好的借口。relief “宽慰,放松”;surprise“惊讶”;regret“后悔”;sorrow“难过,悲伤”。

3.D run over 有“超过(预期的限额)”的意思,在此处表示会议的时间超出了原来预想的时间,这就是作者迟到的借口。break out“(火灾,战争等)爆发”;close down“倒闭”;fade away“减弱”。

4.C 根据第一段内容可知,作者与妻子约定见面的地点是一家餐馆,所以此处选C项。

5.A 根据上文妻子所说的话,作者能够判断出妻子生气了。could“能够”;must“必须”;will“将要”;might“也许,可能”。

6.D 根据语境可知,看到妻子生气了,作者继续解释迟到是无法避免的事情。movable“可移动的”;comfortable“舒适的”;acceptable“可接受的”;avoidable“可避免的”。

7.A 该空的前后两个句子之间是转折关系,所以选用however。作者原本以为自己有一个很冠冕堂皇的理由,然而,他的解释却使情况变得更糟糕。

8.C 根据语境可知,作者的借口使情况变得更糟了,事情的发展远远超出他的想象,这简直让他抓狂。由空格后面的as well可知选C项。

9.D 根据下文内容可知,几周后,作者向朋友描述了那天的情景。spread“展开”;write“书写”;translate“翻译”;describe“描述”。

10.B 根据朋友的一番话可知,朋友觉得作者犯了一个典型的错误。make a mistake“犯错误”。

11.A 朋友认为,作者一味困在自己的思维方式当中,没有考虑妻子的感受。be stuck in“被困在,陷入”。

12.D 根据上文内容可知,作者不是故意迟到的。intend to do sth.为固定搭配,表示“想要做某事”,符合语境。

13.B 根据前面的句子But that's not the point.可知,important与the point相对应。重要的不是作者不想迟到这个事实,而是作者的迟到如何影响了他的妻子。

14.A 作者看重的是意图而妻子看重的是结果。while在此处是并列连词,表示对比和转折。

15.C 因为当事人就是作者和妻子两个人,所以此处用both 表示两人都感到被对方误解了并非常生气。

16.D 根据语境Thinking more allout Ken's words可知作者逐渐意识到夫妻两人出现争执的根本原因是什么。

17.B It's...that matters.是一个常见句型,意思是“重要的是……”。inspire “激励,鼓舞”;matter “要紧,有重大影响”;improve “提高”;challenge “挑战”。

18.A 作者觉得当时自己应该首先表达自己的迟到行为如何影响了妻子,而不是一味给自己辩解。根据第14空之前的how your lateness affected Eleanor可知此空填how。

19.D 作者仍然在反省,自己当时应该保留关于自己并不想迟到的意图的讨论,以后再提迟到的意图这件事,或者干脆不提。compare“比较”;report “报道”;finish “完成”;save “保留”。

20.C 根据语境可知,后来,作者与妻子进行了沟通和交流,也真正理解了自己迟到这一后果对妻子的影响。show “展示”;satisfy “使满意”;understand “理解”;destroy “破坏”。

Cloze 2 (2014·安徽卷)