用所给词的适当形式填空专项训练1 联系客服

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追求卓越 大山教育 挑战极限

297 Soon they were very busy with____________ (talk). 298 I like living in the countryside because the air is___________ (fresh) than that in the city. 299 The bus is too____________ (crowd). Let’s take the next one. 300 It’s important to ask for information or help_______________ (polite). 301 You are_____________ (suppose) to bow when meeting people in Japan. 302 Before going to western countries, you d’ better learn to use forks and________ (knife). 303 I feel alone in such a big house at night because I’m_____________ (terrify) of the dark. 304 Who is the woman____________ (chat) with Miss Wang over there? 305 We haven't made a_______________ (decide) when and where to go for vacation yet? 306 Do you still remember how long Uncle Wang has been _______ (die)? 307 Two big topics of the world today is peace and__________________ (develop). 308 China has sent up Shenzhou 7spaceship into space______________ (success). 309 You have to believe in______________ (you). That’s the secret of success. 310 Paul feel much_________________ (relax) when the boring meeting came to an end. 311 The tree is about ten meters in ________________ (high). 312 Of all the students in our class .Lucy talks____________ (little) but does most. 313 Lucy can’t decide which one ________________ (choose)? 314 On Oct. 1 , 2009 , we celebrated our motherland’s __________ (sixty) birthday. 315 This is_______________________ (educational) book I have ever read. 316 He______________ (dead) of A/ H1N1 flu last month. 317 We can't imagine what our life will be if there is no________________ (electric). 318 It’s_______________ (possible) for me to finish the work in such a short time. 319 Edison is one of the greatest _____________ (invent) in the world. 320 I’m_____________ (terrible) sorry for what I have done. 2010年初中毕业学业考试 321 My grandma told me an___________ (usual) story. 322 This is not my schoolbag. ___________ (I) is newer than this one. 323 I’m feeling even_________ ( ill) 324 Where’s the bird? It__________ (fly) away a moment ago . 325 You can write the useful________________ (express) in your notebook and study them at


326 My sister is considering _____________ (change) her job because of the low salary. 327 Mr zhang left in a hurry without___________ (say) a word. 328 Doing morning exercise is good for our____________ (health). 329 Many kind-hearted people gave away the money for____________ (home) children. 330 It’s______________ (polite) to talk with someone loudly in the library. 331 You’d better not read a passage in English by_____________ (translate) every word into


332 –I wonder how to use the computer?-That’s easy. I___________ (show) you later. 333 Her mother was looking at him_______ (angry) because he broke the expensive vase. 334 Every year in winter, there are hundreds of___________( travel) in Hainan. 335 In this school, students are made_______ (wear) their uniforms from Monday to Friday. 336 He wants to travel in__________ (European) next month. 337 This is the___________ (bad) movie that I have ever seen this year.

从 绝 望 中 寻 找 希 望 人 生 终 将 辉 煌


追求卓越 大山教育 挑战极限

338 I____________ (prefer) to walk rather than stay at home when I was a child. 339 This machine______________ (use) for cutting things. 340 ______________ (compare) with the past, our life is getting better and better. 341 The farmers are singing and dancing_____________ (happy) for the harvest. 342 We are looking forward to________________ (receive) your reply. 343 Tony____________ (chat) with his son while his wife was cooking in the kitchen. 344 Don’t worry, Kitty. With our help, you will do much_________ (well) next time. 345 The boy____________ (take) to hospital at once after he fell off the tree. 346 You can buy a TV set on_____________ (seven) floor of the shopping mall. 347 Parents are our first teachers. They teach_________ (we) lessons of life. 348 I really don't know what__________ (say). 349 I met an old friend of________________ (I) in the Summer Palaces last Sunday. 350 Many new_________ (potato) will grow from one potato planted in the ground. 351 I prefer reading books to__________ (watch) TV. 352 In China, we have a__________ (say),”No pains, no gains.” 353 You are supposed___________ (put) your wallet in a safe place. 354 ____________ (ask) for information or help is a very common and necessary activity. 355 The students are all busy_________ (get) ready for their examination these days. 356 Two hundred_____(country) in the world took part in Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. 357 Mary finished her work. So she has__________ (much) free time than before. 358 Many people travel to_________ (south) cities for their winter holidays. 359 After a long time discussion, they made a__________ (decide) to take part in the activity. 360 Teenagers should not be allowed____________ (smoke) in China. 361 My mother like the red one_____________ (well) of all. 362 ________________ (usual) the shop isn’t open on Sundays. 363 The building is eighty_____________ (foot) high. 364 She often helps her mother do some________ (wash). 365 He became a____________ (wait) in a restaurant. 366 Mike is fat. But John is a little__________ (fat). 367 This is the_____________ (wet) summer for ten years. 368 August is the__________ (eight) month of the year. 369 He became a _______________ (music) when he was only twenty. 370 You’d better____________ (not swim) in the river. It’s too dangerous. 371 Lucy is______________ (thin) of the twins. You can easily tell them apart. 372 They said they____________________ (visit) the Great Wall the next week. 373 Your hair really needs______________________ (cut). Go and have it cut after school. 374 They______________ (plan) a trip to Disneyland at this time yesterday. 375 How________________ (excite) it is for us to go surfing in Hawaii! 376 Many new buildings____________ (build) in Xi’AN last year. 2010陕西中考 百校联盟 377 ___________ (one)of all, I have to thank my parents and my dear teachers. 378 Because of the right____________(decide), the doctors saved his father. 379 Listen! There must be some girls______________ (sing) upstairs. 380 Girls are usually______________ (terrify) of spiders and insects, but my sister is not.

从 绝 望 中 寻 找 希 望 人 生 终 将 辉 煌


追求卓越 大山教育 挑战极限

381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 I have to get my room___________ (clean). It's a real mess. These books should___________ (take) to the classroom.

Thank you for the letter of November 15, ____________ (invite) us to the trade fair. If you were____________ (friend) to people, you would have more friends. Don't worry. He is sure _____________ (catch) the early bus to school. Amy is one of the most successful language_____________ (learn). Thanks a lot for your_____________ (invite) to your birthday party.

Some of the tourists are from Canada. What about the___________ (other) ? One of my best friend _____________ (visit) me next month.

Lucy often does sports , so she is _____________ (athlete) than me.

My mom likes listening to________________ (tradition) music very much. Don't worry. The children can look after____________ (they).

We are pleased to learn that problem_____________ (solve) at yesterday's meeting.

It took me several weeks to get used to ______________ (drive) on the left side of the road in London.

There are so many new words in the___________ (twenty-nine) lesson. It's hard to understand.

It usually takes Sam one and a half hours_____________ (train) for the race. We hate the people who talk_____________ (many) but do little.

He always learns from other's_____________ (success) experience to do something well . If you___________ (be) in my place, you would do the same thing.

Nine ________________ (forty) of the university students have passed the exam. None of the experts can explain the________________ (appear) of the dinosaurs.

There is something wrong with your computer .Why not have it____________ (mend)? The bike made in Shanghai is the_____________ (library). She rides it to work everyday. If everyone makes a contribution to_________________ (develop) the west ,China will be much stronger.

The little girls have been able to dress____________ (they) since half a year ago. Her ___________ (hobby) include swimming and collecting stamps.

Of course we want to see Liu Yu______________ (achievement) his dreams.

-How is he getting on with his spoken English? -Great .Now he can speak English as ___________ (good) as his English teacher.

The __________ (important) of washing hands before a meal is known by everyone. Don't worry about Bill .I'm sure that he will never give up until he ________ (succeed). Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at __________ (tell) jokes.

Uncle Green spent the whole afternoon_____________ (repair) our broken bike .He was so tired.

Teacher's smiles____________ (courage) us while mothers' smile warm us. The apartment block is old and dangerous. It should be_______ (pull) down.

Please read every sentence. The more ___________ (care) you are the fewer mistakes you’ll make.

It's only 10___________ (minute) walk from the station to the hotel.

Of all the students in our class ,Lucy talks__________ (little) but does most.

The girls are__________ (work) in a clothes factory .They can make beautiful dresses.

从 绝 望 中 寻 找 希 望 人 生 终 将 辉 煌


追求卓越 大山教育 挑战极限

419 He ___________ (plan) his holiday with his friends yesterday afternoon in the classroom. 420 These two girls are new students. Please look after ________ (they), Lily. 421 Because of the______________ (pollute), the number of manatees is decreasing. 422 The solider saved the little boy from the broken-down buildings _________ (successful). 423 We are really angry with people who kill the____________ (danger) animals. 424 In the____________ (twenty) century basketball is popular all over the world. 425 Young people should like____________ (listen) to music on line, and shop on it, too. 426 There are four___________ (people) in my family. 427 My father is_______________ (interest) in action movies. 428 The question is too difficult. Neither I nor she ____________ (know) the answer. 429 It will be ___________ (rain) here tomorrow. 430 The students ___________ (real) enjoy picking apples on the farm. 431 There are a lot of patients in the___________ (doctor) waiting room. 432 I'm sorry I can't go with you now, because I'm busy _________ (mend) my bike. 433 My sister got_____________ (marry) last year. 434 The busier we are, the_____________ (happy) we feel. 435 The famous doctor has_____________ (save) many people's lives. 436 This is your football, __________ (we) is new. 437 Tomorrow is____________ (teacher) Day. 438 He writes as_____________ (care) as his brother. 439 You mustn't take the library books out of the__________ (read) room. 440 A boy___________ (name) Mike made a phone call to you ten minutes ago. 441 Nothing could stop them from_________ (take) part in the sports meeting. 442 The factory has been____________ (open) for 10 years. 443 We spent an ___________________ (enjoy) holiday in Hangzhou. 444 Remember______________ (turn) off the light when you leave the room. 445 In her__________ (five) year, she was famous for her singing. 446 Look! There are a lot of ____________ (sheep) on the hill. 447 I live in one of the tallest_____________ (build) in the city of Xi'an. 448 Every country has____________ (it) favorite food. 449 What about _____________ (go) swimming with us? 450 I had an accident yesterday but_______________ (luck) I didn't hurt myself. 451 He enjoyed ____________ (listen) to light music. 452 If the traffic light is red, you mustn't go across the street. It's __________ (danger). 453 I'm afraid I can't go shopping with you because I have some homework_______ (do). 454 Lucy is______________ (popular) than Lily in our class. 455 At the ____________(begin) of the English class, students usually sing an English song. 2100陕西中考 西工大内部资料 456 This is the teacher___________ (call) \457 Look! The dog is looking for food__________ (careful) in the street. 458 We got together to celebrate her grandma's ___________ (ninety) birthday. 459 Many people lost____________ (they) lives during the war. 460 I'm looking forward to____________ (hear) from you. 461 There are many ____________ (different) between the two boys.

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