发布时间 : 星期五 文章THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE香港公司章程中英文更新完毕开始阅读3f4729e527284b73f3425003

act of the Directors which would have been valid if such regulations had not been made.

17. 除本章程细则及其他明文赋予董事会的权力及权限外,董事会可行使公司在股东大会上行使的所有权力,并实施公司在股东大会上实施的所有行为和事务,但必须符合《公司条例》(香港法例第32章)、本章程细则及公司不定期在股东大会上订立的任何规定;但是,董事会在该等规定未订立前所做的一切行动如果在不订立该等规定的情况下具备效力,则不因该等规定的订立而失去效力。 18. Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by the preceding Article and the other powers conferred by these Articles, it is hereby expressly declared that the Directors shall have the following powers, that is to say, power: - 18. 在不影响上一条赋予董事会的一般权力及本章程细则赋予董事会其他权力的情况下,现明确声明董事会有下列权力:

(1) To pay the costs, charges and expenses preliminary and incidental to the promotion, formation, establishment and registration of the Company.


(2) To purchase or otherwise acquire for the Company or sell or otherwise dispose of any property, rights or privileges which the Company is authorised to acquire at such price and generally on such terms and conditions as they shall think fit.


(3) To engage, suspend or dismiss the employees of the Company, and to fix and vary their salaries or emoluments.

(3)聘用、解雇公司员工或予以停职,决定及变动员工的薪金或酬金。 (4) To institute, conduct, defend, compromise or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Company or its officers, or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Company, and also to compound and allow time for payment or satisfaction of any debts due and of any claims or demands by or against the Company.



(5) To refer any claims or demands by or against the Company to arbitration and observe and perform the awards.


(6) To make and give receipts, releases and other discharges for moneys payable to the Company, and for claims and demands of the Company.


(7) To invest, lend or otherwise deal with any of the moneys or property of the Company in such manner as they think fit having regard to the Company's Memorandum of Association and from time to time to vary or realise any such investment.

(7)依据公司组织章程大纲,按照董事会认为合适的方式投资、贷出或以其他方式处理公司的资金或财产,并不定期地变更或兑现该等投资。 (8) To borrow money on behalf of the Company, and to pledge, mortgage or hypothecate any of the property of the Company.


(9) To open a current account with themselves for the Company and to advance any money to the Company with or without interest and upon such terms and conditions as they shall think fit.


(10) To enter into all such negotiations and contracts and rescind and vary all such contracts and execute and do all such acts, deeds and things in the name and on behalf of the Company as they may consider expedient for, or in relation to, any of the matters aforesaid, or otherwise for the purposes of the Company.


(11) To give to any Director, officer or other person employed by the Company a commission on the profits of any particular business or transaction, and such

commission shall be treated as part of the working expenses of the Company, and to pay commissions and make allowances (either by way of a share in the general profits of the Company or otherwise) to any person introducing business to the Company or otherwise promoting or serving the interest thereof.


(12) To sell, improve, manage, exchange, lease, let, mortgage or turn to account all or any part of the land, property, rights and privileges of the Company.


(13) To employ, invest or otherwise deal with any Reserve Fund or Reserve Funds in such manner and for such purposes as the Directors may think fit.

(13)按董事会认为合适的方式和目的,利用、投资或以其他方式处置储备金。 (14) To execute, in the name and on behalf of the Company, in favour of any Director or other person who may incur or be about to incur any personal liability for the

benefit of the Company, such mortgages of the Company's property (present or future) as they think fit, and any such mortgage may contain a power of sale and such other powers, covenants and provision as shall be agreed upon.


(15) From time to time to provide for the management of the affairs of the Company abroad in such manner as they think fit, and in particular to appoint any persons to be

the attorneys or agents of the Company with such powers (including power to sub-delegate) and upon such terms as they think fit.


(16) From time to time to make, vary or repeal rules and by-laws for the regulation of the business of the Company, its officers and servants.

(16)不时制定,更改或废除规章及附则以便规范公司业务、高管人员及员工。 (17) To delegate any or all of the powers herein to any Director or other person or persons as the Directors may at any time think fit.


19. Clause 81 of Table “A” shall not apply. 19. 表A第81 条不适用于本章程细则。 Seal and Cheques


20. The Seal of the Company shall be kept by the Board of Directors and shall not be used except with their authority.

20. 公司印章由董事会保管,除得到董事会授权外,不得使用。

21. Every document required to be sealed with the Seal of the Company shall be deemed to be properly executed if sealed with the Seal of the Company and signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or such person or persons as the Board may from time to time authorise for such purpose.

21. 所有需要加盖公司印章的文件,若已加盖公司印章并经董事会主席或董事会不定期授权签字的人士签署,则该文件视作已妥为签立。