仁爱英语八年级上册U1T1SA学导案 - 图文 联系客服

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【模块四】 1. 1a 2. Part 2 3. Exercises in the Instant Training. 4. A knowledge tree about basketball 【模块五】 Summary 【模块六】Homework 1. Remember the new words and phrases 2. Recite 1a and 2. 3. Finish the exercises in the Further Training. 课后反思 Improvement 1. Students read 1a loudly again and then act it out. 2. Students finish the Instant Training. 3. Students show their answers to the whole class and other students give their own ideas if necessary. 4. The teacher gives appraisals and help students to solve the whole class’ common problems. 5. The teacher explains the most important words, phrases and sentences to students. 6. The teacher helps students to draw a knowledge tree about basketball. 【针对模块五】 The teacher and the students summary what they have learned in this class together. 【针对模块六】 Students finish their homework carefully. 仁爱英语八年级上册U1T2SD学导案 初2014级备课组 向小春 宋翃文 张樱子 课题 名称 课程标准 学习目标 Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D 第1 课时 课型 Reviewing - Class 1. 能熟练掌握和运用Section D 的有关生词,短语 2. 能听懂关于体育活动,个人爱好及行为习惯的对话及短文 3. 能用英语谈论个人爱好及行为习惯 4. 能读懂有关体育活动,个人爱好等方面的英语课外读物 5. 能写出有关体育活动,个人爱好及习惯行为的短文 (一) 知识与能力目标 1.Master the new words and phrases in Section D 2. Summarize the useful expressions in Topic 2. 3. Go on talking about the favorite sport. 4. Summarize the expressions about making requests, complains suggestions and apologies. (二)过程与方法目标:合作 讨论 探究

(三) 情感态度与价值观目标: 理解体育运动对人们身体健康的好处,学会怎样健康地生活 重点难点 重点: 1. The new words and phrases in Section D 2. The useful expressions in Topic 2 3. The expressions about making requests, complains suggestions and apologies. 难点:The expressions about making requests, complains suggestions and apologies 学习过程 评价任务(内容,问题,试题) 【模块一】 1. 3a 2. 3b 【模块二】 1. Part 2 2. 1a 3. Exercises in the Problem-oriented Guide. 【模块三】 1. Part 2 2. 1a 3. Exercises in the Problem-oriented Guide. 【模块四】 1. The knowledge they have mastered. 学习活动(方式,行为,策略) 【针对模块一】Sorting Points & Building System 1. The teacher helps students to summary the expressions about making requests, complains, suggestions and apologies. 2. The teacher helps students to summary the important phrases and sentences in Topic 2 3. Students read 3a and 3b loudly after the tape. 【针对模块二】Comprehensive Training & Highlighting Focus 1. Students listen to the tape for Part 2 and finish it by themselves. 2. Students share answers with their group members. 3. Students listen again and check the mistakes with the help of the teacher. 4. Students act the conversations out according to the pictures. 5. The teacher gives appraisals. 6. Students read 1a loudly and underline the important words and phrases. 7. Students read 1a again and finish 1b. 8. Students finish the exercises in the Problem-oriented Guide. 【针对模块三】Communicative Presentation & Effective Instruction 1. Students show their answers to the whole class. 3. The teacher gives appraisals and correct students’ mistakes if necessary. 【针对模块四】Summarizing Reflection & Ability Development

2. The knowledge they haven’t mastered. 【模块五】 1. Master the words and phrases in Topic 2 complains, suggestions and apologies. 3. Recite the 1a, 3a and 3b. 4. Finish the Further Training. Homework 课后反思

1. Students think over what they have learned and what they haven’t mastered. 2. Students write down the problems and try to ask the classmates or the teacher for help to solve them. Then students can improve themselves. 3. The teacher helps students to solve their problems. 【针对模块五】 Students finish their homework carefully. 2. Master the expressions about making requests, 仁爱英语八年级上册U1T3SA学导案

初2014级 宋翃文 向小春 张樱子 课 题 名 称 Unit One Topic Three Section A 课 时 1 period 课 型 Problem-solving Class 课 程 标 准 1、 能熟练掌握和运用本节有关单词和短语; 2、 能理解、掌握和运用“will + 动词原形”的一般将来时结构; 3、 能听懂他人提出的建议和请求,并能用英语提出建议和要求; 4、 能听懂、读懂和写出关于自己最喜欢的体育活动; 5、能听、说、读、写谈论参加运动会的对话和短文。 一、 知识目标: 1. Learn some new words and phrases. 2. Learn the future tense with will: 学 习 目 标 1) I think I’ll have lots of fun. 2) I’ll do my best. I won’t lose. 3) Maybe I’ll make many friends during the sports meet. 4) I’ll join in the teachers’ relay race. 3. Talk about school sports meet: 1) I will take part in the school sports meet.

2) Which sport will you take part in? 3) I’ll be in the long jump and the high jump. 二、能力目标: ①提高学生听、说、读、写的能力; ②培养学生主动参与学习活动,善于和他人合作的能力; ③让学生通过本节内容的学习能使用简单的英语谈论校运会。 三、情感目标:培养学生的热爱体育锻炼的好习惯和尽最大努力把事情做好的体育精神。 教学重、难点 1、 “will + 动词原形”的用法; 2、 be in = join in = take part in; 3、 It’s one’s first time to do sth. 4、 Some useful expressions. 教 学 准 备 多媒体辅助:用PowerPoint、Flash 软件将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制成CAI软件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。 学 习 过 程 评价任务(内容,问题,试题) 学习活动(方式,行为,策略) Module One 1. Review. 2. Learn some new words. Module Two Learn 1a. 1. Listen and answer the questions. 2. Listen to 1a and follow. 3. Language points. According to Module One 1. Use CAI to create the situations to revise sports in the school sports meet; 2. Learn some new words and expressions: foreign, relay race, have fun, etc. According to Module Two 1. Play CAI. Get the students to listen to 1a and answer the following questions. 1) Which sport will Li Ming take part in? 2) Which sport will Yu Ting take part in? 3) Do you think Yu Ting will win? Share the answers with the group members, then check the answers with the whole class. 2. Listen to 1a again and follow. 3. Explain the language points, mark the key words. Module Three 1. Read 1a again, and finish 1b. According to Module Three 1. Get the students to read 1a, and finish the form in 1b. 2. Practice and act out 1a in pairs Let the student share their answers in groups. then according to 1b and the key words. check with the whole class. 3. Finish 1c. 2. Tell the students to practice and act out 1a in pairs according to 1b and the key words. 3. Get the students to make a similar dialog with your partner according to 1a. Module Four According to Module Four Learn 2a. 1. The teacher works as a reporter, interview Yu Ting. Lead-in 2a. Then get the students to practice an interview in pairs. 2. Listen to 2a, and answer the following questions: 1)Which sport will Ann take part in?