置业顾问的绩效管理的分析及改进建议 论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章置业顾问的绩效管理的分析及改进建议 论文更新完毕开始阅读3fb1558202d276a200292e80

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学生姓名: 专业班级: 学 号: 指导教师:

摘 要




The performance management is an important component of human resources management, and the thought and the method of performance management is taken seriously by more and more enterprises, it has become the important link of the business management. This article is dedicated in the performance management of property consultant from Zhenjiang Changfa as a breakthrough point, by right of the author is familiar with consultant’s job feature,for example, workload is hardly evaluated,work pressure is high,etc.There are some problems in performance management daily work in Zhenjiang Changfa,such as think of achievement exam as performace management in error,lack of security system in performance management operation,performance management rest on formality merely,and so on.Hereby I find them and analyze the cause of these problems by professional knowledge,and give such improvement suggestions,like comprehend performance management correctly,nail down the localization of performance management,get strong support from the management level ,ect..Expecting that can give my own strength for Changfa’s performance management construction work.

Key words: Changfa,Property Consultant,Performance Management

目 录

第一章 前 言 ................................................. 1 第二章 置业顾问的工作特点 ..................................... 3 2.1工作量不容易被衡量 .............................................. 3 2.2 工作时间无法估算................................................ 3 2.3工作压力大 ...................................................... 3 2.4 管理职位低...................................................... 3 第三章 绩效管理的内涵及意义 ................................... 5 3.1 绩效管理的内涵.................................................. 5 3.2 绩效管理的意义.................................................. 5 3.2.1 绩效管理能够提升计划管理有效性.............................. 5 3.2.2 绩效管理有助于提高管理者的管理水平.......................... 5 3.2.3 绩效管理能够帮助发现企业管理中存在的问题.................... 5 3.2.4 绩效管理能够激发工作人员的工作热情.......................... 6 第四章 中发置业置业顾问绩效管理分析 .............................. 7 4.1中发置业绩效管理存在的主要问题及成因 ............................ 7 4.1.1 误把绩效考核当作绩效管理.................................... 7 4.1.2 绩效管理运行缺乏保障........................................ 8 4.1.3绩效管理流于形式 ............................................ 8 4.1.4 企业组织结构不完善.......................................... 9 4.1.5 绩效管理没有与企业文化相适应................................ 9 第五章 中发置业置业顾问绩效管理改进建议 ......................... 10 5.1 正确认识绩效管理,明确绩效管理的定位........................... 10 5.2取得中发置业管理者的支持 ....................................... 10 5.3 制定完善的绩效管理计划,完善考核流程,注重考核后的工作 ........ 10 5.4 培训直线管理者,做职务分析..................................... 11 5.5 明确绩效管理中的职责,注重沟通、反馈........................... 11 结束语....................................................... 13 参考文献 ..................................................... 14 致 谢....................................................... 15

第一章 前 言