2010年深圳食博会参展商名单 联系客服

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2/f 5FiestLane.YinKing.SheungShui . NT Hong Kong 电话:0852-26714938 65257128 E-mail:eternaluk@gmail.com

中国代理:曾先生 13715238181 李先生 13143887128 深圳市海汇源水产品有限公司

本公司经营范围主要是水产品冷冻加工销售,采用的原料来自无污染的海洋捕捞水产品,主要供应西餐厅,日式料理店。本公司自创建以来就秉承以食为天,以人为本的宗旨,加大食品卫生监督力度,使每批产品经专业化验室化验后才出厂,确保本公司产品的卫生,美味。本公司产品现已销往新加坡,泰国,马来西亚等国家,同时在国内的北京,上海,香港等大城市均有销售。展望未来,我们更有信心适应竞争环境,使公司管理水平更上一层楼。 地址:深圳市南山区中山园路209号水产冷冻厂三楼 邮编:518052

电话:0755-26512823 传真:0755-26512814 广东天地壹号饮料有限公司


地 址:深圳市龙华街道民治大道沙园埔村109栋首层 电 话:0755-28193330 传 真:0755-81755552

联系人:詹登宇13923852121 邮 箱:yt2008.08.08@163.com 网 站:http://www.tdspjt.com



裕莹将在这一领域成功的研究和经验结合世界最先进的技术转化为产品提供给您,并提供完善的服务,让您尽情体验成功经营的乐趣。 欢迎前来洽谈 ! 地址:中华人民共和国广东省江门市杜阮三路58号 联系人 :高韵雅 (Jill Kao) 电话 :0750 - 3655888 传真 :0750 - 3655933

手机 : 13229099642 QQ :786543627

MSN : jill6272@hotmail.com Skype : jk6828

mail : jill6272@hotmail.com

网站:www.yuyinggroup.com.cn 中国意大利商会


从1991年成立至今,中国意大利商会为其会员,包括工业集团, 中小型企业,银行,保险公司,法律事务所,咨询公司等,创造了许多中意两国经贸往来的机会,同时也促进了中意文化的交流与发展.中国意大利商会旨在帮助意大利企业开拓中国市场,促成中意双方的洽谈以及开展各种信息交流活动.



The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is a free, elective apolitical no-profit association of enterprises.

Since 1991, the year of its foundation, the CICC gives support to its members, including the major and medium size companies, banks, solicitor?s offices, assurances, consulting and entrepreneurial companies in the creations and development of economical and trading relationships between the two cultures and countries, facilitating in this way the access of the Italian business in the Chinese market promoting the establishment liaisons for business agreements and carrying out communication and information activities.

Today CICC gives its disposal to its members through papers and electronic publications, beside it communicates its experience to organize promotional events, seminars, social networking, entrepreneurial missions to assure an efficient communication and a constant professional updating.

The CICC works with the diplomatic institutional Italian authorities, the CCIAA, the Chambers of Commerce of China and the other foreign countries present in China, as well as the Italian and Chinese grade associations.

商会网站 http://www.cameraitacina.com

址址:中国北京市朝阳区东三环中路9号富尔大厦2607室 电话: 0086-10-85910545 传真: 0086-10-85910546 邮箱:info@cameraitacina.com

上海 infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com 广州 infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com 深圳 infoshenzhen@cameraitacina.com



Hookei Display is a designer, manufacturer and exporter of a wide range of display accessories and display solutions.

Our main products are as following: data strip; self adhesive hooks (hang tabs) ; shelf management systems; sign holders; product merchandising(main products are clip strips); hooks (we are the Chinese largest supplier of plastic merchandising hooks); ceiling display systems; etc… more than 700 types for your choice. 电话:021-58996114 13681989435 传真:021-50483243 51062215

地址:上海金桥出口加工区金藏路258号2号楼梯4层A 座 联系人:窦津

网址:www.guagou.net / www.hooks.com.cn / www.hookeidisplay.com



PT. Heimigs Prima Sejahtera was established in 1993, a business organization which specialize in health products from matural.substances. In the beginning, PjT. Heimigs prima Sejahtera was a small traditional medicine manufacturer. As time goes, It develops to become a Traditional Medicine Manufacturer.It was proven with the obtaining of Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturer Certificate (or GMP)issued by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia. Besides ,PT.Helmigs prima sejahtera has also obtained ISO9001:2000 Certificate,HACCP(Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Points)from the National Accreditation Agency in the year2000sa well as the Halal Certificate from Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI)- the Indonesian Muslim Leaders Council. All of these show the commitment of PT.Heimigs Prima Sejahtera to always create and produce quality and useful products for the people,both domestically and internationally. Some of our products have been exported to several countries in Asia ,Middle East and Europe.

地址:广州市流花路120号东方宾馆西座2楼1201--1223室 电话:(86-20)8601-8772;8601-8870 邮箱:kjrigz@public.guangzhou.gd.cn