2010年深圳食博会参展商名单 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2010年深圳食博会参展商名单更新完毕开始阅读3fd348eff8c75fbfc77db2d5

organizations and food industry. The main contents of this website cover food industry information, advanced food science and technology, sci-tech abstract, and introduction of colleges of food science and technology (engineering), are abundant, and up to date. According to statistics, more than 2000 readers have visited simultaneously our website since started. It has become China?s biggest academic communication platform of food science and technology and technicians? online home.

This website aims to provide the most advanced food science and technology information. 地址:北京市大兴区西红门路10号 邮编:100162

电话:010-60256914 传真: 010-60246915

E-mail:cuihong@chnfood.cn 网址:www.chnfood.cn



荞润人遵循“天然绿色,营养健康”的经营理念,在产品开发上力求把产品的营养和消费者的饮食保健相结合,潜心致力于营养密集型健康食品的研发和生产,坚持在生产过程中不加任何添加剂和色素,实践其绿色、健康、营养的发展道路,让消费者得到最健康的呵护。 主要产品有:椰子面条、木瓜面条、香蕉面条、紫芯地瓜面条、南瓜面条等。 系列表现为:婴幼儿系列、儿童系列、成人系列、酒店系列、礼品系列等。 地址:海南省海口市义龙西路17号信宇大厦2号楼六层 邮编:570102

电话:0898-36328558 传真:0898-66713011

E-mail:qiaorun875@sohu.com 网址:www.qiaorunfood.com


广东华耀生物科技有限公司,中国首家欧咪伽健康产业专营机构,卫生部、国家中医药管理局联合授权的“健康家园—亚健康科普防治与健康管理”示范基地,“全民换食橄榄油工程”的积极倡导者,国内经营最高品质橄榄油企业之一。旗下拥有克里特皇贡、阿斯、米诺斯公主、佛奥等高品质橄榄油品牌。公司用橄榄油结合纯天然营养食品配合而成的内调外护全天候养生服务,实现了人们为摆脱亚健康、留驻青春、延年益寿,并从源头预防重大疾病提供最佳食品的梦想。目前公司正在全国构建专业化强势营销体系,与合作伙伴共同分享亚健康防治的兆亿商机,欢迎有志于用养生方法防治亚健康的有识之士洽谈合作事宜。 广州市水荫路115号天溢大厦410室 邮编:510075

电话:020—87048636 传真:020—87048595



深圳市福兴堂机械设备有限公司 Shenzhen Fuxing Tang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. 一、全自动凉茶售卖机

本公司自主研发中国第一台?全自动凉茶售卖机?,全国首创,实用专利:ZL 2008 2 0093699.0 ,为中国凉茶、保健茶、草本植物茶创造一种全新的销售模式,给广大创业者提供多一种投资选择,传统凉茶,现代创新!可选择人流大的场所将机器投放到:商场超市门口、连锁商店、药店、车站、学校、工厂、生活小区、娱乐场所等等,运营模式可以采取商铺门口分租、店铺合作经营、铺机售点、铺点出租等,风险少,是创业的好项目。 二、凉茶原料(原味):


目前已有品种: 感冒茶、利肝茶、下火茶、鼻炎茶、利咽茶、清火排毒茶、金银花露、小儿清火茶、酸梅汤、火锅凉茶、解酒茶、开胃茶。

First, automatic vending machine herbal tea The Company developed China's first 'herbal tea automatic vending machines', the country's first utility patent: ZL 2008 2 0093699.0, for the Chinese herbal tea, health tea, herb tea to create a new sales model, to the majority of entrepreneurs to provide an investment option, the traditional herbal and modern innovation! May choose to place a large flow of people will be running machine to: store in front of shopping malls, chain stores, drug stores, railway stations, schools, factories, residential life, entertainment and so on, operating mode can be taken in front of a sub-shops, cooperative shops, machine shop point of sale, rental shop and other points, the risk of small projects is a good start.

Second, herbal raw materials (original): Concentrated herbal powder (non-herbal tea granules) for the beverage plants, restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, and herbal shops, herbal tea processing, low cost, 1 kilogram = 10 kilograms of herbal powder, 500 cups Machinable (250ML) herbal tea more than can be processed in accordance with the requirements of various herbal raw materials, such as: Wong Lo Kat herbal tea flavors, herbal tea pot, tea, such as an appetizer. At present, varieties: cold tea, benefit the liver tea, tea, under fire, rhinitis tea, tea LiYan, Qinghuo detoxification tea, honeysuckle Lu, children Qinghuo tea, hot herbal tea, anti-inebriation tea, appetizer tea. All raw materials from the 'Church herbal Zhongshan Fuxing Co., Ltd.' processing. 深圳福田区景田莲花西路2071号一楼48号福兴堂 邮政编码:518001 电话:0755-82703566 传真:0755-83537533 E-mail:gp88@163.com 网址:www.cn184.cn 汕头市大川机械有限公司





本企业以诚信、务实为宗旨,以管理严谨、追求卓越为导向,为适应现代化市场对产品的外包装多变的特点,满足客户多方面的要求,提供全方位的服务,同时本企业员工热忱欢迎广大企业界人士、中外来宾光临指导或来电、来函洽谈业务及索取精致的包装样品。 Da Chuan Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing packing machineries and serves as the leader in the packer machinery market in China now. Many elites with high ability gather at the company with us to research, produce and sell various packing machineries.

The company adopts domestic & foreign advanced technique to produce more than 20 kinds of products which are suitable for many well-known foreign electric appliances. The products are sold well in domestic and foreign markets and are fully creditable to the customers. The products can be used in the industry of food, cool drink, washing& chemical, articles of daily use, medicine and agricultural chemicals, etc.

The company sticks to honesty, credit and integrity as a whole, with strict management and the goal of excellence as the guide. It can adapt the changeful packing of the modern market to satisfy the multiple requirements of the customers and provide the complete services. We warmly welcome the merchants, national or foreign guests to come to the company for visit, or do the business through telephone or letter, or ask for the beautiful packing samples. 地址:汕头市护堤路10号 邮编:15041

电话:0754-88109233 传真:88216255

E-mail:liwen@gd-dachuan.com 网址:www.gd-dachuan.com


本公司是一家专营保健食品及护肤于一体的保健公司,具有天然本色,回归自然的特点 。运用大自然的精华,以内养外,提高人的健康。经多年的努力赢得广大用户的信赖。 地址:上海天山西路新泾一村222号201室 电话:021-52175449 传真: 021-52175449


许榕糖心干鲍商贸(北京)有限公司 Kohyong Dried Abalone Trading Company “许榕溏心干鲍”既出,宣告了日本三大家族垄断顶级溏心干鲍生产的局面从此打破!“许榕溏心干鲍”荣获中国饭店协会举办的全国干鲍烹调大赛唯一指定干鲍食材。

亚太著名企业家、食品学家、美食家、海洋学家、鲍鱼专家许榕, 历经近二十年艰苦探索,发现并采用了特定海域出产的优质野生鲍鱼,总结出制作上好溏心干鲍的独到心得和秘诀,成功研创出具有世界一流水准的“许榕溏心干鲍”! 凭着精益求精的研发技术,寻色、香、味、口感要求的一丝不苟,这一呕心沥血的杰作,以其无可挑剔的质量,博得世界各地中餐大师及美食家们的激赏,风行国际餐饮界,而且成功返销日本。

公司地址:北京市丰台区石榴庄西街232号京深海鲜批发市场主楼二层A19-1 邮政编码:100075 电话:010-51229195 传真:010-51229195


网址:www.1stclass.com.au www.dried-abalone.com 深圳市南山区南新食品厂

南新食品厂十多年来一直从事食品的生产与开发,主要经营月饼、面包、西饼。现开发一种在欧美很流行的小吃—玛芬热狗棒,很适合年青人的口味,欢迎各界人士参与加盟经营。 地址:南山区龙珠大道新屋村工业区东座8栋4-6楼 邮编:518055

电话:0755-26788840 传真:0755-26780948

E-mail:168@NANXINSZ.COM 网址: www.nanxinsz.com 深圳市台耀贸易有限公司

深圳市台耀贸易有限公司 Shen Zhen Tai Yao Trade Co.,Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路国际商业大厦北座1812室 邮编:518001

电话:0755-28761970 传真:0755-28761961

本公司以经营台湾及东南亚等国的进口食品为主。 We are trading the food of Tai Wan and Asian Countries.


贵州忆久坊商贸有限责任公司 GUOZHOU YIJIUFANG BUSINESS.,LTD 贵州忆久坊商贸有限责任公司位于贵阳,是一家集酒类产品开发、品牌策划、包装设计、产销为一体的综合性企业。拥有成熟的白酒生产基地和完善的经销体系,与举世闻名的茅台酒同享得天独厚的土壤、水质等自然环境,年产优质曲酒1000余吨。公司主导品牌忆酒坊系列,其红忆酱香、金忆酱香和酱忆酱香初入市场即反响强烈,正在全国热销。

Guizhou Yijiufang business CO.,LTD. is located in Guiyang.It?s a liquor comprehensive enterprise which comprise product development, brand planning, packaging design, production and marketing. It has a mature production base and a perfect distribution system, and it share soil, water and other natural environment with the world-famous Maotai. Its annual output is more than 1,000 tons of high quality Liquor.

贵州省贵阳市云岩区友谊路21号 邮编:550003

电话:0851-5253738 传真:0851-5600215 E-mail:gzyjf@yahoo.cn 网址:www.gzyjf.com.cn 广州市仟壹生物技术有限公司

广州市仟壹生物技术有限公司 Guangzhou Kingwell Biotechnology Company
