2017考研英语长难句课程讲义 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2017考研英语长难句课程讲义更新完毕开始阅读4033ca528bd63186bdebbc8b


13. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors available for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of life.


14. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study human and their endeavors, in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomenon.


15. I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in a Socratic way about moral problems. 动词+A+as+B的用法你还熟悉么?找到AB了么?

16. In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful, which bring togethertelevision, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.


17. Of all the changes that have taken place in the English-language newpapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable (unstoppable) decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. 开头的介词短语连接的定语从句怎么翻好?

18. On the other hand, oil importing emerging economies—to which heavy industry has shifted—have become more energyintensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed. To which的定语从句与主句的逻辑你看懂了么?用上常识了么?



19. It (the report) identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ineffectual and forced medial procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying” as the twin problems of end-of-life care.

Twin Problems指代什么你找到了吗?那些名词需要翻成动词?

20. Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessor might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries. 定语从句在哪儿?